The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Woolley, John Granville

Edition of 1920. See also John G. Woolley on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1366599The Encyclopedia Americana — Woolley, John Granville

WOOLLEY, John Granville, American prohibitionist: b. Collinsville, Ohio, 15 Feb. 1850. Graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1871, he was admitted to the bar of the Illinois Supreme Court in 1873, became city attorney of Paris, Ill., in 1875, prosecuting attorney in Minneapolis in 1881, and practised at New York, 1886. At one period addicted to intemperance, he began lecturing against it in 1888, and has lectured to many audiences on this theme at home and abroad. He became editor of The New Voice, a prohibition organ in 1899, and was the Presidential candidate of the Probibition party in 1900, receiving a vote of 208,914. He has published ‘Seed’; ‘The Sower’; ‘Civilization by Faith’; ‘The Christian Citizen’ (1897-98); ‘The Lion Hunter’ (1900); ‘Temperance Progress in the 19th Century’ (1902); ‘South Sea Letters’ (1905).