
Administrative Council of bondholders, 353.

Agents of Montenegro, 240.

Alaskerd, 305.

Albania, 292 n, 295 n.

Aleko Pasha, 289 n.

Alexander I, the Emperor, 1, 4.
— Prince of Bulgaria, 282 n.

Ancient rule, the, as to the Straits, 92 95, 99, 100, 225, 246.

Antivari, 295.

Appendix, 323.

Arab Tabia, the, 280.

Ardahan, 304, 344, 354.

Armenia, 306, 343.

Arms, right of carrying, 65, 87, 211.

Arrangement, the, as to the territory of Greece (1832), 13.
— as to the Greek loan (1860), 21, 43.

Arta, 14, 63.

Asia, Russian frontier in, 253, 304, 305, 344.

Athos, Mount, monks of, 307, 346.

Austria, and the Porte, treaty between, 356.
— occupation of Bosnia by, 241, 292, 293 n, 356.

Austria, protection of Montenegrin flag by, 296.

Autonomy, 238, 279.


Balkan peninsula, the, 220, 277.

Barrère, proposal the, 232, 333.

Batoum, 304, 305, 344, 354.

Bayazid, 305, 344.

Belgrade, 236.

Berlin, Conference of, 25,
— Congress of, 220.
— Treaty of, 220, 277.

Beshir, the Emir, 206.

Bessarabia, 250, 262, 302, 344.

Black Sea, the, 226, 227, 247, 258, 273.

Blockade (fictitious), 346.

Bosnia, 240, 292, 293 n, 342.

Bosphorus and Dardanelles, see Straits.

Boyana,' the, 295.

Brigandage, 65.

Bucharest, 310.

Bulgaria, 238, 279, 339.
— constitution of, 282.
— railways in, 285

— tribute of, 240.


Caisse de la dette publique, the, 104, 147, 162, 176, 197, 200.
— decree establishing, 147.

Canal, see Suez Canal.

Carathéodory Pasha, 73.

Charles, Prince (King) of Roumania, 235.

Christian Governors, 74, 209, 211, 212, 279, 287.

Code Maritime of Dalmatia, 296.

Codes, in Crete, 84.
— in Egypt, 103.
— Ottoman, 329 n, 332.

Commerce, treaties of, 16, 284.

Commissions, military, in Egypt, 101.

Concert, the European, 2, 90, 223, 245, 246.

Conférence à Quatre, the, 284 n.
— Constantinople, the (1842), 206.
— — (1858), 237.
— — (1862), 236.
— — (1876), 287.
— — (1881), 107.
— Berlin, the (1881), 25.
— London, the (1827, &c.), 10-20.
— — (1863-4), 21.
— — (1883), 108.
— Paris, the (1858, 1859, 1866), 230, 235.
— Vienna (1855), 229.

Congress of Berlin, 221.
— Paris (1814), 227.
— — (1856), 221.
— Verona, 4 n.
— Vienna, 1, 227, 248; see also Rivers.

Constitution, Ottoman, 335.

Consular jurisdiction, 102, 231 n, 239 299, 302.

Control, Controllers, see Dual Control.
— multiple, 109.

Controversies, decision of, 65.

Corfu, 51, 54.

Corti, compromise, the, 295.

Courts, ecclesiastical, 218.
— international in Egypt, 102, 103, 108, 128- 141, 141- 146, 168, 204.

Courts, mixed in Crete, 80, 82.
— — the Lebanon, 213.

Couza, Prince, 235.

Crete, 70, 72, 73, 77, 83, 89, 291, 343.

Crimean War, the, 221.

Customs, duties, 228.

Cyprus, convention as to, 354.


Daïras, the, 104, 153, 155, 178.

