The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Tyler, Major-General Trevor Bruce

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1608323The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Tyler, Major-General Trevor BruceC. Hayavadana Rao

Tyler, Major-General Trevor Bruce, C.S.I. (1903); Indian Array (retired); s. of Rev. R. T. Tyler of Llantrithyd, Glamorgan; b. 1841; educ: Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; joined service in the Army, 1859; served in the Fenian Raid, Canada, (medal and clasp), 1866; Commanded B. Battery, R.H.A., 1881-86; Commandant, Okehampton Camp, 1891-93; transferred to Indian Army and posted as Colonel on the Staff, Poona, 1893-95; Brigr.-General, R.A., Punjab, 1895-97; Major-General, 1900; became Inspector-General of Artillery, India, 1897-1903; retired, 1903; proceeded to England and settled in Glamorgan; Chairman, Territorial Association, Glamorgan. Address: Llantrithyd, Glamorgan. Club: Naval and Military.