The Elizabethan Stage/Volume 1/List of Authorities

The Elizabethan Stage
by E.K. Chambers
List of Authorities
3869976The Elizabethan Stage — List of AuthoritiesE.K. Chambers

[General Bibliographical Note. The few books here named are mainly those whose range is sufficiently wide to cover the greater part of my own ground. Others, more limited in their scope, are reserved for mention in the preliminary notes to the chapters upon whose subject-matter they directly bear; and in particular the bibliography of the drama, as distinct from the stage, receives full treatment in Book V. The scanty Restoration notices of the pre-Restoration stage are to be found in R. Flecknoe, A Short Discourse of the English Stage (1664), the anonymous Historia Histrionica (1699) ascribed to James Wright, and J. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus (1708). W. R. Chetwood's General History of the Stage (1749) is of no value, and its honesty is suspect. The first scholar to attempt a systematic history was E. Malone, in his Account of our Ancient Theatres (1790) and Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage (1790), of which a revised version, with much fresh matter, was included by J. Boswell in the Third Variorum Shakespeare (1821). Something was added by G. Chalmers in the Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage which forms part of his Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare-Papers (1797), and in an enlarged shape of his Supplemental Apology (1799). The first edition of J. P. Collier's History of English Dramatic Poetry and Annals of the Stage appeared in 1831. Thereafter Collier made many further contributions to the subject, in the publications of the Shakespeare Society, and in his New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare (1835), New Particulars regarding the Works of Shakespeare (1836), and Farther Particulars regarding Shakespeare and his Works (1839). These abound in forgeries, of which some are analysed in C. M. Ingleby, A Complete View of the Shakspere Controversy (1861), and which have not all been excluded from the current edition of the History (1879). Some new ground was broken by F. G. Fleay, who gave real stimulus to investigation by the series of hasty generalizations and unstable hypotheses contained in his On the Actor Lists, 1578-1642 (R. H. Soc. Trans. ix. 44), On the History of Theatres in London, 1576-1642 (R. H. Soc. Trans. x. 114), Shakespeare Manual (1876, 1878), Introduction to Shakespearian Study (1877), Life and Work of Shakespeare (1886), Chronicle History of the London Stage (1890), and Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama (1891). Little is added to or corrected in Fleay by H. Maas, Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen (1907). Some useful documents were brought together by W. C. Hazlitt, The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes (1869). An interesting account from the French point of view is given of the earlier part of the period by J. J. Jusserand, Le Théâtre en Angleterre depuis la Conquête jusqu'aux prédécesseurs immédiats de Shakespeare (1878, 1881). R. A. Small, The Stage-quarrel between Ben Jonson and the So-called Poetasters (1899), and G. P. Baker, The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist (1907), are also valuable studies. Light is thrown upon stage-history by other specialist books about Shakespeare, particularly J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare (1881, 1890), and S. Lee, Life of William Shakespeare (1898, 1915, 1922). In recent years fresh material has been brought together by various researchers, notably by J. T. Murray in English Dramatic Companies (1910) and by C. W. Wallace in The Children of the Chapel at Blackfriars (1908), The Evolution of the English Drama up to Shakespeare (1912), and in a number of papers in the Nebraska University Studies and elsewhere. The Dulwich documents originally published by J. P. Collier in Memoirs of Edward Alleyn (1841), Alleyn Papers (1843), and Henslowe's Diary (1845) have been more scientifically edited by W. W. Greg in Henslowe's Diary (1904-8) and Henslowe Papers (1907), and the Extracts from Accounts of Revels at Court (1842) by P. Cunningham have been superseded and supplemented by A. Feuillerat, Documents relating to the Office of the Revels in the Time of Queen Elizabeth (1908) and Documents relating to the Revels at Court in the Time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary (1914). The work of gathering together miscellaneous documents and studies passed from The Shakespeare Society's Papers (1844-9) to the Transactions of the New Shakspere Society (1874-92), and is now carried on by the Collections (1907-13) of the Malone Society. A summary of both the older and the recent learning will be found in A. H. Thorndike, Shakespeare's Theater (1916), and a full account of the theatres in J. Q. Adams, Shakespearean Playhouses (1917). Little importance need be attached to H. B. Baker, The London Stage (1889, 1904), or to C. Hastings, The Theatre: its Development in France and England (1901), or to R. F. Sharp, A Short History of the English Stage (1909), or to M. Jonas, Shakespeare and the Stage (1918). But J. Genest, Some Account of the English Stage (1832), is still valuable on the Restoration period, of which a modern account is given in R. W. Lowe, Thomas Betterton (1891), while W. J. Lawrence, The Elizabethan Playhouse (1912, 1913), and A. Thaler, Shakspere to Sheridan (1922), help to trace the connexion with Elizabethan days.—The chief histories of the Elizabethan drama are A. W. Ward, History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne (1875, 1899), J. A. Symonds, Shakspere's Predecessors in the English Drama (1884, 1900), F. E. Schelling, Elizabethan Drama (1908), C. F. T. Brooke, The Tudor Drama (1912). A special aspect is dealt with in F. S. Boas, University Drama in the Tudor Age (1914), and a daughter period in G. H. Nettleton, English Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1914). The drama of modern Europe generally is treated in J. Klein, Geschichte des Dramas (1865-75), and R. Prölss, Geschichte des neueren Dramas (1881-3), both of which are now of less value than the comprehensive Geschichte des neueren Dramas (1893-1916) of W. Creizenach, from which part of the English section has been translated as The English Drama in the Age of Shakespeare (1916). Treatises on contemporary foreign stages are A. d'Ancona, Origini del Teatro italiano (1891), E. Rigal, Le Théâtre français avant la période classique (1901), and H. A. Rennert, The Spanish Stage in the Time of Lope de Vega (1909).—Of general histories of English literature the most important are Hazlitt-Warton, History of English Poetry, from the Twelfth to the close of the Sixteenth Century (1871), H. A. Taine, History of English Literature (1890), H. Morley, English Writers (1887-95), J. J. Jusserand, Histoire littéraire du peuple anglais (1894-1904), G. Körting, Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Litteratur (1910, mainly of bibliographical value), W. J. Courthope, History of English Poetry (1895-1910), and The Cambridge History of English Literature (1907-16), of which vols. v and vi are wholly devoted to the pre-Restoration drama. The social conditions of the period may be best studied in Shakespeare's England (1916). The most valuable bibliographical data are in W. W. Greg, A List of English Plays (1900) and A List of Masques, Pageants, &c. (1902), and in the Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers, edited by E. Arber (1875-94), for 1554-1640, and by G. E. B. Eyre (1913-14) for 1640-1708. The Dictionary of National Biography is a standard work of reference. Of the periodicals in which dissertations on the stage and drama have been published, the most important are, in England, The Modern Language Quarterly (1896-1902) and its successor The Modern Language Review (1905-22), Notes and Queries (1850-1922), and The Library (1889-1922); in America, Modern Philology (1903-22), Modern Language Notes (1886-1922), The Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (1886-1922), The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (1897-1921), and Studies in Philology (1915-22); and in Germany, the Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft (1865-1921), Englische Studien (1877-1922), Anglia (1878-1922), and Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen (1848-1922).

The following list of books is mainly intended to elucidate the references in the foot-notes, and has no claim to bibliographical completeness or accuracy.]

Abstract. Truth Brought to Light and Discovered by Time. 1651. [With Abstract of revenue and expenditure for 1617.]

Adams. A Dictionary of the Drama. By W. D. Adams. Vol. i, A-G, 1904 [all issued].
Adams. Shakespearean Playhouses. By J. Q. Adams. 1917.
Aikin, Eliz. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. By L. Aikin. 2 vols., 1818.
Aikin, James. Memoirs of the Court of James I. By L. Aikin. 2 vols., 1822.
Albrecht. Das englische Kindertheater. Von A. Albrecht. 1883. [Halle dissertation.]
Albright. The Shakespearian Stage. By V. E. Albright. 1909.
Ancona. Origini del Teatro italiano. Per A. d'Ancona. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1891.
Anglia. Zeitschrift für englische Philologie. Vols. i-xlvi. 1878-1922. Beiblatt zu Anglia. Mitteilungen über englische Sprache und Literatur. Vols. i-xxxiii. 1891-1922.
Ankenbrand. Die Figur des Geistes im Drama der englischen Renaissance. Von H. Ankenbrand. 1906.
Anson. The Law and Custom of the Constitution. By W. R. Anson. 4th ed., 2 vols., 1909, 1911.
Arber. Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers, 1554-1640. Edited by E. Arber. 5 vols., 1875-94.
Archiv. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Vols. i-cxliii., 1848-1922. [Known as Herrig's Archiv. In progress.]
Ashmole. The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Garter. By E. Ashmole. 1672.
Aubrey. 'Brief Lives', Chiefly of Contemporaries, set down by John Aubrey. Edited by A. Clark. 2 vols., 1898.
Aydelotte. Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds. By Frank Aydelotte. 1913. [Oxford Historical and Literary Studies.]
Baker. The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist. By G. P. Baker. 1907.
Baker. The London Stage: Its History, 1576-1888. By H. B. Baker. 2 vols., 1889; 2nd ed. 1 vol., 1904.
Baldwin. The King's Council in England during the Middle Ages. By J. F. Baldwin. 1913.
Ballweg. Das klassizistische Drama zur Zeit Shakespeares. Von O. Ballweg. 1910.
Bapst. Essai sur l'Histoire du Théâtre. Par E. Bapst. 1893.

