Aargau, flag of   116
"Acta Sanctorum," the   38
Admiral's flag, R.N.   56
Admiralty, flag of the   71, 72
Agincourt, battle of   106
Agincourt, flags at   5
Agnus Dei, as device on flag   22
Ailsa, flag of the yacht   73
Allan Line, flag of the   75
Allotment of code signals   138
Ambulance flag   117
Ancient Irish harp   33
Anchor as badge   63, 71, 87, 100, 114
Andrew, cross of St.   4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
Andrew, St., of Scotland   37, 42, 44
Andrew, St., of Russia   103, 104
Andrew, St., order of   102
Anne, Standard of Queen   35
Annunciation on flag   4
Answering pennant   134
Antelope as a device   16
Antiquity, standards of   2
Antwerp, device of city of   111
Anvil as device on flag   7
Argentine Republic, flag of   124
Armada, defeat of the   3
Arms of Canada   81, 82
Arms of Washington   91
Army, flags of the   61
Army signalling   127, 128, 129
Arragon, arms of   111
Articles of War   56
Assaye, special flag for   65
Assyrian standards   2
Athene, owl of   2
Australian Steam Navigation Company's house flag   74
Austro-Hungarian flags 101, 102
Avondale flag   43
Awdeley, standard of Sir John   17
Bacon on sea-power   84, 85
Baden, flag of   101
Badge   9, 13, 15, 21, 62, 66, 67, 83, 84, 117
Bahamas, Badge of the   84
Balmoral tartan   1
Banner, its nature   10
Banneroll, kind of flag   18
Bannockburn, battle of   44
Barbadoes, badge of   83
Barcelona, arms of   111
Bar, banner of Sir John de   11
Bardolph, banner of Sir Hugh   11
Basel, flag of city of   116
Bavaria, flag of   101, 119
Bayeux tapestry, flags represented in   19, 22
Bear as a device   1, 2
Beau-seant of Knights Templars   24
Beaver as a device   1, 30
Bede on flags   4
"Beehive of the Romish Church"   3
Bees of the Napoleons   106, 109
Belgium, flags of   23, 118
Bermuda, badge of   84
Berne, flag of   116
Beverley, flag of   5
Birkenhead, burning of the   64
Black and white flag of Prussia   98
Black as a flag colour   7, 24, 25
Black Swan, device of the   84
Blackwall line of shipping   74
Black Watch, the   62
Blenheim, battle of   64, 66
Blue blanket of Edinburgh   42
Blue ensign   40, 56, 73, 78, 83
Board of Trade, flag of the   71
Bohemia, flag of   102
Bolivia, flag of   23, 123
Bombardment of Scio   118
Boots and shoes on a flag   7
Bordered Jack   48, 58
Botetourte, banner of Sir John   11
Bourbon kings, the   107
Brabant, lion of   112
Brass of Sir John Daubernoun   18
Brazil, flag of   23, 24, 123
Brazil, pendant of   20
Bremen, flag of port of   99
Britannia, flag of the yacht   73
British East Africa, device of, 84
British Guiana, badge of   84
British North Borneo, badge of   84
Broad pendant   56
Brunswick, arms of   35
Brunswick, flag of   101
Buckles as device on flag   7
Bugle-horn as a device   15
Builder's square on flag   6
Bulgaria, flag of   121
Bunker's Hill, battle of   87
Bunting as material for flags   22
Burgee, variety of flag   19, 73
Burgundy, flag of   111, 112
Burning of rebel colours   70
Butler's "Lives of the Fathers"   39
Butterflies as a flag device   17
Campbell on the national flag   54
Canada, Dominion of   10
Canada, flags of Dominion of   80
Canadian Pacific steamship line   75
Candlemakers' flag, the   7
Canterbury Cathedral, flags in   66
Cantonal colours   116
Cape of St. Martin   105
Cape St. Vincent, action off   41
Castle Line, house flag of the   75
