The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Fürst, Julius

Edition of 1920. See also Julius Fürst on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1477380The Encyclopedia Americana — Fürst, Julius

FÜRST, Julius, German scholar: b. Zerkowo, Posen (Prussian Poland), 12 May 1805; d. Leipzig, 9 Feb. 1873. He was of Jewish parentage, and at an early age he had a remarkable knowledge of Hebrew literature, Old Testament Scriptures and Oriental languages. In 1825, after having studied at Berlin, he took a course in Jewish theology at Posen. In 1829, after having abandoned his Jewish orthodoxy, he went to Breslau, and in 1831 to Halle, where he completed his studies in Oriental languages and theology. In 1833 he entered journalism in Leipzig, later securing a position as tutor and lecturer in the university there, from which position he was promoted in 1864 to the chair of Oriental languages and literature, a post he filled with great distinction until his death. His works, especially those on the Semitic languages, are of great value, and among the most important may be mentioned ‘Lehrgebäude der aramaischen Idiome’ (1835); ‘Concordantiæ librorum Sacrorum veteris Testamenti Hebraicæ et Chaldaicæ’ (1837-40); ‘Bibliotheca Judaica’ (1849-63); ‘Hebräisches und Chaldäisches Handwörterbuch’ (1851-61); ‘Geschichte des Karäerthums’ (1862-65); ‘Geschichte der biblischen Litteratur und des jüdisch-hellenistischen Schrifttums’ (1867-70). From 1840-51 he edited Der Orient. He compiled ‘Bibliotheca Judaica’ (1849-63).