Bates-Godfrey. English Drama. A Working Basis. By K. L. Bates and L. B. Godfrey. 1896. [Wellesley College.]

Batiffol. The Century of the Renaissance. By L. Batiffol. Translated by E. F. Buckley. 1916.

Bayfield. A Study of Shakespeare's Versification. By M. A. Bayfield. 1920.

Beard. The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in its Origin and Development. By C. A. Beard. 1904. [Columbia Univ. Studies.]

Beaumont. L'Ambassade de France en Angleterre sous Henri IV. Mission de Christophe de Harley, Comte de Beaumont (1602-5). Par P. P. Laffleur de Kermaingant. 2 vols., 1895.

Beesly. Queen Elizabeth. By E. S. Beesly. 1892.

Berkeley MSS. Catalogue of the Muniments at Berkeley Castle. By I. H. Jeayes. 1892.

Besant. London in the Time of the Stuarts. By W. Besant. 1903.

Besant. London in the Time of the Tudors. By W. Besant. 1904.

Besant. London South of the Thames. By W. Besant. 1912.

Bibliographica. Bibliographica. 3 vols., 1895-7.

Bibl. Soc. The Bibliographical Society.

Bibl. Trans. Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. 15 vols., 1893-1919. Index to vols. i-x, 1910; to vols. xi-xv, 1919. [Amalgamated from 1920 with The Library (q.v.).]

Biog. Dram. Biographia Dramatica: Memoirs of Dramatic Writers and Actors. To 1764 by D. E. Baker, continued to 1782 by I. Reed, and to 1811 by S. Jones. 3 vols. in 4, 1812.

Birch, Eliz. Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth from the Year 1581 till her Death. By T. Birch. 2 vols., 1754.

Birch, Henry. The Life of Henry Prince of Wales, Eldest Son of King James I. By T. Birch. 1760.

Birch, James. The Court and Times of James the First. Edited [from collections of T. Birch] by the Author of 'Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea'. 2 vols., 1848.

B. L. The Belles-Lettres Series.

Boas. Shakspere and his Predecessors. By F. S. Boas. 1896.

Boas. University Drama in the Tudor Age. By F. S. Boas. 1914.

Bohun. A Full Account of the Character of Queen Elizabeth. By E. Bohun. 1693.

Boissise. L'Ambassade de France en Angleterre sous Henri IV. Mission de Jean de Thumery, Sieur de Boissise (1596-1602). Par P. P. Laffleur de Kermaingant. 2 vols., 1886.

Bolte. Die Singspiele der englischen Komödianten und ihrer Nachfolger in Deutschland, Holland, und Scandinavien. Von J. Bolte. 1893.

Bond, Lyly. The Complete Works of John Lyly. Edited by R. W. Bond. 3 vols., 1902.

Bradley. Shakespearean Tragedy. By A. C. Bradley. 1904.

Bradley. Life of the Lady Arabella Stuart. By E. T. Bradley. 2 vols., 1889.

Braines. Holywell Priory and the Site of the Theatre, Shoreditch. By W. W. Braines. 1915.

Braines. The Site of the Globe Playhouse. By W. W. Braines. 1921.

Brandl. Quellen des weltlichen Dramas in England vor Shakespeare. Von A. Brandl. 1898.

Brewer. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. Arranged and catalogued by J. S. Brewer [and afterwards J. Gairdner and R. H. Brodie]. 21 vols., 1862-1910. [Calendars of State Papers.]

Brodmeier. Die Shakespeare-Bühne nach den alten Bühnen-Anweisungen. Von C. Brodmeier. 1904.

Brooke. The Shakespeare Apocrypha. Edited by C. F. T. Brooke. 1908.

Brooke. The Tudor Drama; a History of English National Drama to the Retirement of Shakespeare. By C. F. T. Brooke. 1912.

Brotanek. Die englischen Maskenspiele. Von R. Brotanek. 1902.

Bruce. Letters of Elizabeth and James VI. By J. Bruce. 1849. [C. S. xlvi.]

Bullen, O. E. P. A Collection of Old English Plays. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 4 vols., 1882-5.

Burgon. Life and Times of Sir T. Gresham. By J. W. Burgon. 2 vols., 1839.

Burn. The High Commission. By J. S. Burn. 1865.

Burn. The Star Chamber. By J. S. Burn. 1870.

Cabala. Cabala, sive Scrinia Sacra: Mysteries of State and Government in Letters of Illustrious Persons and Great Ministers of State. 1654. 3rd ed., 2 Parts, 1691.

Camden. G. Camdeni Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Regnante Elizabetha. 1615-25. Edidit T. Hearnius. 3 vols., 1717. Transl. 3rd ed. 1635.

Camden, James. Gulielmi Camdeni Annales ab Anno 1603 ad Annum 1623 [appended to Camdeni et Illustrium Virorum Epistolae, 1691].

Capell. Notitia Dramatica; or, Tables of Ancient Playes (from their Beginning to the Restoration of Charles the Second) so many as have been printed, with their Several Editions: faithfully compiled and digested in quite new method, by E[dward] C[apell] [1783]. [Part of The School of Shakespeare.]

Carlisle. An Inquiry into the Place and Quality of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Chamber. By N. Carlisle. 1829.

Carey. Memoirs of Robert Cary Earl of Monmouth. Edited by G. H. Powell. 1905.

Castelain. Ben Jonson: l'homme et l'œuvre. Par M. Castelain. 1907.

C. D. I. Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España. Por M. Fernandez de Navarrete. 112 vols., 1842-95.

Cecil. Life of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury. By A. Cecil. 1915.

C. H. The Cambridge History of English Literature. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. 14 vols., 1907-16.

Chalmers. An Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare-Papers. [By G. Chalmers.] 1797. [Includes an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage, reprinted in Variorum iii. 410.]

Chalmers, S. A. A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakspeare-Papers. [By G. Chalmers.] 1799. [Contains an enlarged Account of the English Stage.]

Chamberlain. Letters written by John Chamberlain during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by S. Williams. 1861. [C. S. lxxix.]

Chamberlayne. Angliae Notitiae, or The Present State of England. By J. Chamberlayne. 1669, &c.

Chamberlin. The Private Character of Queen Elizabeth. By F. Chamberlin. 1921.

Chambers. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. New edition by D. Patrick. 3 vols., 1901-3. W. and R. Chambers.

Chambers. A Fifteenth-Century Courtesy Book. Edited by R. W. Chambers. 1914. [E. E. T. S. o. s. cxlviii.]

Chambers. The Mediaeval Stage. By E. K. Chambers. 2 vols., 1903.

Chambers. Notes on the History of the Revels Office under the Tudors. By E. K. Chambers. 1906.

Chapman. Ancient Royal Palaces in and near London. Drawn in Lithography by T. R. Way. With Notes compiled by F. Chapman. 1902.

Charvet. Sébastien Serlio. Par L. Charvet. 1897.

Chase. The English Heroic Play. By L. N. Chase. 1903.

Chaucer Records. Life Records of Chaucer. By F. J. Furnivall and R. E. G. Kirk. 4 Parts, 1875-1900. [Chaucer Soc. ii. 12, 14, 21, 32.]

Chetwood. The British Theatre. Containing the Lives of the English Dramatic Poets; with an Account of all their Plays. By W. R. Chetwood. 1750, 1752.

Chetwood. A General History of the Stage, from its Origin in Greece down to the Present Time, with Memoirs of the Principal Performers. By W. R. Chetwood. 1749.

Cheyney. A History of England, from the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Elizabeth. By E. P. Cheyney. Vol. i, 1914. [In progress.]

Churchill. Richard the Third up to Shakespeare. By G. B. Churchill. 1900.

Clapham-Godfrey. Some Famous Buildings and their Story. By A. W. Clapham and W. H. Godfrey. [1913.]

Clephan. The Tournament. Its Periods and Phases. By R. C. Clephan. 1919.

Clode. The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors. By C. M. Clode. 2 vols., 1888.

Clode. Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors. By C. M. Clode. 1875.

Cohn. Shakespeare in Germany in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By A. Cohn. 1865.

Cokayne. Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. By G. E. C[okayne], 8 vols., 1887-98; 2nd ed. by V. Gibbs, 1910-21. [In progress.]

Collier. The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare: and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. By J. P. Collier. 3 vols., 1831; new ed. [cited], 3 vols., 1879.

Collier, M. A. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. By J. P. Collier. 1841. [Shakespeare Society.]

Collier, A. P. Alleyn Papers: Original Documents illustrative of the Life of Edward Alleyn, and of the Early Stage. By J. P. Collier. 1843. [Shakespeare Society.]

Collier, N. F. New Facts regarding the Life of Shakespeare. By J. P. Collier. 1835.

Collier, N. P. New Particulars regarding the Works of Shakespeare. By J. P. Collier. 1836.

Collier, F. P. Farther Particulars regarding Shakespeare and his Works. By J. P. Collier. 1839.

Collier, Illustr. Illustrations of Old English Literature. By J. P. Collier. 3 vols., 1866.

Columbia Sh. Studies. Shaksperian Studies by the Members of the Department of English and Comparative Literature in Columbia University. Edited by B. Matthews and A. H. Thorndike. 1916.

