The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams/Book I, Chapter XIII

The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams/Book I, Chapter XIII
623702The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Abrams/Book I, Chapter XIII


_What happened to Joseph during his sickness at the inn, with the

curious discourse between him and Mr Barnabas, the parson of

the parish._

As soon as Joseph had communicated a particular history of the robbery,

together with a short account of himself, and his intended journey, he

asked the surgeon if he apprehended him to be in any danger: to which

the surgeon very honestly answered, "He feared he was; for that his

pulse was very exalted and feverish, and, if his fever should prove more

than symptomatic, it would be impossible to save him." Joseph, fetching

a deep sigh, cried, "Poor Fanny, I would I could have lived to see thee!

but God's will be done."

The surgeon then advised him, if he had any worldly affairs to settle,

that he would do it as soon as possible; for, though he hoped he might

recover, yet he thought himself obliged to acquaint him he was in great

danger; and if the malign concoction of his humours should cause a

suscitation of his fever, he might soon grow delirious and incapable to

make his will. Joseph answered, "That it was impossible for any creature

in the universe to be in a poorer condition than himself; for since the

robbery he had not one thing of any kind whatever which he could call

his own." "I had," said he, "a poor little piece of gold, which they

took away, that would have been a comfort to me in all my afflictions;

but surely, Fanny, I want nothing to remind me of thee. I have thy dear

image in my heart, and no villain can ever tear it thence."

Joseph desired paper and pens, to write a letter, but they were refused

him; and he was advised to use all his endeavours to compose himself.

They then left him; and Mr Tow-wouse sent to a clergyman to come and

administer his good offices to the soul of poor Joseph, since the

surgeon despaired of making any successful applications to his body.

Mr Barnabas (for that was the clergyman's name) came as soon as sent

for; and, having first drank a dish of tea with the landlady, and

afterwards a bowl of punch with the landlord, he walked up to the room

where Joseph lay; but, finding him asleep, returned to take the other

sneaker; which when he had finished, he again crept softly up to the

chamber-door, and, having opened it, heard the sick man talking to

himself in the following manner:--

"O most adorable Pamela! most virtuous sister! whose example could alone

enable me to withstand all the temptations of riches and beauty, and to

preserve my virtue pure and chaste for the arms of my dear Fanny, if it

had pleased Heaven that I should ever have come unto them. What riches,

or honours, or pleasures, can make us amends for the loss of innocence?

Doth not that alone afford us more consolation than all worldly

acquisitions? What but innocence and virtue could give any comfort to

such a miserable wretch as I am? Yet these can make me prefer this sick

and painful bed to all the pleasures I should have found in my lady's.

These can make me face death without fear; and though I love my Fanny

more than ever man loved a woman, these can teach me to resign myself to

the Divine will without repining. O thou delightful charming creature!

if Heaven had indulged thee to my arms, the poorest, humblest state

would have been a paradise; I could have lived with thee in the lowest

cottage without envying the palaces, the dainties, or the riches of any

man breathing. But I must leave thee, leave thee for ever, my dearest

angel! I must think of another world; and I heartily pray thou may'st

meet comfort in this."--Barnabas thought he had heard enough, so

downstairs he went, and told Tow-wouse he could do his guest no service;

for that he was very light-headed, and had uttered nothing but a

rhapsody of nonsense all the time he stayed in the room.

The surgeon returned in the afternoon, and found his patient in a higher

fever, as he said, than when he left him, though not delirious; for,

notwithstanding Mr Barnabas's opinion, he had not been once out of his

senses since his arrival at the inn.

Mr Barnabas was again sent for, and with much difficulty prevailed on to

make another visit. As soon as he entered the room he told Joseph "He

was come to pray by him, and to prepare him for another world: in the

first place, therefore, he hoped he had repented of all his sins."

Joseph answered, "He hoped he had; but there was one thing which he knew

not whether he should call a sin; if it was, he feared he should die in

the commission of it; and that was, the regret of parting with a young

woman whom he loved as tenderly as he did his heart-strings." Barnabas

bad him be assured "that any repining at the Divine will was one of the

greatest sins he could commit; that he ought to forget all carnal

affections, and think of better things." Joseph said, "That neither in

this world nor the next he could forget his Fanny; and that the thought,

however grievous, of parting from her for ever, was not half so

tormenting as the fear of what she would suffer when she knew his

misfortune." Barnabas said, "That such fears argued a diffidence and

despondence very criminal; that he must divest himself of all human

passions, and fix his heart above." Joseph answered, "That was what he

desired to do, and should be obliged to him if he would enable him to

accomplish it." Barnabas replied, "That must be done by grace." Joseph

besought him to discover how he might attain it. Barnabas answered, "By

prayer and faith." He then questioned him concerning his forgiveness of

the thieves. Joseph answered, "He feared that was more than he could do;

for nothing would give him more pleasure than to hear they were

taken."--"That," cries Barnabas, "is for the sake of justice."--"Yes,"

said Joseph, "but if I was to meet them again, I am afraid I should

attack them, and kill them too, if I could."--"Doubtless," answered

Barnabas, "it is lawful to kill a thief; but can you say you forgive

them as a Christian ought?" Joseph desired to know what that forgiveness

was. "That is," answered Barnabas, "to forgive them as--as--it is to

forgive them as--in short, it is to forgive them as a Christian."--

Joseph replied, "He forgave them as much as he could."--"Well, well,"

said Barnabas, "that will do." He then demanded of him, "If he

remembered any more sins unrepented of; and if he did, he desired him to

make haste and repent of them as fast as he could, that they might

repeat over a few prayers together." Joseph answered, "He could not

recollect any great crimes he had been guilty of, and that those he had

committed he was sincerely sorry for." Barnabas said that was enough,

and then proceeded to prayer with all the expedition he was master of,

some company then waiting for him below in the parlour, where the

ingredients for punch were all in readiness; but no one would squeeze

the oranges till he came.

Joseph complained he was dry, and desired a little tea; which Barnabas

reported to Mrs Tow-wouse, who answered, "She had just done drinking it,

and could not be slopping all day;" but ordered Betty to carry him up

some small beer.

Betty obeyed her mistress's commands; but Joseph, as soon as he had

tasted it, said, he feared it would increase his fever, and that he

longed very much for tea; to which the good-natured Betty answered, he

should have tea, if there was any in the land; she accordingly went and

bought him some herself, and attended him with it; where we will leave

her and Joseph together for some time, to entertain the reader with

other matters.