The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Holland, Sir Thomas Henry

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1585774The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Holland, Sir Thomas HenryC. Hayavadana Rao

Holland, Sir Thomas Henry, K.C.I.E., (1908) D.Sc. F.R.S., (1904), F.G.S. Professor of Geology, Manchester University, since 1909; s. of late John Holland Springfield, Canada; b. 1868; m. Francis Maud, d. of late Chas Chapman; National Scholar, 1885; Murchison Medalist and Prizeman, 1887; Assoc. Royal Coll. Science 1888; Berkely Fellow of the Owens College, 1889; joined I.C.S., 1890; Deputy Superintendent, Geological Survey, 1894; President, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1909; President, Mining and Geological Institute of India, 1906; Director of Geological Survey, India, 1903-1909; Chairman of Trustees, Indian Museum, 1905-09 Fellow and Reader, Calcutta University; Dean of Faculty of Science, 1909; President of Board of Studies in Geology and Mineralogy 1905-09; President, Indian Mining and Geological Club and of Royal College of Students0146 Association, 1910; Hon. Member, Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, and of the Mining and Geological Inst. of India. Publications: numerous memoirs of Petrology, Geology, and Anthropology. Address: Mancheter. Club: Savage.