Courthope. A History of English Poetry. By W. J. Courthope. 6 vols., 1895-1910.

Cowling. Music on the Shakespearian Stage. By G. H. Cowling. 1913.

Crawford. Collectanea. By C. Crawford. 2 Series, 1906-7.

Crawford, E. P. England's Parnassus. Compiled by R[obert] A[llot]. 1600. Edited by C. Crawford. 1913.

Creighton. A History of Epidemics in Britain. By C. Creighton. 2 vols., 1891-4.

Creighton. Queen Elizabeth. By M. Creighton. 1896, 1899, &c.

Creizenach. Schauspiele der englischen Komödianten. Von W. Creizenach. 1889.

Creizenach. Geschichte des neueren Dramas. Von W. Creizenach. Vols, i, 1893 (2nd ed. 1911); ii, 1901; iii, 1903; iv, 1909; v, 1916. [Cited by vol. and page.]

Creizenach. The English Drama in the Age of Shakespeare. Translated from Band iv of Geschichte des neueren Dramas of W. Creizenach. 1916. [Cited by page.]

Cripps-Day. The History of the Tournament in England and in France. By F. H. Cripps-Day. 1918.

C. S. Camden Society, now incorporated with Royal Historical Society.

Cunliffe. The Influence of Seneca in Elizabethan Tragedy. An Essay by J. W. Cunliffe. 1893. [Manchester dissertation.]

Cunningham. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court, in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James. By P. Cunningham. 1842. [Shakespeare Society.]

Cushman. The Devil and the Vice in the English Dramatic Literature before Shakespeare. By L. W. Cushman. 1900.

Dasent. Acts of the Privy Council of England. New Series, by J. R. Dasent. 32 vols., 1890-1907.

Davies. The Baronial Opposition to Edward II. By J. C. Davies. 1918.

Davis. Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum. By H. W. C. Davis. Vol. i, 1913.

Davison. The Life of William Davison. By N. H. Nicolas. 1823.

Dee. The Private Diary of John Dee. By J. O. Halliwell. 1842. [C. S. xix.]

Dekker. The Non-Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 5 vols., 1884-6. [Huth Library.]

Dekker, G. H. B. The Gull's Hornbook. By T. Dekker. Edited by R. B. McKerrow. 1904. [King's Library.]

Devereux. Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, 1540-1646. By W. B. Devereux. 2 vols., 1853.

Dicey. A. V. Dicey. The Privy Council. 1887.

Digges. The Compleat Ambassador. By Sir D. Digges. 1655.

Ditchfield. The England of Shakespeare. By P. H. Ditchfield. 1917.

D. N. B. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by L. Stephen and S. Lee. Re-issue, with Supplement, 22 vols., 1908-9. Second Supplement, Index, and Epitome, 1913.

Dodsley. A Select Collection of Old Plays. 12 vols., 1744. Published by Robert Dodsley (Dodsley^1). Second Edition by I. Reed. 12 vols., 1780 (Dodsley^2). New Edition [by J. P. Collier]. 12 vols., 1825-7 (Dodsley^3). Fourth Edition by W. C. Hazlitt. 15 vols., 1874-6 (Dodsley^4).

Donne. The Life and Letters of John Donne, Dean of St. Paul's. By E. Gosse. 2 vols., 1899.

Downes. Roscius Anglicanus, or, an Historical Review of the Stage, 1660-1706. By J. Downes. 1708; repr. ed. J. Knight, 1886.

Drake. Shakspeare and his Times. By N. Drake. 2 vols., 1817; 2nd ed., 1 vol., 1838.

Dramatic Records. A Collection of Ancient Documents respecting the Office of Master of the Revels. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 1870.

Duff. A Century of the English Book Trade, 1457-1557. By E. G. Duff. 1905. [Bibl. Soc.]

Eckhardt. Die Dialekt- und Ausländertypen des älteren englischen Dramas. Von E. Eckhardt. 1910-11. [Materialien xxvii, xxxii.]

Eckhardt. Die lustige Person im älteren englischen Drama (bis 1642). Von E. Eckhardt. 1902. [Palaestra xvii.]

Edwards. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, together with his Letters. By E. Edwards. 2 vols., 1868.

E. E C. T. Early English Classical Tragedies. Edited by J. W. Cunliffe. 1912.

Eg. P. The Egerton Papers. A Collection of Public and Private Documents. Edited by J. P. Collier. 1840. [C. S. xii.]

E. H. R. The English Historical Review. Vols. i-xxxvii, 1886-1922. [In progress.] Index to vols, i-xx, 1906; to vols. xxi-xxx, 1916.

Einstein. The Italian Renaissance in England. By L. Einstein. 1902.

Ellis. Original Letters Illustrative of English History. Edited by H. Ellis. 1st Series, 3 vols., 1824, 2nd ed. 1825; 2nd Series, 4 vols., 1827; 3rd Series, 4 vols., 1846.

Elson. Shakespeare in Music. By L. C. Elson. 1908.

E. P. I. Early Plays from the Italian. Edited by R. W. Bond. 1911.

E. S. Englische Studien: Organ für englische Philologie. Vols. i-lvi, 1877-1922. [In progress.] General-register to vols. 1-25, 1902. Essays and Studies. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. 8 vols., 1910-22. Evans. English Masques. By H. A. Evans. 1897. Eyre. A Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, 1640-1708. Edited by G. E. B. Eyre. 3 vols., 1913-14. [Roxburghe Club.] Fairholt. The Civic Garland. By F. W. Fairholt. 1845. [Percy Soc. lxi.] Fairholt. Lord Mayors' Pageants. By F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols., 1843-4. [Percy Soc. xxxviii, xliii.] Fanshawe. The Practice of Exchequer Court, With its severall Offices and Officers. By Sir T. Fanshawe. 1658. Farmer. See S. F. T., T. F. T.

Fellowes. English Madrigal Verse. By E. H. Fellowes. 1920.

Ferrari. La Scenografia. Per G. Ferrari. 1902.

Feuillerat, Eliz. Documents relating to the Office of the Revels in the Time of Queen Elizabeth. Edited by A. Feuillerat. 1908. [Materialien xxi.]

Feuillerat, E. and M. Documents relating to the Revels at Court in the Time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary. Edited by A. Feuillerat. 1914. [Materialien xliv.]

Feuillerat, M. P. Le Bureau des Menus-Plaisirs et la Mise en Scène à la Cour d'Élizabeth. Par A. Feuillerat. 1910.

FFOULKES. Armour and Weapons. By C. ffoulkes. 1909.

Finch MSS. Report on the Manuscripts of A. G. Finch, Esq. Vol. i, 1913. [Hist. MSS.]

Finett. Finetti Philoxenis: Some Choice Observations of Sir John Finett, Knight, and Master of the Ceremonies, . . . Touching . . . Foreign Ambassadors in England. 1656.

Fischer. Zur Kunstentwickelung der englischen Tragödie bis zu Shakespeare. Von R. Fischer. 1893.

Fleay, B. C. A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559-1642. By F. G. Fleay. 2 vols., 1891. [Generally cited by author's name, vol., and page only.]

Fleay, C. H. A Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642. By F. G. Fleay. 1890. [Generally cited by author's name and page only.]

Fleay, Manual. Shakespeare Manual. By F. G. Fleay. 1876, new ed. 1878.

Fleay, Shakespeare. A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare. By F. G. Fleay. 1886.

Fleay. On the History of Theatres in London, 1576-1642. By F. G. Fleay. N. D. [Extract from R. Hist. Soc. Trans. x (1882) 114.]

Fleay. Queen Elizabeth, Croydon, and the Drama. By F. G. Fleay. [1898.]

Flechsig. Die Dekorationen der modernen Bühne in Italien. Von E. Flechsig. 1894.

Flecknoe. A Short Discourse of the English Stage. Appended to Love's Kingdom. By R. Flecknoe. 1664. [Reprinted in Hazlitt, E. D. S.]

Fleta. Fleta, seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani. Edidit J. Selden. 1685.

Fortescue. Sir John Fortescue's Governance of England. Edited by C. Plummer. 1885.

Fournel. Les Contemporains de Molière. Par V. Fournel. 2 vols., 1863.

Fowell-Palmer. Censorship in England. By F. Fowell and F. Palmer. 1913.

Freeburg. Disguise Plots in Elizabethan Drama. By V. O. Freeburg. 1915. [Columbia Univ. Studies.]

Froude. A History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Armada. By J. A. Froude. 12 vols., 1856-70; new ed., 12 vols., 1881, &c.

Furnivall. The Babees Book: Manners and Meals in the Olden Time. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 1868. [E. E. T. S. o. s. xxxii.]

Furnivall. Queen Elizabethes Achademy, &c. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 1869. [E. E. T. S. e. s. viii.]

Gaedertz. Zur Kenntnis der altenglischen Bühne. Von K. T. Gaedertz. 1888.

Gardiner. History of England from the Accession of James I to the Outbreak of the Civil War. By S. R. Gardiner. 1863-84, &c.

Gardner. Dukes and Poets at Ferrara; Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. By E. Gardner. 1904.

Gardner. The King of Court Poets; a Study of the Work, Life, and Times of Ludovico Ariosto. 1906.

Gawdy. Letters of Philip Gawdy, 1579-1616. Edited by I. H. Jeayes. 1906. [Roxburghe Club.]

Gayley, R. E. C. Representative English Comedies. Edited by G. M. Gayley. 3 vols., 1903-14.