Castle on flag as a device   111, 112
Cavalry standards   65
Cavers standard, the   43
Ceylon, device of the Colony of   84
Chapel of Royal College, Chelsea, flags in   3, 66
Chaucer, quotation from   12, 18
Cheering to order   102
Cherbourg, flag of port of   75
Chili, flag of   121
Chili, pendant of   20
Chinese flags   125
Chrysanthemum flag of Japan   124
Coastguard flag   134
Codes for flag-signalling   136
Coffee plant on flag   123
Coins, devices on   2, 88, 90, 120
Colombia, flag of United States of   122
Colonial Defence Act   78, 79, 80
Colonial flags   20, 40, 78
Colonies, value of   76, 77
Colour party   64
Colours, Queen's   61, 65, 67
Colours, regimental   61, 65, 67
Colours used in flags   23
Columbus, flag flown by   86, 111
Commodore's broad pendant   56
Commonwealth flags   48
Company or house flags   74, 75
Compasses as a device   6
Compass signals   136
Confederate States of America   27, 94, 95
Congo Free State, flag of   126
Conquest of Ireland   33
Consecrated banner   3, 103
Constantine, Labarum of   2, 3, 51
Consular flag   71
Consul-General, Russian, flag of   104
Cornet, variety of flag   19, 130
Costa Rica, flag of   122
Courtenay, banner of Sir Hugh de   11
Covenanter flags   24, 43, 91
Crescent as device   11, 15, 88, 95, 119, 120
Croatia, flag of   102
Cromwell, arms of   35
Cromwell, funeral of   19
Cross of St. Andrew   4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
Cross of St. George   4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
Cross of St. Patrick   4, 51, 53, 116
Crown of Charlemagne   35
Crowns of Ireland   33
Cuba, flag of   124
Culloden, battle of   70
Cunard Line, house flag of   74
Customs Department, flag of   71
Czarina, standard of the   102
Czar, standard of the   102, 103
Dalmatia, flag of   102
Dannebrog, the   115
Demerara and Berbice Steamship Company   74
Denis, St., flag of   5
Denmark, flags of   115
Derivation of word flag   8
Desjardins on French flag   107
Devitt and Moore house flag   74
Diana, crescent of   119
Diplomatic Service, flag of   71
Dipping the flag   25
Dragon as a device   17, 125
Drayton, quotation from   15
Durham, St. Cuthbert of   5
Eagle as a device   41, 91, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 105, 109, 110
Early Spanish flags   27
East Africa Company, German   100
East India Company, flag of   47, 89
East Kent Regiment, flags of   66
East Prussia, flag of   98
Ecclesiastical flags often pictorial   4
Ecuador, flag of   124
Eddystone Light flag signal   137
Edinburgh Cathedral, flags in   68
Edinburgh Trained Bands   42
Edmonson on flag usage   9
Edward the Confessor, arms of   34
Edward III., "King of the Seas"   25
Edward VI., funeral of   17
Egypt, ancient, standards of   2
Egyptian flags, modern   120, 121
Electoral bonnet   52
Elephant as a device   65, 84, 125
Elephant, order of the   115
Elizabeth, funeral of Queen   17
Elizabeth, thanksgiving service   3
Elsass, flag of   101
Emperor of Germany   98
Ensign   8
Ermine as a flag device   24
Errors in flag-making   58, 59, 60
Excise, flag of the   71
Eye as a device on flag   7
Facings of the regiment   62
Falcon as a device   17
Favyn "Le Théâtre d'honneur"   4, 107
Fiji, badge of colony   84
Files represented on trade flag   7
Flag-book of the Admiralty   120
Flag-lore valuable   58
Flagons on trade flag   7
Flag-signalling   127, et seq.
