The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Eck, Heinrich

Edition of 1920. See alsoEck, Heinrich, tysk geolog,” Svensk uppslagsbok, 1955, and the disclaimer. d. 1925

742420The Encyclopedia Americana — Eck, Heinrich

ECK, Heinrich, German geologist: b. Gleiwitz, Silesia, 1837. He received his education at the University of Breslau; took part in the geological survey in Thuringia and Silesia in 1862, from 1866 to 1871 he was lecturer at the mining school in Berlin and in the latter year was appointed professor of mineralogy and geology at the Stuttgart Polytechnic Institute. He made numerous investigations dealing mostly with Triassic deposits, the results of which appeared in the publications of the German Geological Society. His principal works are ‘Ueber die Formationen des bunten Sandsteins und des Muschelkalks in Oberschlesien und ihre Versteinerungen’ (1865); Rudersdorf und Umgegend,” in ‘Abhandlungen zur geologischen Spezialkarte von Preussen’ (Vol. I, 1872): ‘Das Erdbeben in der Gegend zwischen Strassburg, Forbach . . . am 11 June 1887’ (1892); ‘Verzeichnis der mineralogischen, geognostischen, vorgeschichtlichen und balneographischen Litteratur von Baden, Württemberg, Hohenzollern’ . . . (1880; with additions in 1901).