The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 37


Veey many of the Ministers of the Gospell banisbed.

I. WHen it was evidently knowne, that the brethren were not the authors of any conspiracy, but that the Orders in regard of the ancient league with the Saxons, and a new desire against the protestants had acted this, Ferdinand bent all his endeavour to persecute the Lutheranes also, having called a meeting in the year 1549 he caused those things which were formerly agreed upon to be confirmed, and the decree for the abolishing all other sects, (to wit the brethren and Lutheranes) to be published.

2. The effect whereof was, that aswell the Calixtines as Papists, might have the more liberty to vexe the Gospellers with malice, calumnies, and injuries, and untill the yeare 1555 by the Kings command, the Ministers that had received orders in Germany, and those that were married in Cities and Townes were removed, one after another, and banished the Kingdome, to the number (as some have affirmed) of neer upon 200. These men being dispersed through Misnia and the Palatine Philip Malancthon greatly comforted with his letters.

For the King had promised that some of the chief of the Gospellers, upon any pretence whatsoever should bee proscribed, and hurried to prison, among whom was lohn prostiborski, Baron of Schanow, an eminent man, not so much for his wealth, as his learning and good experience. Hee, for a suspition of a certaine plot against Ferdinand, and for that he had consulted with the Saxons after an itterated verball diligent examination being laid on the rack, with an heroicall indignation, cut out his tongue and cast it away, being demanded why hee did so, what hee could not with his tongue in those tortures, very humbly with a quill set it downe on the wall) for that end (said hee) I did it, because I would not bee brought to it, by any tortures to say any thing that is false against himselfe, or others. And here by a written parchment upbraiding the Tyrannicall proceedings against them, and other innocents he cited the King and his councellors to appeare before the tribunall of God, and a little after died in the same prison, notwithstanding the King had taken order that a Chyrurgion, and a Physitian should take care of his health.