The Geologist/Volume 5/Notes and Queries, Lower Silurian Fossils at Builth

3597824The Geologist Volume 5 — Notes and Queries, Lower Silurian Fossils at Builth1862

Lower Silurian Fossils at Builth.— The neighbourhood of Builth affords excellent specimens of many of the Lower Silurian fossils, especially trilobites. It may be useful to inform amateur and professed geologists that the little town of Builth contains a good practical geologist in the person of Mr. John Jones, gardener at Pencarrig House, who, though in humble circumstances, possesses a capital knowledge of the fossils of the district, and the localities where they may at once be found. He is willing at all times, so far as his duties permit, to become the pioneer of geological visitors at Builth, and will, for a suitable consideration, forward specimens to correspondents. Several amateurs of high standing, as well as professors, have availed themselves of his knowledge to the enriching of their collections. Within the last twelve months I have received from him some excellent specimens of Trilobites (Ogygia Buchii, Ampyx nudus, Trinucleus concentricus, etc.), also specimens of Didymograpsus, Grapiolithus, Rastrites, etc. I make this statement that others wishing to have their collections of Lower Silurian remains added to, may know whither to look for aid.—A Leominster Subscriber.