Flanders, badge of   111
Flashing messages at night   134
Fleur-de-lys   21, 34, 36, 106, 108, 109, 112
Flodden, battle of   6
Florida, settlement of   86
Florin, arms on the   32
Fly of a flag, the   10
Fork and spoon on a flag   7
Four-flag signals   137
France, flags of   1, 21, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110
Franco-German War of 1870   97
Fribourg, flag of   116
Frogmorton, standard of   17
Funeral obsequies, flags at   6, 17, 18, 19, 22
Garter, order of the   38
Gautier on the Swiss flag   116
Geneva Convention   117
Geneva, flag of   116
Geographical signals   137
George, St., cross of   4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
George, St., of England   36, 37, 116
George, St., of Russia   102, 103
German Unity   97, 98
Germany, flags of   99, 100
Globe on flag   63, 87
Gnu as a flag device   84
Golden Legend, the   37
Gonfalon, kind of flag   8
Government, departments, flags of   71
Governor-General of Canada, flag of   81
Governors of Colonies, flags of   81, 84
Grandison, banner of Sir William de   11
Gray, quotation from   9
Greater Britain   77
Great Seal of Canada   83
Great Seal of Richard I.   30
Greece, flag of   119
Green and white of the Tudors   21
Green as a flag colour   23, 43, 113, 123
Greyhound as a device   17
Growth of the Italian State   113
Guards, flags of the   65
Guatemala, flag of   23, 122
Guidon, form of flag   21
Guild flags   6, 7
Guinea Company's flag   27
Half-mast high, flags at   25
Hamburg, flag of city of   99
Hammer represented on flag   6, 7
Hand as a device   2
Hanover, arms of   29, 35, 52
Hanover, flag of   101
Hanseatic League, flag of   99
Harfleur, siege of   12
Harleian MS. on flags   16, 21
Harp of Ireland   4, 29, 32, 33, 34, 49, 54
Hayti, flag of   23, 124
Heavenly succour   37, 42, 44, 106, 115
Henry V., standard of   16
Henry VII., flags in chapel of   12
Heraldic Exhibition, Edinburgh   43
Heraldic requirements in flag devising   23, 54
Hesse, flag of   101
Highland tartans   1
"History and principles of Heraldry"   10
Hohenzollerns, arms of the   99
Hoisting one flag over another   25
Hoist of the flag, the   10
Holderton, banner of Sir John de   11
Holland, flags of   117, 118
Hong Kong, badge of colony of   84
Horse as a device   2
Horsham, political colours at   8
House flags   24, 74, 75
House of Orange, flag of   117
Hungary, flag of   23, 102
Idolatrous emblem   87
Illiterate voters, mistakes of   7, 8
Imperial Eagle   66, 101, 102
Inscriptions on flags   3, 4, 13, 15, 16, 24, 35, 41, 43, 49, 66, 88, 90, 93, 122, 123
International signal code   133, 136, 137, 138
Investiture of knight-banneret   14
Invocation of saints   3
Ireland joined to Great Britain   32
Iron cross of Germany   100
Isandlwana, battle of   63, 69
Istria, flag of   102
Italy, flags of   23, 113, 114
James II., statue of   35
Japan, flags of   124
Jerusalem, arms of city of   114, 115
Jewish standards   3
Joan of Arc, standard of   4
Jove, Eagle of   2
Karlaverok, siege of   11, 18
Kasan, arms of province of   102
Katharine of Arragon flag-making   13
Kempenfeldt's signal code   130
Key as a device on flag   15
Khorsabad, slabs from   2
Kingdom of Hungary   101
King's Own Borderers   63
Kiow, arms of province of   102
Knights-banneret   14
Knights of the Bath, banners of   12
Knights of the Garter, banners of   12
Knights Templars, banner of the   24