Gee. The Elizabethan Clergy and the Settlement of Religion, 1558-64. By H. Gee. 1898.

Genest. Some Account of the English Stage, 1660-1830. [By J. Genest.] 10 vols., 1832.

Gildersleeve. Government Regulation of the Elizabethan Drama. By V. C. Gildersleeve. 1908. [Columbia Univ. Studies in English.]

Gildon. The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. [By Charles Gildon.] N. D. [1698], 1699.

G. M. G[odden]. The Stage Censor. An Historical Sketch: 1544-1907. By G. M. G. 1908.

Goedeke. Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung aus den Quellen. Von K. Goedeke. 2te Auflage. 9 vols., 1884-1910.

Gonzalez. Apuntamientos para la historia del rey Felipe II, sus relaciones con la reina Isabel de Inglaterra, 1558-76. Por T. Gonzalez. 1832. [Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia, vii.] See Hall.

Goodman. The Court of King James the First. By G. Goodman: to which are added Letters illustrative of Characters in the Court. Edited by J. S. Brewer. 2 vols., 1839.

Gosse. The Jacobean Poets. By E. Gosse. 1894, 1899.

Gosse. Seventeenth-Century Studies. By E. Gosse. 1883, 1897.

Gosse. A Short History of Modern English Literature. By E. Gosse. 1897; new ed. 1905.

Gosson, P. C. Playes Confuted in Five Actions. By S. Gosson. 1582. [See Hazlitt, E. D. S.]

Gosson, S. A. The Schoole of Abuse. By S. Gosson. 1579. Edited by E. Arber. 1868. [English Reprints.]

Graf. Der Miles Gloriosus im englischen Drama bis zur Zeit des Bürgerkrieges. Von H. Graf. 1891. [Rostock diss.]

Graves. The Court and the London Theatres during the Reign of Elizabeth. By T. S. Graves. 1913.

Green. A Short History of the English People. By J. R. Green. 1874, &c.; revised ed. 1888, &c.; illustrated ed., 4 vols., 1893-4, &c.

Green. A History of the English People. By J. R. Green. 4 vols., 1877-80; 'Eversley' ed., 8 vols., 1895-6.

Green. Elizabeth Electress Palatine and Queen of Bohemia. By M. A. E. Green. Revised by S. C. Lomas. 1909.

Greene. The Life and Complete Works of Robert Greene. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 15 vols., 1881-6. [Huth Library.]

Greg, Pastoral. Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama: A Literary Inquiry, with special Reference to the pre-Restoration Stage in England. By W. W. Greg. 1906.

Greg, Plays. A List of English Plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. By W. W. Greg. 1900. [Bibliographical Society.]

Greg, Masques. A List of Masques, Pageants, &c., Supplementary to a List of English Plays. By W. W. Greg. 1902. [Bibliographical Society.]

Grierson. The First Half of the Seventeenth Century. By H. J. C. Grierson. 1906. [Periods of European Literature.]

Griffiths. Evenings with Shakespeare; with Suggestions for the Study of other Elizabethan Literature. By L. M. Griffiths. 1889.

Gross. A Bibliography of British Municipal History. By C. Gross. 1897. [Harvard Hist. Studies.]

Hall. Society in the Elizabethan Age. By H. Hall. 1886, 1887.

Hall. The Red Book of the Exchequer. Edited by H. Hall. 3 vols., 1896. [Rolls Series.]

Hall. Studies in English Official Historical Documents. By H. Hall. 1908.

Hall. A Formula Book of English Official Historical Documents. Edited by H. Hall. 2 Parts. 1908, 1909.

Hall. Documents from Simancas, relating to the Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-68. Translated from T. Gonzalez by S. Hall. 1865. See Gonzalez.

Halliwell-Phillipps. Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. 9th ed., 2 vols.

Halliwell-Phillipps, Dict. A Dictionary of Old English Plays in Print or Manuscript, including Latin Plays by English Authors. By J. O. Halliwell[-Phillipps]. 1860.

Halliwell-Phillipps, Illustrations. Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare. By J. O. Halliwell[-Phillipps]. Part I. 1874.

Halliwell-Phillipps, W. W. The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom: to which are added Illustrations of Shakespeare and the Early English Drama. Edited by J. O. Halliwell[-Phillipps]. 1846. [Sh. Soc.]

Hannay. The Later Renaissance. By D. Hannay. 1898. [Periods of European Literature.]

Harben. A Dictionary of London. By H. A. Harben. 1918.

Harcourt. His Grace the Steward and the Trial of Peers. By L. W. Vernon Harcourt. 1907.

Hardwicke Papers. Miscellaneous State Papers, 1501-1726. [Edited by P. Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke.] 2 vols., 1778.

Hardy. Arbella Stuart. By B. C. Hardy. 1913.

Hardy. Syllabus, in English, of Rymer's Foedera. By Sir T. D. Hardy. 3 vols., 1869-85. [Calendars of State Papers.]

Harington. Nugae Antiquae: being a Miscellaneous Collection of Original Papers. By Sir John Harington and Others. Selected by Henry Harington. 1769, 1775; 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1779; 3rd ed., by T. Park. 2 vols., 1804.

Harrison. Harrison's Description of England in Shakespeare's Youth: the 2nd and 3rd books of his Description of Britaine. By W. Harrison. 1577. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 4 Parts, 1877-1908. [N. S. S. and Shakespeare Library.]

Harvey. The Works of Gabriel Harvey. Edited by A. B. Grosart. 3 vols., 1884-5. [Huth Library.]

Hastings. The Theatre: its Development in France and England. By C. Hastings. Translated by F. A. Welby. 1901.

Hatfield MSS. Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. Parts i-xiii, 1883-1915. [Hist. MSS. The collection is also known as the Cecil Papers.]

Hatton. Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, including his Correspondence. By N. H. Nicolas. 1847.

Hawarde. Les Reportes del Cases in Camera Stellata, 1593-1609. From the original Manuscript of John Hawarde. Edited by W. P. Baildon. 1894.

Haynes-Murdin. A Collection of State Papers, from Letters and Memorials left by William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Vol. i, by S. Haynes, 1740; vol. ii, by W. Murdin, 1759.

Hazlitt. The Collected Works of William Hazlitt. Edited by A. R. Waller and A. Glover. 13 vols., 1902-6. [Vol. i has Characters of Shakespear's Plays, 1817, and vol. v Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1820.]

Hazlitt, E. D. S. The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664, illustrated by a series of Documents, Treatises, and Poems. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 1869. [Roxburghe Library.]

Hazlitt, Jest-Books. Shakespeare Jest-Books. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols., 1864. Second edition (C. Mery Talys and Merry Tales and Quick Answers only), 1 vol., 1881.

Hazlitt, Manual. A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays. By W. C. Hazlitt. 1892.

Hazlitt, S. L. Shakespeare's Library. Second Edition by W. C. Hazlitt. 6 vols., 1875.

Hazlitt-Warton. History of English Poetry, from the Twelfth to the close of the Sixteenth Century. By T. Warton. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 4 vols., 1871.

Hearne. Liber Niger Scaccarii. Edited by T. Hearne. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1774.

Henderson. James I and VI. By T. F. Henderson. 1904.

Hennessy. Novum Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense. By G. Hennessy. 1898.

Henslowe. Henslowe's Diary, 1591-1609. Edited by J. P. Collier. 1845. [Shakespeare Society.]

Henslowe. Henslowe's Diary. Edited by W. W. Greg. 2 vols., 1904-8. [Cited.]

Henslowe Papers. Henslowe Papers: being Documents supplementary to Henslowe's Diary. Edited by W. W. Greg. 1907.

Hentzner. Pauli Hentzneri J. C. Itinerarium Germaniae, Galliae, Angliae, Italiae. 1612, 1629.

Herbert. The Dramatic Records of Sir Henry Herbert. Edited by J. Q. Adams. 1917. [Cornell Studies in English, iii.]

Herbert. Typographical Antiquities: or an Historical Account of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Begun by J. Ames. Augmented by W. Herbert. 3 vols., 1785-90.

Herford. A Sketch of the History of the English Drama in its Social Aspects. By C. H. Herford. 1881.

Herford. The Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century. By C. H. Herford. 1886.

Herrmann. Forschungen zur deutschen Theatergeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Von M. Herrmann. 1914.

Herz. Englische Schauspieler und englisches Schauspiel zur Zeit Shakespeares in Deutschland. Von E. Herz. 1903. [Theatergeschichtliche Forschungen, xviii.]

Hewitt. Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. By J. Hewitt. 3 vols., 1855-60.

Heywood. An Apology for Actors. By Thomas Heywood. 1612. Reprint, 1841. [Shakespeare Society.]

Hindley. The Old Book Collector's Miscellany. By C. Hindley. 3 vols., 1871-3.

Hist. Hist. Historia Histrionica. An Historical Account of the English Stage; showing the Ancient Uses, Improvement, and Perfection of Dramatic Representations, in this Nation. In a Dialogue of Plays and Players. [By James Wright.] 1699; facs. repr. by Ashbee, 1872. [Text in Dodsley^4, xv. 399, and Lang, Social England, 421 (English Garner).]

Hist. MSS. Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, 1870-1916. [In progress. The earlier Reports on individual collections were mostly issued as Appendices to General Reports; those since about 1899 as separate publications.]

