The History of the Ten "Lost" Tribes/Chapter XVI

Appendix II. Other Works by David Baron.

84681The History of the Ten "Lost" Tribes — Appendix IIDavid Baron
  • The Servant of Jehovah: The Sufferings of the Messiah and the Glory that should Follow. . . .
New Cheaper Edition. Price 3d. 6. net.
  • Types, Psalms and Prophecies: A Selected Series of Old Testament Studies . . . .
3rd Revised Edition. Price 6s net.
2nd Cheaper Edition 566 pages, demy 8vo. Price 7s. 6d. net.
Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. Price 4s. 6d. net.
  • The Shepherd of Israel and His Scattered Flock: A solution of the Enigma of Jewish History . . . .
New Edition. Price 2s 6d. net.
New and Revised Edition. Paper Covers 9d. net, Cloth 1s. 4d. net.
  • A Divine Forecast of Jewish History—A Proof of the Supernatural Fulfilment in Scripture . . . . .
New Enlarged Edition. Paper Covers 9d. net.
New Edition. Crown 8vo. Price 1s. net.

  • Christ and Israel: Lectures and Addresses on the Jews. By Adolph Saphir, D.D. Collected and Edited by David Baron. . . .
Price 4s. net.

Monrgan and Scott Ltd., 12, Paternoster Buildings, E.C., or from The Hebrew Christian Testimony To Israel, "En-Hakkoré," Northwood, Middlesex.

All these books can be had also in America from the China Island Mission, 237, West School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.