The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Nagel, Albrecht Eduard

Edition of 1920. See also ADB:Nagel, Albrecht on German Wikisource, and the disclaimer.

1155229The Encyclopedia Americana — Nagel, Albrecht Eduard

NAGEL, nä'gĕl, Albrecht Eduard, German ophthalmologist: b. Danzig, 14 June 1833; d. Tübingen, 24 July 1895. He studied medicine at Königsberg and Berlin and established a practice in Danzig in 1856. In 1864 he was privat-docent at Tübingen and 1874 he became professor of ophthalmology there. He developed the theory of the identity of the retinas. He edited the ‘Mittheilungen aus der ophthalmiatrischen Klinik in Tübingen’ after 1880, and published ‘Das Sehen mit zwei Augen’ (1861); ‘Die Anomalien der Refraction und Accommodation des Auges’ (1880); ‘Die Vordbildung zum medicinischen Studium’ (1890).