Köbel, book on costume and flags   101
Korea, flag of kingdom of   125
Labarum of Constantine   2, 3, 51
Labuan, badge of colony of   84
La Haye's book on flags   87
Lamartine on the red flag   109
Lancer pennon   14, 19
Landing of Charles II.   47
Land of the rising sun   124
Laurel wreath on flag   49, 81
Lawyers, flag of the   7
Leeward Isles, badge of the   84
Leon and Castile, arms of   86, 110, 111
Liberia, flag of   125
Liberty, figure of   94, 118
Lion of Scotland   4, 29, 31, 34
Lions of England   4, 29, 30, 34
Livery colours   7, 14, 17, 21
Livy on Vexillum   2
Lloyd's signal stations   139
Locksmiths, flag of the   7
London, port of, flag signal   137
London Trained Bands   41, 67
Lone Star State, flag of the   95
Lord Cardross, flag of   16
Lord High Admiral of England   72, 80
Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, flag of   71
Lord Mayor's Show, flags at   19, 20
Loss of colours at Edgehill   65
Lothringen, flag of   101
Louisiana, flag of State of   94
Louisiana, settlement of   86
Lozenges as a device on flag   41
Lubeck, flag of city of   99
Lucerne, flag of   116
Lunenburg, arms of   35
Lydgate, the duty of chivalry   12
Maccabees, standard of the   3
Machyn, diary of   6, 17, 21, 39, 111
Mackay, extract from   57, 58
Mail service flag   72
Mainsail emblazoned as banner   12
Malplaquet, battle of   64
Man-of-war pendant   20, 78, 93, 110, 111, 121, 129, 135
Maple-leaf of Canada   30, 81
Marmion, quotation from   8, 18
Martin, description of Western Islands   1
Marseillaise, the   98
Marseilles, flag of port of   75
Martlets on flag   34
Massachusetts, flag of   3, 87
Mayflower, sailing of the   87
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, flag of   101
Mediæval spelling   6, 22
Mediterranean and New York Company   75
Merchant flag, red ensign   40, 47, 58, 73, 80
Merchant Shipping (Colours) Act   58
Metal-workers, flag of the   7
Meteorological signals   135
Mexico, flag of   23, 123
Milton, quotation from   8
Minotaur as a device   2
Minden, battle of   64
"Mirror for Magistrates," quotation from   15
Mohammedan flags often green   24
Monasteries, flags of   5
Monk, funeral of General   18, 22
Monogram, sacred, on flag   3, 42, 51
Monthermer, banner of Sir Ralph   11
Morse alphabet for signalling   127, 128, 129
Mottoes on flags   3, 4, 13, 15, 16, 24, 35, 41, 43, 49, 66, 88, 90, 93, 122, 123
Mutiny in the Royal Navy   25
Napoleon, flags at tomb of   4
Nassau, arms of   29, 35
Natal, device of colony of   84
Naval Discipline Act   56
Naval Exhibition at Chelsea   41
Navy signalling   129, et seq.
Nelson, funeral of   18, 22
Neville's Cross, battle of   5
New Brunswick, arms of province of   82
Newfoundland, badge of colony of   83
New Granada, flag of   122
New Guinea, badge of colony of   84
New South Wales, badge of colony of   84
New Zealand, badge of   84
New Zealand Shipping Company   24, 75
Night signalling at sea   134
Nisbet on the tressure   32
Norie's "Flags of All Nations"   26
Northallerton, sacred flags at   5
North German Confederacy   99
Norway, flag of   115
Nova Scotia, arms of province of   82
Nova Scotia, settlement of   87
Novgorod, arms of province of   102
Obsolete flags   8, 22, 26
Ontario, arms of province of   82
Orange flag   8
Orange Free State, flag of   23, 125
Order of Black Eagle   100
Ordnance Department flag   71
