The Doctrine and Covenants (1922 RLDS)/Section 120

Book of Doctrine and Covenants (1922)
by Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph Smith III and Frederick M. Smith
4629462Book of Doctrine and Covenants1922Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph Smith III and Frederick M. Smith


Revelation given April 8, 1890, in answer to fasting and prayer by a joint council of the First Presidency and the Twelve.

Unto my servants, the first presidency and the traveling high council of my church; thus saith the Spirit:

1. The epistle is to be left without approval, or disapproval by the conference, as the judgment of the quorum of the twelve, until further experience shall have tested the matters therein stated. In the meantime, branches and their officers, and districts and their officers are to be considered as provided for by my law to carry on the work of the ministry in caring for the membership of the church, and to relieve the twelve and seventy from the vexation and anxiety of looking after local organizations when effected. When branches and districts are organized, they should be so organized by direction of the conferences, or by the personal presence and direction of the twelve, or some member of that quorum who may be in charge, if practicable; or, if a branch, by the president of the district with the consent, knowledge, and direction of the missionary in charge, when circumstances prevent the missionary in charge being present.

2. A branch may be presided over by a high priest, an elder, priest, teacher, or deacon, chosen and sustained by the vote of the branch. Districts may be presided over by a high priest, or an elder, who shall be received and sustained in his office by the vote of the district. If a branch, or district be large, he who is chosen to preside should be an high priest, if there be one possessed of the spirit of wisdom to administer in the office of president; or if an elder be chosen who may by experience be found qualified to preside, as soon as practicable thereafter he should be ordained an high priest by the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the one ordaining, and by direction of a high council, or general conference, as required in the law.

3. There should be no conflict or jealousy of authority between the quorums of the church; all are necessary and equally honorable, each in its place. The twelve and seventy are traveling ministers and preachers of the gospel, to persuade men to obey the truth; the high priests and elders holding the same priesthood are the standing ministers of the church, having the watchcare of the membership and nurturing and sustaining them, under the direction and instruction of the presidency and the twelve. The seventy when traveling by the voice of the church, or sent by the twelve to minister the word where the twelve can not go, are in the powers of their ministration apostles—those sent—and in meetings where no organization exists should preside, if no member of the twelve or presidency be present.

4. In both branches and districts the presiding officers should be considered and respected in their offices; nevertheless, the traveling presiding councils of the church being made by the law, their calling and the voice of the church the directing, regulating and advising authorities of the church, and representing it abroad, should when present in either district or branch be regarded and considered as the leading representative authorities of the church, and be respected as such, their counsel and advice be sought and respected when given; and in cases of conflict, or extremity, their decision should be listened to and regarded, subject to the appeal and adjudication provided for in the law.

5. He that heareth him that is sent heareth the Lord who sent him, if he be called of God and be sent by the voice of the church.

6. In these matters there is no conflict in the law.

7. In matters of personal importance and conduct arising in branches or districts, the authorities of those branches and districts should be authorized and permitted to settle them; the traveling councils taking cognizance of those only in which the law and usages of the church are involved, and the general interests of the church are concerned. Where cases of difficulty are of long standing, the council may require local authorities to adjust them; and in case of failure to do so, may regulate them as required by their office and duty; and this that the work and church may not be put to shame and the preaching of the word he hindered,

8. That the traveling council of the twelve may be better prepared to act as a quorum, my servant A. H. Smith may be chosen president of the twelve, and any one of the council be chosen to act as its secretary, until the quorum be filled, or other instruction be given.

9. Those who were presented by the high priests for ordination to their number, if approved by the council of the high priests now present, and the conference, may be ordained; and from their number there may he selected by a committee of conference composed of one of the first presidency, the president of the twelve and one other to be chosen by the council of twelve, the president of the high priests and one other to be chosen by that council of their number, a sufficient number to fill the vacancies now existing in the high council, that the high council may be properly organized and prepared to hear matters of grave importance when presented to them. And this committee shall make these selections according to the spirit of wisdom and revelation that shall be given unto them, to provide that such council may be convened at any general conference when emergency may demand, by reason of their residing at or near to places where conferences may be held.

10. The presidents of seventy are intrusted to select from the several quorums of elders such as are qualified and in a condition to take upon them the office of seventy, that they may be ordained unto the filling of the first quorum of seventy. In making these selections, the presidents of seventy should confer with the several quorums before so selecting, and be guided by wisdom and the Spirit of revelation, choosing none but men of good repute.