The Grand Junction Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham/Advert

Freeling's Railway Companions.

In progress, and will be published, by H. Lacey, as soon as the operations of the various Railways are so far advanced as for a time to be fired for their opening:—
  • Freeling's London and Birmingham Railway Companion, in Considerable Progress.
  • Freeling's— — — London and Southampton.
  • Freeling's— — — Manchester, Leeds, Selby, and Hull.
  • Freeling's— — — Manchester and Birmingham.
  • Freeling's— — — Great Western, London to Bristol, in Considerable Progress.
  • Freeling's— — — Maryport, Carlisle, and Newcastle, in Considerable Progress.
  • Freeling's— — — Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland.
  • Freeling's— — — Sunderland and Durham.
  • Freeling's— — — Birmingham and Gloucester, &c. &c. &c.

The general plan of these Volumes is similar to the Grand Junction Railway Companion; upon which such improvements will be made as the Author's experience in the work may suggest.

N.B.—Railway Companions for every other Line will be published, as soon as their state of progression will allow.