The Fate of Adelaide, a Swiss Romantic Tale; and Other Poems/Choice


[From the same.]

Too long the daring power of love
Had braved the angry gods above:
His doom is seal'd—the doom of heaven—
Love may not hope to be forgiven.
They took away his bow of gold,
And from his eyes the veil unroll'd;
His rose-wreathed quiver is unbound;
His sparkling darts bestrew the ground.
But Venus wept—can such sweet rain
From beauty's eyes e'er fall in vain?
Jove gaz'd on Cytherea's tear,
And own'd his sentence too severe.
"Well, let the boy one treasure keep;
The one he may most dearly prize,
That let him chuse." Love ceas'd to weep,
And caught the veil that blinds his eyes.