Chap. VI.

John Melice and Conrade Stickna,

1. THese clamours increasing, Mr. John Melice of Prague, a man descended of a noble family, and of a fervent spirit, (of whom also mention is made in the catalogue of witnesses unto the Truth) whether by word or writing, was the first that stood out in opposition. For when for his rare Learning and Holinesse of life, he was made Prefect of the Clergy in the Cathedrall Church of and had a great Auditory, he began to exhort the people unto a frequent communion in both kinds, to complain much of spirituall desolation, to rebuke divers abuses & abominations being much helped with the godly endeavors of his faithful colleague Conrade Stickna, a man eminent for Learning and Eloquence.

2. These two by their zealous preaching effected (amongst other things) that the notorious Brothell house at Prague (called Venice) was throwne downe, and in its place Mary Magdalen church erected, which peradventure was a præludium of the speedy destruction of the spirituall common Stewes,

3. Neverthelesse Melicius himself hath left a writing concerning himself, (for some of his writings are preserved) that he was pricked in conscience, that he should go to Rome, and there testifie that the great Antichrist was come and did then reign. He prayed nnto God with fasting and tears, that unlesse these cogitations did proceed from his spirit, he would deliver him from them; but because he could find no inward quiet, he went to Rome, and wric upon some of the cardinalls doors, Antichrist is come, and sitteth in the Church; and in his conferences with many, hee averred the same.

4. There is a Bull of Greg. the 11. now extant: whereby Melice with his auditors were anathematized. Hee therefore imprisoneth him: but afterwards (perhaps for fear of the people) he releaseth him, in the year 1366. Melice continued eight years in the hatred of antichrist, and (in the year 1374, and fourth Nones of February) he (Swan like) ended his life, five years after the happy dissolution of his colleague Stickna.