Danube, the, 227- 233, 248, 257, 262, 263, 273, 303, 308, 313, 316, 342.
— Commission, European, of, 230, 231, 248, 249, 263, 271, 274, 275, 302, 303, 308, 314.
— — — its flag and badge, 311.
— — — its Navigation Acts, 231, 249, 263, 308.
— — — its neutrality, 231, 271, 275, 311.
— — Mixed of, 318.
— — Riverain of, 230, 249, 262, 268, 274.
— — — its Navigation Acts, 230, 249.
— Delta of, 251 n, 262, 302.
— Fortresses on, 303.
— Kilia branch of, 312, 314.
— Lighthouses for, 262, 263, 304, 310.
— Règlement for Middle, 233, 315.
— Sanitary Regulations for, 310.
— Treaty of 1883 as to, 313.
— Vessels of war in, 250, 267, 303.

Debt, Egyptian, 102, 109.
— — coupons of, taxation of, 174, 200.
— — floating, 153, 156, 182.
— — Preference, 156, 164, 169, 174, 202.
— — Sinking fund for, 108, 158, 170, 171, 172, 180, 201, 204.
— — Unified, 104, 107, 109, 150, 171, 174, 202.
— Greek, 21, 22, 37, 38.
— Ottoman, 350 n, 353.
— — arrangement as to, 290 n.
— — shares of to be borne by other States, 26, 65, 240, 284, 297, 301.

Decrees, the financial, in Egypt, 105-107, 109, 150-193, 198.

Delimitation, the, of Asiatic frontier, 253, 305,
— of Bessarabia, 250. Delimitation, of Bulgaria, 280 n, 282.
— of Eastern Roumelia, 287.
— of Greece, 15, 20, 26, 31, 62.
— of Montenegro, 293, 295 n.
— of Servia, 298.

Disarmament, 65, 210.

Dobroutcha, the, 302.

Druses, the, 206.

Dual Control, the, 105, 106, 108, 159-162, 168.

Dulcigno, 295.


Eastern Roumelia, 238, 287.
— constitution of, the, 289.
— — commission for preparing, 73, 289, 290, 292.
— expenses of occupation of, 291.
— Railways in, 290.
— Treaties of, Porte, application to, 290.
— Tribute of, 290.

Egypt, 89, 93.
— finance of, enquiry into, 201.
— loans, power of government of to contract, 102, 119, 124, 127, 150, 194, 196, 199.
— neutralisation of, proposed, 109 n.
— Railways of, 155, 163, 169, 202.
— Revenues of, hypothecated, 153, 171, 193, 199.

Epirus, 343.

Equality, see Religious Equality.

European Concert, see Concert.

Evidence, right to give, 306.

Expatriation, see Nationality, Choice of.

Expropriation, 64, 296, 355.

Extradition, refusal to require from Greece, 20.


Finance, Greek, 21, 22, 37, 38.
— Egyptian, 102, 105, 109, 147-205.
— Ottoman, 250, 353.

Firmans, Egyptian, 101, 102, 106, 112-128.

Flag, in Egypt, 113, 128.
— of European Commission of the Danube, 232, 311.
— merchant, of Montenegro, 296.

Flag, of Samos, 77.

Forces, Greek, refusal to limit, 19.

Foreigners, privileges of, 239, 279, 290, 297.

Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, the, 231 n.

Fortifications, to be razed, or prohibited, 47, 63, 231, 286, 295, 296, 300, 301, 302, 303.


Galatz, 231, 303, 308.

Garrisons, Austrian, in Novi-Bazar, 358.
— Turkish, in Servia, 236, 252.

George I, King of the Hellenes, 20, 41.

Giurgevo, 322.

Goschen, Mr,, 25, 105.

Goschen-Joubert Decree, the, 105, 154

Great Britain and the Porte, Treaty between, 354.

Great Powers and the Porte, the, 1, 220, 245, 306.

Greece, 4-69.
— Boundaries of, 13, 18, 25, 28, 35, 62, 292.
— Constitution of, 29.
— to be independent, 11, 28, 34, 41.
— islands annexed to, 20, 29.
— — Ionian added to, 23, 42, 45, 49, 51, 59.
— neutralisation of, proposed, 20.
— title of Sovereign of, 35, 41, 44.
— to be tributary to Porte, 5, 8.
— throne of, succession to, 36, 39.
— —families excluded from, 29.