H. O. A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household. 1790. [Soc. of Antiquaries.]

Holinshed. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By R. Holinshed. 1577, 1587; reprint, 6 vols., 1807-8.

Hopkinson. Essays on Shakespeare's Doubtful Plays. By A. F. Hopkinson. 13 parts, 1900.

Hornemann. Das Privy Council von England zur Zeit der Königin Elisabeth. Von C. Hornemann. 1912.

Howard. A Collection of Letters. Edited by L. Howard. 1753; 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1756.

Hulbert. Chaucer's Official Life. By J. R. Hulbert. 1912.

Hume. The Great Lord Burghley. By M. A. S. Hume. 1908.

Ingegneri. Della Poesia rappresentativa e del modo di rappresentare le Favole sceniche. Per A. Ingegneri. 1598.

Ingleby. A complete View of the Shakspere Controversy concerning the Genuineness of the Manuscript Matter published by Collier. By C. M. Ingleby. 1861.

Ingleby, Allusion-Books. Shakspere Allusion-Books. Part I. Edited by C. M. Ingleby. 1874. [N. S. S.]

Innes. England under the Tudors. By A. D. Innes. [1905.]

Jaggard. Shakespeare Bibliography: A Dictionary of every known issue of the writings of our national poet and of recorded opinion thereon in the English Language. By W. Jaggard. 1911.

Jahrbuch. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Vols. i-lvii, 1865-1921. [In progress.]

Jeaffreson. Middlesex County Records. Edited by J. C. Jeaffreson. 4 vols., 1888-92. [Middlesex County Records Society.]

J. G. P. The Journal of Germanic Philology [afterwards The Journal of English and Germanic Philology]. Vols. i-xx, 1897-1921. [In progress.]

Jonas. Shakespeare and the Stage. By M. Jonas. 1918.

Jones. Inigo Jones, a Life; and Five Court Masques. By P. Cunningham and J. P. Collier. 1848. [Sh. Soc.]

Jupp. Historical Account of the Company of Carpenters. By E. B. Jupp. 1848. 2nd ed. by W. W. Pocock. 1887.

Jusserand. Histoire littéraire du peuple anglais. Par J. J. Jusserand. Des origines à la Renaissance. 1894. De la Renaissance à la Guerre Civile. 1904. Translated as Literary History of the English People. 3 vols., 1895-1909.

Jusserand, Th. Le Théâtre en Angleterre depuis la Conquête jusqu'aux prédécesseurs immédiats de Shakespeare. Par J. J. Jusserand. 1878; 2nd ed., 1881.

Kaulfuss-Diesch. Die Inszenierung des deutschen Dramas an der Wende des sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von C. H. Kaulfuss-Diesch. 1905.

Kelly. Royal Progresses and Visits to Leicester. By W. Kelly. 1884.

Kempe. Manuscripts preserved in the Muniment Room at Loseley House. By A. J. Kempe. 1835.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de l'Angleterre sous le règne de Philippe II. Par le Baron J. M. B. C. Kervyn de Lettenhove. 11 vols., 1882-1900. [Commission Royale d'Histoire de Belgique.]

Klein. Geschichte des Dramas. Von J. Klein. 13 vols., 1865-75. Register-Band von T. Ebner, 1886. [Vols. xii, xiii contain 'Das englische Drama'.]

Koeppel. Ben Jonson's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische Dramatiker, und andere Studien zur inneren Geschichte des englischen Dramas. Von E. Koeppel. 1906. [Anglistische Forschungen, xx.]

Koeppel. Studien über Shakespeare's Wirkung auf zeitgenössische Dramatiker. Von E. Koeppel. 1905. [Materialien, ix.]

Koeppel. Studien zur Geschichte der italienischen Novelle in der englischen Litteratur des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von E. Koeppel. 1892. [Q. F. lxx.]

Koeppel. Quellen-Studien zu den Dramen George Chapman's, Philip Massinger's und John Ford's. Von E. Koeppel. 1897. [Q. F. lxxxii.]

Koeppel. Quellen-Studien zu den Dramen Ben Jonson's, John Marston's, und Beaumont's und Fletcher's. Von E. Koeppel. 1895. [Münchener Beiträge, xi.]

Körting. Grundriss der Geschichte der englischen Litteratur von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Von G. Körting. 5th ed., 1910.

La Boderie. Ambassades de Monsieur [A. Le Fèvre] de La Boderie en Angleterre, 1606-11. 5 vols., 1750.

Lacroix. Ballets et Mascarades de Cour de Henri III à Louis XIV. Par P. Lacroix. 6 vols., 1868-70.

Lafontaine. The King's Musick. By H. C. De Lafontaine. 1909.

Lamb. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare. By Charles Lamb. 1808. Edition by I. Gollancz. 2 vols., 1893.

La Mothe. Correspondance diplomatique de Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon. Edited by C. P. Cooper. 7 vols., 1838-75.

Lancaster. Le Mémoire de Mahelot, Laurent, et d'autres décorateurs de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne. By H. C. Lancaster. 1920.

Lang. History of English Literature from 'Beowulf' to Swinburne. By A. Lang. 1912.

Langbaine. Momus Triumphans: or, the Plagiaries of the English Stage; Expos'd in a Catalogue of all the Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, Masques, Tragedies, Opera's, Pastorals, Interludes, &c., both Ancient and Modern, that were ever yet Printed in English. By Gerard Langbaine. 1688.

Langbaine. An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. Or, Some Observations and Remarks on the Lives and Writings, of all those that have Publish'd either Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Opera's in the English Tongue. By Gerard Langbaine. 1691.

Lang. et Litt. Histoire de la Langue et de la Littérature françaises, des origines à 1900. Publiée sous la direction de L. Petit de Julleville. 8 vols., 1896-1900.

Larson. The King's Household in England before the Norman Conquest. By L. M. Larson. 1904.

Law. Shakespeare as a Groom of the Chamber. By E. Law. 1910.

Law. Some Supposed Shakespeare Forgeries. By E. Law. 1911.

Law. More about Shakespeare 'Forgeries'. By E. Law. 1913.

Lawrence. The Elizabethan Playhouse and other Studies. By W. J. Lawrence. 1st and 2nd Series, 1912, 1913.

Lee. A Life of William Shakespeare. By S. Lee. 1898; new ed. 1915, 1922.

Lee. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage: with other Essays. By S. Lee. 1906.

Lee. The French Renaissance in England. By S. Lee. 1910.

Leonard. Early History of English Poor Relief. By E. M. Leonard. 1900.

Library. The Library: a Quarterly Review of Bibliography and Library Lore. 1st Series, 10 vols., 1889-98; 2nd Series, 10 vols., 1900-9; 3rd Series, 10 vols., 1910-19; 4th Series, vols. i-iii, 1920-22. [In progress. See Bibl. Trans.]

Lintilhac. Histoire générale du Théâtre en France. Par E. Lintilhac. 4 vols., 1904-9. [In progress.]

Lodge. Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. By E. Lodge. 3 vols., 1791; 2nd [3rd] ed., 3 vols., 1838.

Loftie. History of London. By W. J. Loftie. 2 vols., 1883.

Loseley MSS. Report on the Manuscripts of W. M. Molyneux, Esq., at Loseley. 1879. [Hist. MSS. Appendix to 7th Report.]

Lowe, Bibl. A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature. By R. W. Lowe. 1888.

Lowe. Thomas Betterton. By R. W. Lowe. 1891.

Lowell. The Old English Dramatists. By J. R. Lowell. 1892.

L. T. R. The London Topographical Record. 11 vols., 1901-17 (in progress). [London Topographical Society.]

Lysons. The Environs of London. By D. Lysons. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1811.

T. M. The Blacke Booke. 1604. [The Epistle is signed T. M. Reprint in Bullen's Middleton, viii.]

Maas. Die Kindertruppen: ein Kapitel aus der Geschichte der englischen Theatergesellschaften, 1559-1642. Von H. Maas. 1901. [Göttingen dissertation.]

Maas. Äussere Geschichte der englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642. Von H. Maas. 1907. [Materialien, xix.]

Machyn. The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1848. [C. S. xlii.]

Madden. The Diary of Master William Silence: A Study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan Sport. By D. H. Madden. 1897; 2nd ed. 1907.

Madox. The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer. By T. Madox. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1769.

Mahelot. La Mise en scène à Paris au XVII^e siècle: Mémoire de L. Mahelot et M. Laurent. Par E. Dacier. 1901. [Mémoires de la Soc. de l'Hist. de Paris, xxviii.]

Malone. Account of our Ancient Theatres. By E. Malone. 1790.

Malone. Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English

Stage. 1790. [Also issued with Malone's Shakespeare (1790), i. 2, and enlarged in Variorum (1821), iii.]

Manly. Specimens of the Pre-Shakespearean Drama. Edited by J. M. Manly. 2 vols., 1897. [In progress.]

Manningham. Diary of John Manningham, 1602-3. Edited by J. Bruce. 1868. [C. S. xcix.]

Mantzius. History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times. By K. Mantzius. Translated by L. v. Cossel. 5 vols., 1903-9.

Marsan. La Pastorale dramatique en France à la fin du XVI^e et au commencement du XVII^e siècle. Par J. Marsan. 1905.

Marsh. Records of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters. By B. Marsh. 4 vols., 1913-16.

