The Glorious Southern Victories!/When This War Shall End

The Glorious Southern Victories!
by Charles E. Caylat
When This War Shall End
3946039The Glorious Southern Victories! — When This War Shall EndCharles E. Caylat


How long! not enough, a little longer yet,
Until you withdraw the troops against us set;
Why, do you tremble, why do you fret?
Is it for your murders, now you have regret?

You call upon the spirit of Our Washington,
To bring peace and union to this once happy land;
The Constitution by Traitors being trampled upon,
He answers! only the Bravest and Righteous shall stand.

He look down on this country he made glorious and great,
And views the carnage of vandals, in his Native State,
And answers; Traitors! it is too late,
I shall leave you to your ignominous fate.

He tells us maintain our Rights, he urges us on,
As his spirit soars o’er our Southern sky,
Avenge the Death, of John A. Washington!
And for your Rights, you must Conquer or Die.

You beg, beseech, implore our God,
To come to you and your section’s rescue:
But he points to the recking blood, on Southern sod,
And answers; for your murders, my wrath is your due.

Lay down our arms, never! no, never!
Not until, this execrable Union we shall sever;
And those hordes, of thievish renonwn,
Shall the deeds of their Butlers and Banks disown.

If you are frightened and torn by the hissing shell,
To you the remedy I can easily tell;
You must, fanatics all, from our shores begone,
And leave us, our Laws and Government, alone.

Many and painful are our woes,
Powerful and merciless is our foes:
But our Cause is sublime and just,
And in God alone is our trust.

Oh! our God in this Holy Cause,
For our Southern Homes and Laws,
In this Struggle for Our Rights
Make them witness many another Fredericksburg fights.


C. S. of America, Feb., 25th 1863.