1. The Anecdote Book. 2. The Scrap Book. 3. The Story Teller. 4. The Book of Fate. 5. The Fortune Teller. 6. The Dream Interpreter. 7. The Way to Wealth. 8. The Medical Guide. 9. The Family Receipt Book. 10. The Sentimental Reciter. 11. The Comic Reciter. 12. The Letter Writer. 13. The Valentine Writer, Love. 14. - - Comle. 15. Fireside Amusements. 16. Outdoor Amusements. 17. The Maid Servant's Guide. 18. The Art of Preserving Health. 19. Domestic Cookery. 20. The Magic Oracle. 21. Life of Ambrose Gwinnett. 22. Readings for Winter Evenings. 23. Popular Irish Stories. 24. Irish Tales and Legends. 25. Life of Louis Philippe. 26. Life of Sir Robert Peel. 27. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 28. Life of Napoleon. 29. The Spectre Bridegroom, &e. 30. Amusing Irish Stories. 31. The Exiles of Siberia.
32. Life of Rob Roy. 33. Toast Master's Companion. 34. Life of Robin Hood, with cuts. 35. Life of Robert Burns. 36. Life of Sir William Wallace. 37. Life of Robert Bruce. 38. History of Prince Charles Stu 39. Paul and Virginia 40. Robinson Crusoe, with cuts. 41. Sindbad the Sailor, with cuts. 42. Blue Beard, with cuts. 43. Whittington and his Cat, with cuts 44. Sovereigns of Gt Britain, with cuts 45. Cinderella, with cuts. 46. Jack the Giant Killer, with cuts. 47. The Yellow Dwarf, with cuts. 48. The Sleeping Beauty, with cuts 49. The Universal Riddler, with cuts 50. The Little Deserter, with cuts. 51. The Babes in the Wood, with cuts. 52. The Pictorial Alphabet, with cuts. 53. AEsop's Fables, with cuts. 54. Games and Amusements, with cuts. 55. The New Year's Gift, with cuts. 56. The Poetical Alphabet, with cuts. 57. Barbanld's Lessons, with cuts. 58. Ali Baba, or the 40 Thieves, c. 59. Alladin, or the Wondf. Lamp. c 60. The Life of Lord Nelson. 61. The Small Preceptor. 62. The Child's Assistant.