Orient Steam Navigation Company   24, 134
Oriflamme   105
Oudenarde, battle of   64
Owl of Athene   2
Palmetto palm on flag   94, 95
Pamiot Azof, flag of the   104
Papal States, flag of the   23, 114, 115
Paraguay, flag of   122
Paris, arms of city of   109
Passion symbols on flag   6
Patrick, St., life of   51, 52
Pendant or pennant,   20, 40, 78, 93, 110, 111, 121, 129, 135
Peninsular and Oriental Company, flag of   74
Pennoncelle or pencel   19
Pennon, nature of the   14, 18, 19
Pepys, extract from diary of   55
Percy, banner of Sir Henri de   11
Percy lion   11, 15
Percy motto   15, 16
Percy standard   15
Persepolis, sculptures of   2
Peruvian flag   123
Pictorial flags   4
Pilgrim Fathers, the   87
Pilot flag   48, 100, 104, 134
Pine-apple as a device   84
Pine-tree flag   87, 88, 89
Plantagenet livery colours   21
Pliny on Roman standards   2
Poland, flag of   105
Political colours   7
Political devices on flags   4
Pomerania, flag of   101
Popham's signal code   131
Portcullis as a device   21
Portobello, capture of   41
Ports, flags of   75
Portugal, flags of   112, 113
Pottery, representation of flags on   89
Precedence a difficulty   28
Presentation of colours   3, 66
President, U.S.A., flag of   93, 94
Printed flags   23
Protectorate flag, the   50
Prussian eagle   98
Quarantine flag, the   25, 59
Quebec, arms of province of   82
Queen's colour   61, 65
Queensland, badge of colony of   83
Queen's Regulations   54, 55, 64, 71, 78, 81
Ramilies, battle of   64
Rattlesnake flag   1, 13, 87, 88
Raven of the Danes   13
Rebel colors burnt   70
Red ensign   40, 47, 58, 73, 80
Red flag of revolution   25, 59, 109
Relics of saints worked into flag   5
Religious character of early flags   4, 5, 22
Religious service   3, 103
Revenue flag, U.S.A.   93
Rey on the French flag   107
Rhode Island, flag of   87
Richard II., standard of   17
Ridre, standard of Sir William de   11
Riga, flag of port of   75
Ripon, St. Wilfrid's banner at   5
Rolls of arms   10
Rome, standards of ancient   2, 42
Roses as a flag device   16, 21
Rotterdam, flag of port of   75
Rouen, capture of   5, 38, 112
Roumania, flag of   121
Royal Colonial Institute   76
Royal Horse Artillery of 1813   19
Royal Marines   63
Royal Naval Reserve   40, 56, 57, 73, 79, 139
Royal Navy, flag code of the   133
Royal Oak on coins   88
Royal Standard   11, 29, 34, 48, 54, 59, 78
Royal United Service Museum   24, 125, 130, 131
Royal Yacht Squadron, flag of the   72
Royston, political colours at   8
Russia, flags of   24, 102, 103, 104, 105
Russian American Company's flag   26
Sacred monogram on flag   3
Salique law, operation of   36
Salmon as a flag device   82
Saluting the flag   26, 55, 56
San Salvador, flag of   124
Sarawak, flag of   125
Sardinia, flag of   26
Savoy, flag of   27, 113, 123
Saxe-Coburg Gotha, flag of   101
Saxony, arms of   35
Saxony, flag of   100
Schomburg-Lippe, flag of   101
School of Army Signalling   128
"Scotland for ever"   70
Scots Greys 66
Scottish grievance as to arms   31, 45, 46, 53
Scottish variation of Union flag   46
Scott, quotation from   8, 29
Servia, flag of   121
Seven Champions of Christendom, 38
Seventeenth Lancers   66
Shakespeare, quotation from   15, 37
Shannon and Chesapeake duel   90
Shears as a device on trade flag   7
Siam, flag of kingdom of   125
Signal-book of Chesapeake   133
Signalling by flags   20, 23, 127, et seq.