Guarantee, by the Powers, of Greece, 6, 9, 22, 31, 35.
— — of Ionian islands, 42.
— — of Wallachia and Moldavia, 234, 251, 252.
— — of Servia, 236, 252.
— — of Turkey, 245, 259.

Guaranteed loan, Greek, 21, 37, 38 n, 56.
— Egyptian, 109, 197.

Gulhané, Hatti-Scheriff of, 323.

Gusinje-Plava, 295.


Hatti-Humayoun of 1856, the, 246, 329.

Hatti-Scheriff of Galhané, 323.

Herzegovina, see Bosnia.

Holy Alliance, the, 1, 4.

Holy Places, the, 307.


Ibraila, 314.

Indemnity, payable by Greece to Porte, 14, 19, 38.
— — by Porte to Russia, 343, 345, 349, 350.

Independence and Integrity of the Ottoman Empire, the, 90, 242, 245.

Ionian Islands, cession of to Greece, 22, 41, 47, 52, 59.
— debt of, 56.
— neutralisation of, 47, 50.
— Treaties of, 48, 54, 56.

Iron Gates, the, 231, 274, 303, 304.

Isaktcha, 230, 248, 263.

Ismail Pasha, deposition of, 106.


Kara George, 236.

Kars, 244, 304, 344, 354, 356.

Khedive, the title, 101.

Khotour, 306.

Kilia branch of the Danube, 232, 233, 312, 314.

Kischeneff, Act of, 250 n.

Klek, 241.

Kossovo, battle of, 238.

Kuci-Kraina, 295 n.


Laws for European provinces of Turkey, 291, 292.

Lebanon, the, 206.
— Règlements for, 209, 213.

Leopold, Prince, 12, 70.

Lighthouses for Danube, 262, 263, 304, 310.

Light vessels of war in the Black Sea, 247, 276.
— in the Danube, 250, 267, 303.
— in the Straits, 100.

Liquidation, the Law of, in Egypt, , 107 169.

Loans, see Debt.


Mangalia, 280, 302.

Maronites, 206.

Mediation, 25, 245, 246 n.

Mehemet Ali, 72, 89, 91, 97, 206.

Milosch Obrenovitch, 236.

Moldavia, see Wallachia.
— Bessarabia added to, 251.

Montenegro, 237, 293, 336.
— agents of, 296.
— coast waters of, 241 n, 296.
— to have no flag of war, 296.
— railway in, 296.
— share of Ottoman debt of, 297.

Moukabalah, Law of, 104, 152, 155, 189.

Multiple Control, 109.


Nationality, choice of, 30, 65, 345, 349

Naval demonstration, the, 295 n.

Navarino, battle of, 11.

Neutralisation, of Black Sea, 226, 247.
— of Corfu and Paxo, 24, 41 n, 51, 54.
— of Danubian Commission, 231, 271, 275, 311.
— of Ionian Islands, 24, 47.
— of Montenegrin waters, 296.
— proposed, of Delta of Danube, 229.
— — of lower Danube, 231.
— — of Egypt, 109 n.
— — of Greece, 20.
— — of the Suez Canal, 109 n.

Northbrook, Lord, 108.

Novi-Bazar, 292, 293 n, 357.

Nubar Pasha, 103, 105.


Organic law for Bulgaria, 282.
— for Crete, 77, 83, 291.
— for Eastern Roumelia, 390.
— for European Provinces, 291.
— for Samos, 76.

Otho, King, 12, 21, 34.

Ottoman Codes, 329 n, 332. Ottoman Constitution, 335.
Debt, see Debt.


Pasturage, 64.

Paxo, 51, 54.

Persian frontier, 306, 343.

Preference debt, see Debt.

Prévéza, 25, 69.

Principalities, the, provisions of the Treaty of Berlin as to, 239.

Property of Turks in ceded territory, 5, 16, 30, 63, 64, 240, 286, 296, 300, 345, 349.

Protocols, as to Greece, 5, 11, 12, 17, 44, 50, 58.
— as to Egypt, 96, 97, 99.
— as to Syria, 207-210, 218.
see Self-denying clause.

