The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Hoffman, Eugene Augustus

Edition of 1920. See also Eugene Augustus Hoffman on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

845033The Encyclopedia Americana — Hoffman, Eugene Augustus

HOFFMAN, Eugene Augustus, American Episcopal clergyman: b. New York, 21 March 1829; d. near Plattsburg, N. Y., 17 June 1902. He was educated at Rutgers and Harvard colleges and at the General Theological Seminary. He held successive rectorships at Elizabeth, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., and Philadelphia, and in 1879 was appointed dean of the General Theological Seminary, New York, and with others of his family heavily endowed that institution. Dean Hoffman built Christ Church and rectory at Elizabeth, N. J., and also churches at Woodbridge and Milburn, N. J. He was the author of ‘Free Churches’ (1858); and ‘The Eucharistic Week’ (1859 and 1893). Consult Riley, T. M., ‘Memorial Biography of E. A. Hoffman’ (New York 1904).