The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Funk, Wilhelm Heinrich

1477019The Encyclopedia Americana — Funk, Wilhelm Heinrich

FUNK, Wilhelm Heinrich, American artist: b. Hanover, Germany, 14 Jan. 1866. He was educated in the public schools of his native land, and came to the United States after his father's death in 1885. He first attracted attention by a pen-portrait of Edwin Booth, the actor. He studied at the Art Students' League, New York, and was pen and ink artist on staff of the New York Herald 1891-96, also contributing to Scribner's, Century, Harper's, Judge, Truth and other magazines of the day. During this period he went to Europe every year and studied in the galleries of Holland, Spain, Germany, Italy and France, especially the masters of the 16th century. He now devotes attention to portrait painting, and has painted portraits of several members of the royal families of Germany and England, and many well-known men and women in the United States and in France. He is an especial member of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.