The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Berger, Victor

Edition of 1920. See also Victor L. Berger on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

891664The Encyclopedia Americana — Berger, Victor

BERGER, Victor, German-American Socialist leader and United States congressman: b. Nieder Rebbuch, Austria, 28 Feb, 1860. Having graduated from the University of Vienna, be emigrated to Milwaukee, Wis., where he became a teacher of German in the public schools. He became at once interested in the activities of the Socialists and was one of the founders of the American Socialist Party. In 1892 he was made editor of the Milwaukee Daily Vorwaerts by the party local leaders. Since then he has edited various other Socialist papers and periodicals in Milwaukee. In 1911 was elected to Congress by the Socialist vote of Milwaukee, being the first of that political faith to be sent to Washington.