Punta, 16, 63.


Quarantine, 249, 270.


Railways, in Bulgaria, 285.
— in Eastern Roumelia, 290.
— in Egypt, 155, 163, 169, 202.
— in Montenegro, 296.
— in Roumania, 303.
— in Servia, 285 n, 299.

Recognition of Principalities as independent, 239.

Religion of the King of Greece, 42, 48.

Religious equality, 5, 12, 32, 33, 48, 55, 64, 239, 246, 251, 252, 283, 290, 293, 296, 301, 306, 323, 329, 335, 356.

Riverain Commission, see Danube.

Rivers, principles applicable to navigation of, 227, 248, 267.

Roumania, 235, 236, 301, 337.
— boundary of, 302.
— Jews in, 301.
— landholding in, 301.

Roumelia, see Eastern Roumelia.

Russia, cedes, and recovers, Bessarabia, 250, 302.

Russia, expenses of, in Eastern Roumelia, 291.
— provisional administration of Bulgaria by, 283.
— and the Porte, treaties between, (1856), 257.
— — (1871), 276.
— — (1878), 325.
— — (1879), 348.
— — (1882), 350.


Samos, 70, 71, 74, 76.

Sanitary Council for Danube, 310.

San Stefano, Treaty of, 221, 335.

Self-denying clause (or protocol), 6, 9, 97, 208.

Serpents, Isle of, 250 n, 262, 302, 304.

Servia, 236, 252, 285 n, 296, 337.
— boundaries of, 298.
— railways in, 299.
— share of Ottoman debt of, 301.
— Treaties of, 299.

Ships of war, limitation of Egyptian, 113.
— Montenegro not to have, 296.
— excluded from Montenegrin waters, 296.
— — the Danube, 303.
— — the Straits, see Straits.

Silistria, 280, 302.

Spizza, 295.

State property, Ottoman, 217, 286, 296, 300, 345, 357.

Straits, the, 92, 95, 99, 100, 224, 225, 246, 255, 273, 277, 346.

Suez Canal, the, 107.
— Khedive's shares in, 103.
— proposed Act as to freedom of, 195.
— proposed neutralisation of, 109 n.

Sulina, 266, 309.

Sutorina, 241.

Suzerainty of the Porte in Bulgaria, 279.
— in Greece, 4, 8.
— in Servia, 236.
— in Wallachia and Moldavia, 234.

Syria, 89, 93, 206.


Tanzimat, the, 323.

Taxation, in Crete, 81, 86.
— in the Lebanon, 217.
— in Egypt, 112, 119, 126.

Tel-el-Kebir, battle of, 108.

Tewfik Pasha, Khedive, 106.

Thessaly, 343.

Tirnovo, assembly at, 282.

Transit dues, 239, 284, 299, 302.

Treaties (other than those set out as Texts, or in the Appendix, for which see Table of Contents).
— of Ackerman, 235, 236.
— of Adrianople, 236.
— as to Danube (1840, 1851), 229.
— of the Dardanelles, 224.
— of Kainardji, 220, 234.
— of London (1827), 7.
— — (1840), 90.
— — (1841), 100.
— — (1860, 1861), 209.
— of Paris (1814), 227.
— of Unkiar-Skelessi, 89, 225.
— of Vienna, 227.

Tributary States, 5, 8, 75, 94, 101, 102, 114, 127, 217, 240, 279, 284, 355.

Troops, Ottoman, in Eastern Roumelia, 289.
— — in the Lebanon, 217.
— — exclusion of, 75, 252.
— authority to raise in Egypt, 101 102, 128.


Unified debt, see Egypt.


Vakouf, 64, 286, 296, 300.

Vienna, see Congress, Treaty.

Vogorides, Stephen, 71.

Volo, 68 n.


Wallachia and Moldavia, 233, 251; see also Roumania.
— Conferences as to, 230, 235 n.

William, Prince, of Denmark, 20, 41.


Zeitoun, 15, 18.