The Eurypterida of New York/Volume 2/Explanations of plates/Plate 36


Eusarcus scorpionis Grote & Pitt
Page 233
See plates 27–35

1 A young specimen. Shows position of eyes and relative proportions of carapace, preabdomen and postabdomen. Natural size
Horizon and locality. Bertie waterlime. Williams ville, Erie co., N. Y.

Eusarcus? cicerops Clarke
Page 253

2 Carapace showing outline and compound eyes. × 3
3 Small carapace showing visual area of the compound eyes and the ocelli. × 5
4 Type specimen (holotype). × 5
5 Specimen retaining the preabdomen. × 5
6 Carapace doubtfully referred to this species. × 5
7 Last postabdominal segment and telson possibly belonging to this species. Natural size
8 Very small carapace referred to this species with doubt. × 5
9 Nepionic carapace (1.5 mm long) apparently belonging to this species. It has in common with the nepionic stages of the other genera the broad, short form, the immense eye nodes, the broad doublures or margin. The eye nodes seem to rest in deep sockets, probably the result of compression. A median carina extends forward into a blunt spine
10 Leg joint, possibly belonging to this species. × 3
Horizon and locality. Shawangunk grit. Otisville, Orange co., N. Y.

Eusarcus newlini Claypole
Page 245
See plates 37–39

11 Last postabdominal segments and telson. Natural size
Horizon and locality. Kokomo waterlime. Kokomo, Ind.

The original of figure 1 is in Columbia University; those of figures 2–10 are in the State Museum and that of figure 11 is in the National Museum

Memoir 14. N. Y. State Museum. Plate 36.
G S Barkentin del J B Lyon Co State Printer