The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Jacob, Sir (Samuel) Swinton

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1586075The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Jacob, Sir (Samuel) SwintonC. Hayavadana Rao

Jacob, Sir (Samuel) Swinton, CIE. (1893), K.C.I.E., (1902). A.I.C.E., M.R.I.B.A.; late Chief Engineer, Jaipur State, India; b, 1841; s. of Colonel W. Jacob, Bombay Artillery; educ; Cheam School; Addiscombe College; gained Commission in Bombay Artillery; Lieut, 1858; joined Indian Staff Corps, 1862; Capt, 1870; Major, 1878; Lieut-Col. 1884; Colonel, 1888; served in P.W.D. 1862-96; Superintending Engineer, 1893; officiated as Suptg. Engineer and Secretary to the A.G.G. for Rajputana, and C.I. on several occasions; services lent to the Mharajah of Jaipur 1867; served at Aden, 1861-66 (thanked by Secretary of State); received thanks of the Govt, of India for exertions during famine in Rajputana. 1868-69; commended by Govt, of India for services in the P.W.D. of the Jaipur State, 1872; again thanked, 1873 and 1890; Assist. Field Engineer with the Aden Force, 1865-66; blown up in the destruction of an Arab fort, 1866; attended Coronation of late Emperor Edward VII as Political Officer with H.H. the Maharajah of Jaipur, 1902; on special duty as Consulting Engineer for Irrigation in Rajaputana, 1902-5;the following are among his many architectural designs:- the Sandeman Memorial Hall at Quetta; Secretariat Ofiices for the Govt. of India at Simla; the Victoria Memorial Hall at Peshawar; the Bank of Madras; the Albert Hall at Jaipur; the Jubilee Clock Tower at Jaeodabad; St. Stephen’s College at Delhi; the Public offices at Jodhpur and at Dholpur; the Hospital at Bhaiatpur; College for the Begum of Bhopal; a Palace for the Maharajah of Kotah; a Palace and other buildings for the Maharajah of Bikaner; the Church at Jaipur; the R.C. Church at Ajmere; the new Daly College at Indore and subsidiary buildings; the Marble Canopies over the Statues of late Empress Victoria at Lahore, Lucknow, and Ajiulhya; Fountains at Calcutta and Bombay; Marble Altars, Founts, Pulpits, etc., in different parts of India; received the title of Officer de l’ Academie des Beaux Arts by French-Government; owns Kaiser-Hind gold medal; holds Coronation medals for England and India. Publications: Jaipur Portfolios of Architectural Details; a work on Jaipur Enamels; letter press by Surgeon-Col. T. H. Hendley C.I.E. Address: Jaipur, Rajputana, India.