The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Beckers, Hubert

Edition of 1920. See also Hubert Beckers on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

660620The Encyclopedia Americana — Beckers, Hubert

BECKERS, Hubert, German philosopher: b. Munich, 4 Nov. 1806; d. 11 March 1889. Graduating from the University of Munich, he was, in 1832, appointed professor of philosophy at the Lyceum at Dillingen. In 1847 he was appointed to the chair of the same subject at the University of Munich. Most of his writings are devoted to expounding the theories of Schelling. These include ‘Denkrede auf Schelling’ (Munich 1855); ‘Über die Bedeutung der Schellingschen Metaphysik’ (Munich 1861); ‘Cantica Spiritulia’ (Munich 1845-47); ‘Aphorismen über Tod und Unsterblichkeit’ (Munich 1889).