The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Narayanamurti, Budhavarpur

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1599373The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Narayanamurti, BudhavarpurC. Hayavadana Rao

Narayanamurti, Budhavarpur, Diwan Bahadur, (1906); educ: Anglo-Vernacular School, Vizagapatam; entered service, 1876; rose to the position of Deputy Collector, 1891; retired, 1905; was Vice-President, Vizagapatam District Board, and President, Vizagapatam Club; joined the service of Maharani Gode Gajapathi Rao of Vizagapatam as Deputy Diwan, from which he has since retired; was Chairman, Vizagapatain Municipality for 4 years. Recreation: gardening. Address: Vizagapatam, Madras Presidency, India.