Martin. The Site of the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare. By W. Martin. 1910. [Extract from Surrey Archaeological Collections.]

Martin's. The Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Martin's in the Fields. By J. V. Kitto. 1901.

Materialien. Materialien zur Kunde des älteren englischen Dramas. Begründet und herausgegeben von W. Bang. Louvain. 43 vols., 1902-14.

Matthew. The Life of Sir Tobie Matthew. By A. H. Mathew and A. Calthrop. 1907.

Matthews. The Development of the Drama. By B. Matthews. 1904.

McConaughty. The School Drama, including Palgrave's Introduction to Acolastus. By J. L. McConaughty. 1913.

McKerrow. Notes on Bibliographical Evidence for Literary Students. By R. B. McKerrow. 1914. [Extract from Bibl. Soc. Trans. xii.]

McKerrow, Devices. Printers' and Publishers' Devices, 1455-1640. By R. B. McKerrow. 1913. [Bibl. Soc.]

McKerrow, Dict. A Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers, 1557-1640. By R. B. McKerrow and others. 1910. [Bibl. Soc.]

Mediaeval Stage. See Chambers.

Melville. Memoirs of his own Life (1549-93). By Sir James Melville. Edited by T. Thomson. 1827. [Bannatyne Club.]

M. E. D. The Masterpieces of the English Drama Series.

Meissner. Die englischen Comoedianten zur Zeit Shakespeares in Oesterreich. Von J. Meissner. 1884.

Mentzel. Geschichte der Schauspielkunst in Frankfurt am Main. Von E. Mentzel. 1882.

Meres. Palladis Tamia: Wit's Treasury. By Francis Meres. 1598. [See Ingleby, Allusion-Books.]

Mermaid Series. The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists. 22 vols., 1887-95.

Meyer. Machiavelli and the Elizabethan Drama. By E. Meyer. 1897.

Middleton MSS. Report on the Manuscripts of Lord Middleton at Wollaton Hall. 1911. [Hist. MSS.]

Minto. Characteristics of English Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley. By W. Minto. 1874; 2nd ed., 1885.

Mitton. Maps of Old London. By G. E. Mitton. 1908.

M. L. A. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. Vols. i-xxxvii, 1886-1922. [In progress.]

M. L. N. Modern Language Notes. Vols. i-xxxvii, 1886-1922. [In progress.]

M. L. Q. The Modern Language Quarterly. 6 vols., 1896-1902.

M. L. R. The Modern Language Review. Vols, i-xvii, 1905-22. [In progress.]

Monkemeyer. Prolegomena zu einer Darstellung der englischen Volksbühne. Von P. Monkemeyer. 1905.

Montague. History of England, 1603-60. By F. C. Montague. 1907.

Morley. English Writers. By H. Morley. New ed., 11 vols., 1887-95.

M. P. Modern Philology: a Quarterly Journal devoted to Research in Modern Languages and Literatures. Vols. i-xix, 1903-22. [In progress.]

M. S. C. Collections. Vol. i, 1907-11; vol. ii, pt. 1, 1913. [Malone Society. In progress.]

M. S. R. The Malone Society Reprints. 46 vols., 1907-21. [In progress.]

Munday. A Second and Third Blast of Retrait from Plaies and Theaters. Set forth by Anglophile Eutheo [A. Munday?]. 1580. [See Hazlitt, E. D. S.]

Murray. English Dramatic Companies, 1558-1642. By J. T. Murray. 2 vols., 1910.

Mus. Ant. The Musical Antiquary. 4 vols., 1909-13.

Nagel. Annalen der englischen Hofmusik. Von W. Nagel. 1894.

Nares. Memoirs of the Life and Administration of the Right Honourable William Cecil, Lord Burghley. By E. Nares. 3 vols., 1828-31.

Nashe. The Works of Thomas Nashe. Edited by R. B. McKerrow. 5 vols. 1904-10.

Naunton. Fragmenta Regalia. Memoirs of Elizabeth, Her Court and Favourites. By Sir R. Naunton. 1641; 2nd ed. 1653; ed. E. Arber, 1870.

Naylor. Shakespeare and Music. By E. W. Naylor. 1896.

Neilson, C. E. D. The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists, excluding Shakespeare. Edited by W. A. Neilson. 1911.

Neri. La Tragedia italiana del Cinquecento. Per F. Neri. 1904.

Nettleton. English Drama of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century. By G. H. Nettleton. 1914.

Neubner. Missachtete Shakespeare-Dramen. Von A. Neubner. 1907.

Neuendorff. Die englische Volksbühne im Zeitalter Shakespeares nach den Bühnenanweisungen. Von B. Neuendorff. 1910.

Nicholl. Some Account of the Company of Ironmongers. By J. Nicholl. 1851; 2nd ed. 1866.

Nicholls. History of the English Poor Law. By G. Nicholls. 2 vols., 1854; new ed. 1898.

Nichols, Eliz. The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. By J. Nichols. 3 vols., 1788-1807; 2nd ed. [usually cited], 3 vols., 1823.

Nichols, James. The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of King James the First. By J. Nichols. 4 vols., 1828.

Nichols, Illustr. Illustrations of the Manners and Expences of Antient Times in England. [By J. Nichols.] 1797.

Nichols, Pag. London Pageants. [By J. G. Nichols.] 1837.

Nicolas. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386-1542. By H. Nicolas. 7 vols., 1834-7.

Norden, Essex. Speculi Britanniae Pars. Description of Essex. By J. Norden. Edited by H. Ellis. 1840. [C. S. ix.]

Norden, Herts. Speculi Britanniae Pars. Description of Hertfordshire. By J. Norden. 1598. [Reprint with Preparative. 1723.]

Norden, Middlesex. Speculum Britanniae, the First Parte. Description of Middlesex. By J. Norden. 1593. [Reprint with Preparative to Speculum Britanniae. 1723.]

Northbrooke. A Treatise wherein Dicing, Dauncing, Vaine Playes, or Enterludes, are Reproved. By J. Northbrooke. Edited by J. P. Collier. 1843. [Shakespeare Society.]

N. Q. Notes and Queries: a Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men and General Readers. 12 Series, 1850-1922. [In progress.]

N. S. S. New Shakspere Society.

N. S. S. Trans. Transactions of the New Shakspere Society, 1874, 1875-6, 1877-9, 1880-6, 1887-92.

N. U. S. Nebraska University Studies. Vols. i-xiii, [1888]-1913.

Ogilby. Britannia: An Illustration of England and Wales by a Geographical and Historical Description of the Principal Roads thereof. By J. Ogilby. 1675, &c.

Ordish. Early London Theatres. By T. F. Ordish. 1894.

Ordish. Shakespeare's London. By T. F. Ordish. 1897; 2nd ed. 1904.

Ott. Die italienische Novelle im englischen Drama von 1600 bis zur Restauration. Von A. Ott. 1904.

Oulton. History of the Theatre. By C. W. Oulton. 1796; 2nd ed. 1817.

Parker. Correspondence of Matthew Parker. Edited by J. Bruce and T. T. Perowne. 1853. [Parker Soc. xlix.]

P. C. See Nicolas and Dasent.

P. C. Wales. A Calendar of the Register of the Queen's Majesty's Council in the Dominion and Principality of Wales and the Marches of the Same, 1569-91. By R. Flenley. 1916. [Cymmrodorion Soc.]

Peck. Desiderata Curiosa; or, A Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious Pieces relating chiefly to Matters of English History. By F. Peck. 2 vols., 1732, 1735; 2nd ed., 2 vols., 1779.

Pegge. Curialia: or an Historical Account of the Royal Household. By S. Pegge. 2 vols., 1791-1806.

Pegge. Curialia miscellanea. By S. Pegge. Edited by J. Nichols. 1818.

Pepys MSS. Report on the Pepys Manuscripts at Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1911. [Hist. MSS.]

Percy. The Privy Council under the Tudors. By E. Percy. 1907.

Philip II. Correspondencia de Felipe II con sus embajadores en Inglaterra, 1558-84. 5 vols. [Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España, lxxxvii, lxxxix-xcii.]

Phillips. Theatrum Poetarum, or a Compleat Collection of the Poets, especially the most Eminent of all Ages. By Edward Phillips. 1675.

Plomer. A Short History of English Printing. By H. R. Plomer. 1900.

Plomer, Dict. A Dictionary of Booksellers and Printers, 1641-67. By H. R. Plomer. 1907. [Bibl. Soc.]

Plummer. Elizabethan Oxford: Reprints of Rare Tracts. By C. Plummer. 1887. [Oxford Hist. Soc. viii.]

Poel. Shakespeare in the Theatre. By W. Poel. 1915.

Poel. Some Notes on Shakespeare's Stage and Plays. By W. Poel. 1916. [Extract from Bulletin of the John Rylands Library.]

Pollard. History of England, 1547-1603. By A. F. Pollard. 1910.

Pollard, F. and Q. Shakespeare Folios and Quartos: a Study in the Bibliography of Shakespeare's Plays, 1594-1685. By A. W. Pollard. 1909.

Pollard, Sh. F. Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates and the Problems of the Transmission of his Text. By A. W. Pollard. 1917 (cited), 1920.

Procl. Bibliography of Royal Proclamations, 1485-1714; with Historical Essay by R. Steele. 2 vols., 1910-11. [Bibliotheca Lindesiana, v, vi.]

