The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Fay, Theodore Sedgwick

The Encyclopedia Americana
Fay, Theodore Sedgwick

Edition of 1920. See also Theodore Sedgwick Fay on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1480081The Encyclopedia Americana — Fay, Theodore Sedgwick

FAY, Theodore Sedgwick, American writer: b. New York, 10 Feb. 1807; d. Berlin, Germany, 17 Nov. 1898. He was eminent in periodical journalism for years. To this period belongs his book ‘Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man’ (1832). He served with ability in the United States diplomatic service, first as secretary of the legation at Berlin (1837-53), and then (1853-61) as Minister at Berne, Switzerland; and wrote ‘Norman Leslie’ (1835); and ‘The Countess Ida’ (1841), tales; ‘Ulric’ (1851), a poem; ‘Views of Christianity’ (1856); ‘The Three Germanys’ (1889); ‘Great Outlines of Geography’; ‘History of Switzerland,’ etc. After 1861 he lived in Berlin.