The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Rutledge, Edward

Edition of 1920. See also Edward Rutledge on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1322376The Encyclopedia Americana — Rutledge, Edward

RUTLEDGE, rŭt'lēj, Edward, American soldier and legislator: b. Charleston, S. C., 23 Nov. 1749; d. there, 23 Jan. 1800. He was admitted to the bar in 1773, established a practice in Charleston and in 1774 was elected to the Continental Congress. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and a member of the first board of war. In this capacity he was delegated with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin to confer with Lord Howe on the subject of a reconciliation, but declined to treat with him excepting on the basis of American independence. As lieutenant-colonel of the Charleston artillery he assisted in expelling the British from Port Royal in 1779 and in 1780 was captured. After his release a year later he resided in Philadelphia, was a member of the Jacksonborough legislature in 1782, and after the war returned to Charleston where he resumed his law practice. He was for many years a member of the State legislature, was elected United States Senator in 1794 and governor of South Carolina in 1798. Consult McCrady, ‘South Carolina in the Revolution’ (1901-02).