The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Leist, Burkard Wilhelm

Edition of 1920. See also Burkard Wilhelm Leist on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

668861The Encyclopedia Americana — Leist, Burkard Wilhelm

LEIST, līst, Burkard Wilhelm, German jurist: b. Westen, Hanover, 12 July 1819; d. Jena, 31 Dec. 1901. He studied at Göttingen, Heidelberg and Berlin. He was appointed professor of civil law at Basel in 1846, at Rostock in 1847, and from 1853 he filled that chair at the University of Jena. He was a pupil of Savigny. His especial field of research was in the hypothetical field of Indo-Germanic law. Author of ‘Die Bonorum Possessio’ (1844-48); ‘Mancipation und Eigentumstradition’ (1865); ‘Der Römische Erbrechtsbesitz’ (1871); ‘Altarisches Jus Gentium’ (1889); ‘Altarisches Jus Civile’ (1892-96), etc.