The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Duff, General Sir Beauchamp

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1582015The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Duff, General Sir BeauchampC. Hayavadana Rao

Duff, General Sir Beauchamp, C.I.E. (1897), K.C.V.O. (1906), K.C.B. (1907), K.C.S.I. (1910), G.C.B. (1911), Commander-in-Chief, India; 2nd s. of late Garden William Duff of Hatton Castle, Aberdeenshire: b. 1855; educ; Trinity College, Grenalmond; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; m. Grace, d. of late Oswald Wood, 1877; Joined the Army as Lieutenant. R.H. 1874; Afghan War, 1878-80; transferred to Indian Staff Corps, 1881; Captain, 1886; passed through. Staff College, 1888-89; D.A.A.G. Indian Army Head-quarters, 1891-95; Bregadier Major, Isazai Expedition, 1892; Major, 1894; D.A.A.G. Waziristan Expedition, 1894-95 (despatches twice. Brevet of Lt-Col.); Military Secretary to C in C India, 1895-99; Substantive Colonel, 1898; Assistant Military Secretary, War Office (for Indian affairs), 1899; South Africa, 1899-1901 (despatches twice, medal with five clasps, C.B.); D.A.G. Indian Army Head-quarters, 1901-02; Bgr. General Commanding Allahabad District; Major General, 1903; Adjutant General, India, 1903-06; Secretary, Military Department, India Office; 1909-13; Chief of the Staff in India, 1906-09; Commander-in-Chief, India, since 1914. Recreations: Shooting, fishing. Address: Delhi, and Simla, India. Club: United Service.