The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Holleben, Theodore von

Edition of 1920. See also Theodor von Holleben on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

845380The Encyclopedia Americana — Holleben, Theodore von

HOLLEBEN, hōl'lā-bėn, Theodore von, German diplomat: b. Stettin, Pomerania, 16 Sept. 1838; d. 1913. He was educated at the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin and Göttingen; became an officer in the Bodyguard Hussar Regiment; and took a distinguished part in the Franco-Prussian War. He entered the diplomatic service in 1872; was chargé-d'affaires at Peking, China, 1873-74, and at Tokio, Japan, in 1875; Minister at Buenos Aires in 1876-84; at Tokio 1885-89; and at Washington, D. C., 1892-93. In 1897 he became Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States. At the command of Emperor William he, together with Secretary Hay, of the State Department, had charge of the arrangements for the official reception of the emperor's brother, Admiral Prince Henry, in February 1902. Failing health together with his inability to have President Roosevelt arbitrate the German-Venezuelan dispute caused his resignation, and in 1903 he was succeeded by Baron Speck von Sternberg. Consult Roosevelt, Theodore, ‘An Autobiography’ (New York 1913).