Prölss. Geschichte des neueren Dramas. Von R. Prölss. 3 vols., 1881-3.

Prölss. Von den ältesten Drucken der Dramen Shakespeares. Von R. Prölss. 1905.

Prunières. Le Ballet de Cour en France avant Benserade et Lully. Par H. Prunières. 1914.

Q. F. Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker. Herausgegeben von B. ten Brink, E. Martin, E. Schmidt. [Separate monographs.]

Rait. Royal Palaces of England. Edited by R. S. Rait. 1911.

Rasi. I Comici italiani; Biografia, Bibliografia, Iconografia. Per L. Rasi. 2 vols., 1897-1905.

R. d'H. L. Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France. Publiée par la Société d'Histoire Littéraire de la France. 29 vols., 1894-1922. [In progress.]

Remembrancia. Analytical Index to the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia, preserved among the Archives of the City of London, 1579-1664. 1878.

Rendle. Old Southwark and its People. By W. Rendle. 1878.

Rendle, Bankside. The Bankside, Southwark, and the Globe. By W. Rendle. 1877. [Part ii, App. i, of Harrison (q.v.).]

Rendle-Norman. The Inns of Old Southwark. By W. Rendle and P. Norman. 1888.

Rennert. The Spanish Stage in the Time of Lope de Vega. By H. A. Rennert. 1909.

Reyher. Les Masques anglais. Par P. Reyher. 1909.

Reynolds. Some Principles of Elizabethan Staging. By G. F. Reynolds. 1905. [Extract from Modern Philology, v.]

Rhodes. The Stagery of Shakespeare. By R. C. Rhodes. 1922.

R. H. S. Trans. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Four Series, 1873-1922. [In progress.]

Ribton-Turner. History of Vagrants and Vagrancy. By C. J. Ribton-Turner. 1887.

Richardson. The Lover of Queen Elizabeth. Being the Life and Character of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1533-88. By Mrs. Aubrey Richardson. [1907.]

Rigal. Le Théâtre français avant la période classique. Par E. Rigal. 1901.

Rimbault. The Old Cheque Book of the Chapel Royal. By E. F. Rimbault. 1872. [C. S. n. s. iii.]

Ristine. English Tragi-comedy: its Origin and History. By F. H. Ristine. 1910.

Robertson. Did Shakespeare write Titus Andronicus? By J. M. Robertson. 1905.

Robertson. Shakespeare and Chapman. By J. M. Robertson. 1917.

Robertson. The Shakespeare Canon. By J. M. Robertson. 1922.

Rothschild. Shakespeare and his Day. A Study of the Topical Element in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan Drama. By J. A. de Rothschild. 1906.

Round. The King's Serjeants and Officers of State. By J. H. Round. 1911.

Rutland MSS. The Manuscripts of the Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle. 4 vols., 1888-1905. [Hist. MSS. Vols. i-iii are appendices to the 12th and 14th Reports; vol. iv was issued separately.]

Rye. England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James the First. By W. B. Rye. 1865.

Rymer. Foedera, conventiones, litterae, et cujuscumque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates. By T. Rymer. 20 vols., 1704-35.

Sabbatini. Pratica di fabricar scene e macchine ne' teatri. Per N. Sabbatini. 1638.

Saintsbury. History of Elizabethan Literature. By G. Saintsbury. 1887, 1890.

Saintsbury. Short History of English Literature. By G. Saintsbury. 1900, 1903.

Saintsbury. A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe. By G. Saintsbury. 3 vols., 1900-4.

Saintsbury. The Earlier Renaissance. By G. Saintsbury. 1901. [Periods of European Literature.]

Sadler Papers. State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler. Edited by A. Clifford. 3 vols., 1809.

S. C. The Shakespeare Classics Series.

Scargill-Bird. Guide to Various Classes of Documents in the Public Record Office. By S. R. Scargill-Bird. 3rd ed., 1908. [Calendars of State Papers.]

Schelling. The English Chronicle Play: a Study in the Popular Historical Literature Environing Shakespeare. By F. E. Schelling. 1902.

Schelling. Elizabethan Drama, 1558-1642. By F. E. Schelling. 2 vols., 1908.

Schelling. English Literature during the Lifetime of Shakespeare. By F. E. Schelling. 1910.

Schelling. English Drama. By F. E. Schelling. 1914. [Channels of English Literature.]

Schücking. Studien über die stofflichen Beziehungen der englischen Komödie zur italienischen bis Lilly. Von L. L. Schücking. 1901.

Schwab. Das Schauspiel im Schauspiel zur Zeit Shakespeare's. Von H. Schwab. 1896.

Scofield. The Court of Star Chamber. By C. Scofield. 1900. [Chicago dissertation.]

Scott. Elizabethan Translations from the Italian. By M. A. Scott. 1916.

Sc. P. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603, in the Public Record Office, British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Edited by J. Bain [and later W. K. Boyd]. 9 vols., 1898-1915. [In progress.]

Seccombe-Allen. The Age of Shakespeare. By T. Seccombe and J. W. Allen. 2 vols., 1903.

Secret History. Secret History of the Court of James the First. [Edited by Sir W. Scott.] 2 vols., 1811.

Segar. Honor Military and Civill. By W. Segar. 1602.

Seifert. Wit- und Science-Moralitäten. Von J. Seifert. 1892.

Serlio. Il Primo [-Quinto] Libro d'Architettura. Per Sebastiano Serlio. Venice. 1551.

S. F. T. Old English Plays, Student's Facsimile Edition. Edited by J. S. Farmer. 1909-14.

Sharp. A Short History of the English Stage. By R. F. Sharp. 1909.

Shaw. An Index to the Shakespeare Memorial Library. By A. C. Shaw. 3 Parts, 1900-3. [Birmingham Free Libraries.]

Shaw. The Knights of England. By W. A. Shaw. 2 vols., 1906.

Sheavyn. The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age. By P. Sheavyn. 1909. [Manchester Univ. Publ.]

Sh. Eng. Shakespeare's England. An Account of the Life and Manners of his Age. [By various Writers.] 2 vols., 1916.

Sh. Homage. A Book of Homage to Shakespeare. Edited by I. Gollancz, 1916.

Sheppard. The Old Royal Palace of Whitehall. By E. Sheppard. 1902.

Sh. Q. Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles. Issued under the Superintendence of F. J. Furnivall. 43 vols., [1885]-91.

Sh. Soc. The Shakespeare Society. 1841-53.

Sh. Soc. P. The Shakespeare Society's Papers. 4 vols., 1844, 1845, 1847, 1849.

Simpson. Shakespearian Punctuation. By P. Simpson. 1911.

Simpson. The School of Shakespeare. Edited by R. Simpson. 2 vols., 1878.

Singer. Das bürgerliche Trauerspiel in England. Von H. W. Singer. 1891. [Leipzig diss.]

Sirigatti. La pratica di prospettiva. Per L. Sirigatti. 1596.

Small. The Stage-Quarrel between Ben Jonson and the So-called Poetasters. By R. A. Small. 1899.

Smith, Gregory. Elizabethan Critical Essays. Edited by G. Gregory Smith. 2 vols., 1904.

Smith. Antiquities of Westminster. By J. T. Smith. 1807.

Smith. Froissart and the English Chronicle Play. By R. M. Smith. 1915.

Smith. The Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith. By J. Strype. 1698; 2nd ed. 1820.

Smith. The Commedia dell' Arte; a Study in Italian Popular Comedy. By W. Smith. 1912. [Columbia Univ. Studies in English.]

Smyth, Berkeleys. The Lives of the Berkeleys, 1066-1618. 2 vols. Description of the Hundred of Berkeley. 1 vol. By John Smyth of Nibley. Edited by J. Maclean. 1883-6. [Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society.]

Soergel. Die englischen Maskenspiele. Von A. Soergel. 1882.

S. P. Studies in Philology. Vols. xii-xix, 1915-22. [University of North Carolina. In progress.]

S. P. D. Calendar of State Papers: Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. Edited by R. Lemon [and later, M. A. E. Green]. 12 vols., 1856-72.

Spedding. The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon, including all his Occasional Works. By J. Spedding. 7 vols., 1861-74. [Vols. viii-xiv of Works.]

S. P. F. Calendar of State Papers: Foreign Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth. Edited by J. Stevenson [and later, A. J. Crosby, A. J. Butler, and S. C. Lomas]. 18 vols., 1863-1914. [In progress.]

Spingarn. A History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance. By J. E. Spingarn. 1899.

Spingarn. Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century. Edited by J. E. Spingarn. 2 vols., 1908.

Sp. P. Calendar of Letters and State Papers, relating to English Affairs, principally in the Archives of Simancas. Edited by M. A. S. Hume. 4 vols., 1892-99.

S. R. Stationers' Register. See Arber; Eyre.

Stählin. Sir Francis Walsingham und seine Zeit. Von C. Stählin. Vol. i only published, 1908.

Statutes. Statutes of the Realm, 1101-1713. 9 vols., 1810-22. [Record Commission.]

Stephenson. Shakespeare's London. By H. T. Stephenson. 1905.

Stephenson. The Elizabethan People. By H. T. Stephenson. 1910.

Stiefel. Die Nachahmung spanischer Komödien in England unter den ersten Stuarts. Von A. L. Stiefel. 1890. [Romanische Forschungen, v.]

Stiffkey MSS. The Official Papers of Sir Nathaniel Bacon. By H. W. Saunders. 1915. [3 C. S. xxvi.]

