The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Taw Sein Ko

1608234The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Taw Sein KoC. Hayavadana Rao

Taw Sein Ko, I.S.O., K.I.H.; Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma Circle (retired); b. 1864 s. of Taw Sun, merchant, Bhamo m. 1889, Ma Mya (d. 1910); d. of Tan Tun, merchant, Rangoon; educ: Christ’s College, Cambridge, Burmese and Pali Lecturer, Rangoon College, 1882-85; Assistant Translator, Senior Translator, Cambridge University, 1892-93; Translator and Assistant Secretary to the Government of Burma, 1894-96; at Peking and other parts of China, 1897-98; Translator, Archaeologist, Adviser on Chinese Affairs, and Assistant Secretary to the Government of Burma, 1898-1905; stationed at Bhamo as Warden of the Burmo-Chinese frontier during the Boxer rebellion of 1900; Publications: Maha Janaka Jataka; Elementary Hand-Book of the Burmese Language; Selection from the Records of the Hult Daw; Monograph on the Pottery and Glassware of Burma; Translation of the Attasankhepa Vannana Dhammathaf; Suggested Reforms for China; Burmese Sketches; contributions to the Indian Antiquary, The Asiatic Quarterly Review, the Journals of the Royal Asiatic Society, London and of the Burma Research Society, Rangoon, The Annuals of the Director-General of Archaeology, etc. Address: Peking Lodge, West Moat Road, Mandalay, Burma. Club: Y.M.B.A., Mandalay.