The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Sandhurst, William Mansfield

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1606704The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Sandhurst, William MansfieldC. Hayavadana Rao

Sandhurst, 2nd Baron (cr. 1871), William Mansfield, G.C.I.E., G.C.S.I., P.C., 1906; J.P.; Honorary Col., Bombay Rifles, 1895; Lord-Chamberlain since 1912; formerly Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem; b. 1855; s. in 1876 1st Baron who served in the Sutlej, 1845-46, and Punjab, 1848-49; was present at Sobraon and Goojerat; served throughout the Indian Mutiny, and was present at Lucknow and Cawnpore; became Commander-in-Chief, Bombay, 1860-65; C-in-C, India, 1865-70; Commander of the Forces in Ireland, 1870; resigned his Commission, 1879. m. 1st, Lady Victoria Alexandrina Spencer, C.I. (d. 1906) d. of the 4th Earl Spencer K.G., 1881; 2nd, Eleanor, d. of Matthew Arnold and widow of Hon’ble A. Wodehouse, 1909; educ: Rugby; Sub-Lieut., Coldstream Guards, 1873; Lord-in-Waiting to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1880-85; Under Secretary for War, 1886, 1892-94; Governor of Bombay, 1895-99. Heir: Hon’ble John William Mansfield. Address: 60, Eaton Square, S.W. Clubs: Brook’s, Turf, Garrick.