Stoll. John Webster. The Periods of his Work as determined by his Relations to the Drama of his Day. By E. E. Stoll. 1905.

Stopes. Burbage and Shakespeare's Stage. By C. C. Stopes. 1913.

Stopes. Shakespeare's Environment. By C. C. Stopes. 1914.

Stopes. The Life of Henry, Third Earl of Southampton. By C. C. Stopes. 1922.

Stopes, Hunnis. William Hunnis and the Revels of the Chapel Royal. By C. C. Stopes. 1910. [Materialien, xxix.]

Stowe. Annales, or, A General Chronicle of England. Begun by J. Stow. Continued and Augmented unto 1631 by E. Howes. 1580, 1592, 1605, 1615 (usually cited), 1631.

Stowe, Survey. A Survey of London. By John Stow, 1598, &c. Edited by C. L. Kingsford. 2 vols., 1908.

Strickland. The Life of Queen Elizabeth. By A. Strickland. 1906. [Everyman's Library, reprint from Lives of the Queens of England, 1840-8.]

Stubbes. The Anatomie of Abuses. By Phillip Stubbes. 1583. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 2 Parts, 1877-82. [N. S. S.]

Stubbs. The Constitutional History of England in its Origin and Development. By W. Stubbs. 3 vols., 1866, &c., 1880, 1903-6.

Sullivan. Court Masques of James I. By M. Sullivan. 1913.

Sully. Mémoires de Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de Sully. 2 vols., 1850. [J. F. Michaud et J. J. F. Poujoulat, Nouvelle Collection des Mémoires, ii. 2, 3.] Translation by C. Lennox. 4 vols., 1877-92.

Swinburne. The Age of Shakespeare. By A. C. Swinburne. 1908.

Sykes. Sidelights on Shakespeare. By H. D. Sykes. 1919.

Symmes. Les Débuts de la critique dramatique en Angleterre jusqu'à la mort de Shakespeare. Par H. S. Symmes. 1903.

Symonds. Shakspere's Predecessors in the English Drama. By J. A. Symonds. 1884; 2nd ed. 1900.

Sy. P. Letters and Memorials of State. Written and Collected by Sir Henry Sydney, Sir Philip Sydney, Sir Robert Sydney, &c. By A. Collins. 2 vols., 1746.

Taine. History of English Literature. By H. A. Taine. Translated by H. Van Laun. New ed., 4 vols., 1890.

Taylor, John. All the Workes of John Taylor (1630). 1 vol. The Works not included in the Folio of 1630. 5 vols., 1869-78. [Spenser Soc.]

T. D. The Temple Dramatists. 1896-1905.

T. F. T. The Tudor Facsimile Texts. Edited by J. S. Farmer. 184 vols. [?], 1907-13.

Thaler. Shakspere to Sheridan. By A. Thaler. 1922.

Thomas. Notes of Materials for the History of Public Departments. By F. S. Thomas. 1846.

Thomas. The Ancient Exchequer of England. By F. S. Thomas. 1848.

Thompson. Shakespeare's Handwriting. By Sir E. M. Thompson. 1916.

Thompson. The Controversy between the Puritans and the Stage. By E. N. S. Thompson. 1903. [Yale Studies in English, xx.]

Thompson. The English Moral Plays. By E. N. S. Thompson. 1910. [Extract from Trans. of Connecticut Academy, xiv.]

Thoms. The Book of Court. By J. Thoms. 1838.

Thornbury. Shakspere's England. By G. W. Thornbury. 2 vols., 1856.

Thorndike. The Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Shakespeare. By A. H. Thorndike. 1901.

Thorndike. Shakespeare's Theater. By A. H. Thorndike. 1916.

Tittmann. Die Schauspiele der englischen Komödianten in Deutschland. Von J. Tittmann. 1880.

T. L. S. The Times Literary Supplement. 1902-23. [In progress.]

Tolman. The Views about Hamlet, and other Essays. By A. H. Tolman. 1904.

Tout. The Place of the Reign of Edward II in English History. By T. F. Tout. 1914.

Tout. Chapters on the Administrative History of Mediaeval England. By T. F. Tout. Vols. i and ii, 1920. [In progress.]

Traill. Social England. Edited by H. D. Traill. 6 vols., 1893-7, &c.; illustrated ed. by H. D. Traill and J. S. Mann. 6 vols., 1901-4.

Trevelyan. England under the Stuarts. By G. M. Trevelyan. [1904.]

Trotter. Seventeenth-Century Life in the Country Parish, with special Reference to Local Government. By E. Trotter. 1919.

Tudor Revels. See Chambers.

Underhill. Spanish Literature in the England of the Tudors. By J. G. Underhill. 1899.

Van Dam-Stoffel. William Shakespeare, Prosody and Text. By B. A. P. van Dam and C. Stoffel. [1900.]

Van Dam-Stoffel. Chapters on English Printing, Prosody, and Pronunciation, 1559-1700. By B. A. P. van Dam and C. Stoffel. 1902.

Variorum. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. With a Life of the Poet and an Enlarged History of the Stage. By the late E. Malone. Edited by J. Boswell. 21 vols., 1821. [Vol. iii also contains Chalmers's Account of the English Stage.]

Various MSS. Reports on Manuscripts in various Collections. Vols. i-viii, 1901-14. [Hist. MSS.]

Velasco. Viaje de Juan Fernandez de Velasco á Inglaterra para tratar de las paces, 1603. [Colección de documentas inéditos para la historia de España, lxxi.]

V. H. The Victoria History of the Counties of England. Edited by W. Page and others. 1900-14. (In progress.) [Published separately for each county, including London.]

Von Raumer. History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, illustrated by Original Documents. By F. von Raumer. 2 vols., 1835.

V. P. Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice and in other Libraries of North Italy. Edited by R. Brown [and later, G. C. Bentinck, H. F. Brown, and A. B. Hinds.] 23 vols., 1864-1921. [In progress.]

Wallace. The Evolution of the English Drama up to Shakespeare, with a History of the First Blackfriars Theatre. 1912. [Cited as Wallace, i.]

Wallace. The Children of the Chapel at Blackfriars. By C. W. Wallace. 1908. [Cited as Wallace, ii.]

Wallace. Advance Sheets from Shakespeare, the Globe, and Blackfriars. By C. W. Wallace. 1909. [Privately printed.]

Wallace. Globe Theatre Apparel. By C. W. Wallace. 1909. [Privately printed.]

Walsingham. The Journal of Sir Francis Walsingham, 1570-83. By C. T. Martin. 1870. [Camden Miscellany, vi.]

Ward. History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. By A. W. Ward. 2 vols., 1875; 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1899.

Warner-Bickley. Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Muniments at Dulwich. [Vol. i.] By G. F. Warner. 1881. Vol. ii. By F. B. Bickley. 1903.

Wegener. Die Bühneneinrichtung des Shakespeareschen Theaters. Von R. Wegener. 1907.

Wheatley-Cunningham. London Past and Present. Based upon the Handbook by P. Cunningham. By H. B. Wheatley. 3 vols. 1891.

Wheeler. Six Plays by Contemporaries of Shakespeare. By C. B. Wheeler. 1915. [World's Classics.]

Wiffen. Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell. By J. H. Wiffen. 2 vols., 1833.

Wilbraham. Journal of Sir Roger Wilbraham, 1593-1616. By H. S. Scott. 1902. [Camden Miscellany, x.]

Williams. Annals of the Company of Founders. By W. M. Williams. [1867.]

Wilson. The History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of King James I. By A. Wilson. 1653 [reprinted in Compleat History of England (1706), ii].

Wilson. Life in Shakespeare's England. A Book of Elizabethan Prose. By J. D. Wilson. 1911.

Wilson. The Copy for Hamlet, 1603, and the Hamlet Transcript, 1593. By J. D. Wilson. 1918.

Wilson. Queen Elizabeth's Maids of Honour and Ladies of the Privy Chamber. By V. A. Wilson. 1922.

Winstanley. Lives of the most Famous English Poets, or the Honour of Parnassus. By William Winstanley. 1687.

Winwood. Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. Collected (chiefly) from the Original Papers of the Right Honourable Sir Ralph Winwood. By E. Sawyer. 3 vols., 1725.

Wisconsin Sh. Studies. Shakespeare Studies by Members of the Department of English of the University of Wisconsin. 1916.

Withington. English Pageantry. By R. Withington. 2 vols., 1918, 1920.

Worp. Geschiedenis van het Drama en van het Tooneel in Nederland. Van J. A. Worp. 2 vols., 1904-8.

Wotton. The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton. By L. Pearsall Smith. 2 vols., 1907.

Wright. Queen Elizabeth and her Times. A Series of Original Letters. Edited by T. Wright. 2 vols., 1838.

Wright, James. See Hist. Hist.

Wynne. The Growth of English Drama. By A. Wynne. 1914.

Young. Annals of the Barber-Surgeons. By S. Young. 1890.

Young. The History of Dulwich College, with a Life of the Founder, Edward Alleyn, and an Accurate Transcript of his Diary, 1617-22. By W. Young. 2 vols., 1889.

Zurich Letters. The Zurich Letters: Correspondence of English Bishops with Helvetian Reformers during the Reign of Elizabeth. By H. Robinson. 2 vols., 1842-5. [Parker Soc. vii, xviii.]