Simon de Montfort, banner of, 12
Skull and cross-bones device   66
Sledge flags of Arctic expedition   16
South Australia, badge of   83
South Carolina, flag of   87, 88, 94
Southern Cross   30, 80, 96
Sovereignty of the seas   25, 26
Spain, flags of   1, 24, 110, 111, 112
Spelling, mediæval liberty of   6, 22
Spenser, quotation from   36
Sphinx as a badge   62, 63
Spoon and fork on trade flag   7
Standard, nature of the   14
St. Andrew, cross of   4, 35, 42, 43, 45, 53, 116
Stars and bars, C.S.A.   95, 96
Stars and stripes, U.S.A.   59
St. Denis, flag of   105
Stewart on tartans   1
St. Gallen, flag of   116
St. George, cross of   4, 10, 14, 16, 35, 39, 41, 45, 48, 53, 84, 87, 116
St. Helena, badge of colony of   84
Storm signals by flags   135
"Story of Thebes," quotation from   12
St. Patrick, cross of   4, 51, 53, 116
Straits Settlement, device of   84
Streamer, variety of flag   20, 21
Strictly confidential signals   133
Stuart, livery colours of house of   21
Sun as a device   2, 17
Swallow-tail flag   14, 18, 93, 110, 115, 116, 130
Swan, black, of Western Australia   84
Sweden, flag of   115
Switzerland, flag of   116
Swynnerton, standard of Sir Thomas de   16
Sydney, Sir Philip, funeral of   18
Sidney, Sir Philip, on war   19
Symbols to express colours   74
Tartans, Scottish   1
Tasmania, device of colony of   84
Telegraph Department, flag of   71
Tessin, flag of Canton   117
Teutonic, armament of the   57
Teutonic order, cross of the   100
Texas, flag of the State of   95
Texel, flag of the port of   75
"The late unpleasantness"   96
"Theorike and Practike of Modern Warres"   61
Third Dragoons   66
Thistle as a flag device   42, 82
Three-flag signals   137
Tiger of Korea   125
Titus, the arch of   2
Tobacco plant on flag   123
Torpedo practice flag   133
Trafalgar, Nelson's famous signal   132, 133
Trajan's column, standards on   2
Transport service, flag of the   71, 104
Transvaal, flag of the   126
Trefoils as a device   41
Tressure of Scotland, the   31, 32
Tricolor of France   40, 108
Trinidad, badge of colony of   84
Trinity, banner of the   5, 6
Trowel on guild flag   6
Trumpet banners   12, 20
Tudor flags   17
Tughra device, the   120, 121
Tunisian flags   120
Turkey, flags of   24, 119, 120
Twenty-fourth regiment   62
Tyrol, flag of the   102
Union between England and Scotland 45
Union between Great Britain and Ireland 50, 52
Union flag   1, 4, 45, 47, 50, 54, 61
Union flag of Sweden and Norway, 116
Union Jack   47, 48
Union Steamship Company's flag   75
United Italy   113
United States of America, flag of   86, 89, 90, 91
Universal code for signalling   28
Urgency flag signals   136
Uri, flag of Canton of   116
Uruguay, flag of   122
Utilisation of liners as cruisers   57
Valence, banner of Sir Aymer de   11
Valkyrie, flag of the yacht   73
Variation in size a sign of rank   17
Venezuela, flag of   23, 122, 123
Venice, obsolete flags of   27
Versailles, palace of   97
Vessels spoken at sea   139, 140
Viceroy of India, flag of   65, 81
Victoria Cross   63
Victoria, flag of colony of   80
Victualling Department, flag of   71
Virginia, settlement of   86
Virgin Mary on flag   6
Vocabulary signals   137
Voldermirz, arms of   102
Vowel flags objectionable   138, 139
Waldeck, flag of   101
War cries   37
War songs   95, 98
Warriors' Chapel at Canterbury   66, 67
Washington, arms of   91, 93
"Watch upon the Rhine"   98
Waterloo, battle of   70
Weather signals   135, 137
Wellington, funeral of Duke of   18, 22
West Africa, device of   84
Western Australia, device of   84
Western Australia, governor's flag   81
West Prussia, flag of   98
White cross of France   107
White elephant of Siam   125
White ensign   40, 55, 59, 72
White horse of Hanover   63, 66
White horse of Kent   36
White Star Line, house flag of 57, 75
Why called "Jack"   48
William III., standard of   35
Wreath on flag   63, 66, 81
Wolf as a device   2
Wurtemburg, flag of   101
Yacht flags   100, 138
Yellow flag, its significance   24, 59
York, livery colours of house of   21