The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Müller, Georg Friedrich

Edition of 1920. See also George Müller on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1001485The Encyclopedia Americana — Müller, Georg Friedrich

MÜLLER, Johann Georg Ferdinand, German-English philanthropist: b. Kroppenstadt, Prussia, 27 Sept. 1805; d. Bristol, England, 10 March 1898. Entering the University of Halle as a student of theology in 1825 although he had fallen into irregularities of life, he was converted before the end of that year, and in the following year began to preach and teach. In 1829 he went to London, whither the Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews had invited him, settled at Teignmouth as pastor of Ebenezer Chapel, where he gave up pew-rents and substituted box collections, refusing a salary and depending on voluntary gifts. In 1832 he joined Henry Craik, a prominent member of the sect of Plymouth Brethren, in ministerial work at Bristol. In 1835 he published a proposal for the establishment of an orphan home, which took shape in 1836 at Bristol. The experiment was successful, the work grew from year to year, and by 1875 no less than 2,000 children were lodged, fed and educated without other financial maintenance than that received in donations from all parts of the world. The orphanage was moved in 1849 to Ashley Down, a suburb of Bristol. With his second wife, Müller made evangelistic tours in Europe, America and Asia. He published ‘A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with Georg Müller’ (1837). Consult biographies by Pierson (New York 1899); by Warne (New York 1911).