Hyer begynneth thystorye of reynard the foxe

In this historye ben wroten the parables / goode lerynge / and dyuerse poyntes to be merkyd / by whiche poyntes men maye lerne to come to the subtyl knoweleche of suche thynges as dayly ben vsed and had in the counseyllys of lordes and prelates gostly and worldly / and / also emong marchantes and other comone peple / And this booke is maad for nede and prouffyte of alle god folke / As fer as they in redynge or heeryng of it shal mowe vnderstande and fele the forsayd subtyl deceytes that dayly ben vsed in the worlde / not to thentente that men sholde vse them but that euery man shold eschewe and kepe hym from the subtyl false shrewis that they be not deceyuyd / Thenne who that wyll haue the very vnderstandyng of this mater / he muste ofte and many tymes rede in thys boke and ernestly and diligently marke wel that he redeth / ffor it is sette subtylly / lyke as ye shal see in redyng of it / and not ones to rede it ffor a man shal not wyth ones ouer redyng fynde the ryght vnderstanding ne comprise it wel / but oftymes to rede it shal cause it wel to be vnderstande / And for them that vnderstandeth it / it shall be ryght Ioyous playsant and prouffitable.