The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Robertson, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Donald

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1606187The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Robertson, Lieut.-Colonel Sir DonaldC. Hayavadana Rao

Robertson, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Donald, C.S.I. (1899), K.C.S.I. (1903), Indian Army; e.s. of late Col. J. K. Robertson; b. 1847; educ: Cheltenham College, and Radley College; joined service in the R.N.B. (now 21st) Scots Fusiliers, 1865; m. Agnes, d. of Archdeacon Gorton, 1870; for sometime served with the Madras Cavalry; transferred to Civil Dept. 1869; served in the Central Provinces as Assistant Conimissioner, 1869-72; Political Officer, Central India, and Rajputana. 1872-78; Cantonment Magistrate, Hyderabad (D) 1877-1881; administered the State of Rewa, 1888-94; Resident, Gwalior, 1894-96; Resident in Mysore, and Commissioner of Coorg, 1896-1908. Recreations: riding, shooting, and rowing. Address: c/o H.S. King & Co. 9 Pall Mall, S.W. Club: Naval and Military.