The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Jarrett, Col Henry Sullivan

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1586104The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Jarrett, Col Henry SullivanC. Hayavadana Rao

Jarrett, Col Henry Jullivan, C.I.E. (1895) Supernumerary List; b. 1839; 2nd s. of late Thomas Jarrett, Speldhurst, Kent; m. Agnes Delacour, d. of late Francis Beaufort, 1874; educ: Prior Park, Bath; joined the Army, 1856; served in India during the Mutiny; Mahsud-Waziri Expedition, 1860; the 2nd Yusufzai Expedition as A.D.C.; Member, Board of Examiners, Culcutta; Asst. Secretary, Legislative Department, Government of India, 1870-94. Publications; History of the Caliphs; Institutes of the Emperor Akbar; Heine’s Book of Songs into English verse; Address: Imberhorne. East Grinstead. Club; United Service.