The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Sheo Kumar Sastri

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1607539The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Sheo Kumar SastriC. Hayavadana Rao

Sheo Kumar Sastri, Mahamahopadhyayaya, (1896), Benares; belongs to a family of Surpuri Brahmins of Gorakhpur who emigrated to Benares in the days of Raja Chaitsingh; b. 1847; s. of late Ramsewak Misra; educ: at the Sanskrit College, Benares; joined service in the Benarese Sanskrit College as a Pandit; resigned and joined the Durbhanga Patasala. Publication: Life of Swami Bhaskara nand, etc. Address: Gobindpur, Benares City, India.