The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Bayley, Charles Butterworth

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1571946The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Bayley, Charles ButterworthC. Hayavadana Rao

Bayley, Charles Butterworth, M.V.O.; Son of Sir Steuart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I,, C.I.E.; Born, 1876; Educated, Blundell's School, Tiverton; Asstt. Secy, to Govt. of Bengal, P. W. Deptt.; Acted as Special Correspondent to Daily Telegraph and Pioneer (Allahabad) with Tibet Expedition, and to Daily Mail with Mohamand Expedition; was Private Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of Bihar and Orrisa; M.V.O., (4th class), 1906. Address: Patna, Bengal Club.