The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Baudissin, Wolf Friedrich Karl, Count von

Edition of 1920. See also Wolf Heinrich Graf von Baudissin on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

822271The Encyclopedia Americana — Baudissin, Wolf Friedrich Karl, Count von

BAUDISSIN, bow'dĭs-sĭn, Wolf Friedrich Karl, Count von, German littérateur: b. Rantzau, 30 Jan. 1789; d. Dresden, 4 April 1878. After 1827 he resided at Dresden where he collaborated with Tieck and Schlegel in a noted translation of Shakespeare. The translations contributed by Baudissin are those of ‘Henry VIII’; ‘Much Ado About Nothing’; ‘Taming of the Shrew’; ‘Comedy of Errors’; ‘Measure for Measure’; ‘All's Well that Ends Well’; ‘Antony and Cleopatra’: ‘Troilus and Cressida’; ‘Merry Wives of Windsor’; ‘Love's Labor's Lost’; ‘Titus Andronicus’; ‘Othello’; ‘King Lear.’ He published ‘Ben Jonson und seine Schule’ (1836); and translation from Molière (1865-67).