The Indian Medical Gazette/Volume 39

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Indian Medical Gazette.


Medicine, Surgery, Public Health, and General Medical Intelligence,

Indian and European.


W. J. BUCHANAN, B.A., M.D., D.P.H. (Dub.), Major, I.M.S.


J. MAITLAND, M.D., Lt.-Colonel, I.M.S.

W. E. JENNINGS, M.D., D.P.H., Major, I.M.S.

C. DUER, F.R.C.S. (Eng.), Major, I.M.S.


Founded in 1865.







Doctors as Civil and Political Officers. By Lieut-Colonel D. G. Crawford, I.M.S. ...1

Resisting Powers of the Larvæ of Calicide to Desiccation. By Major E. Jennings, I.M.S. ...5

Malaria : as seen in the Andamans Penal Settlement. By Captain Ernest E. Waters, M.B. (Edin.), I.M.S.

" Liver Chill ” as a Factor of Disease in the Tropios. By Major E. A. Grant, I.M.S.

Diphtheria in the Madras Presidency. By Captain J. W. Cornwall, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.),

Report on a Small Outbreak of Cholera in 10th D. C. O. Lancers (Hodson's Horse) in June 1903. By Captain E. A. C. Mathews, M.B., B.C. (Cantab.), I.M.S. ...14

The Blood Examination of 3,400 cases of Fever in Bombay. By A. Powell, M.CH. ...41

Enlarged Prostate. By Dr. W. J. Wanless...45

The Cholera Epidermic at Puri. By Captain S. Anderson, I.M.S....48

Symblepharon and its Treatment. By Captain H. Gidney, F.B.O.S. (Ed.), I.M.S.

A Short Note on the Parasite of Kala-azar. By Chas. A. Bentley, M.B. ...81

Enlarged Prostate. By W. J. Wanless, M.D. ...82

The Blood Examination of three thousand four hundred cases of Febrile disease in Bombay. Seasonal Prevalence of the different Malaria Parasites. The Diagnosis of the variety of the Young Stained Parasitəs. By Mr. Author:Arthur Powell ...85

Infant Mortality. By H. Sen, M.B. ...88

Intestinal Parasites as Factors in the Mortality of Prisoners in Canoanore and Rajahmundry Jails. By Major C. F. Fearnside, M.A., M.B., I.M.S. ...121

Two Cases of Enteritis caused by Ascaris Lumbricoides- II. —Malaria, Ankylostoma Duodepale, Ascaris Lumbriooides 126 III.-Ankylostoma. By Major C. F. Fearnside, M.A., M.B., I.M.S. ...129

Intestinal Animal Parasites in Behar and Orissa. By Captain Clayton Lane, M.D. (Lond.), I.M.S. ...131

Some Notes on Ankylostomiasis in Assam. By Charles A. Bentley, M.B. ...135

A Note on the occurrence of Intestinal Parasites in Ranchi, Chota Nagpur. By Captain R. H. Maddox, M.B., I.M.S. ...186

A Preliminary Note on a Pyroplasmosis found in Man, and in some of the Lower Animals. By A. Lingard, M.B. ...161

Jail Stomatitis. By Nobin Chunder Dutt ...165

The Cultivation of the Bacillus Lepræ. By Captain E. R. Rost. I.M.S. ...167

"A Contribution to the Study of the Action of Indian Cobra Poison." By Captain R. H. Elliot, M.B., B.s. (Lond.), F.R.C.s. (Eng.), D.P.H. (Camb.), etc. ...169

How to Cure Enteric Fever. By Major P. W. O'Gorman, M.D., X.B.C.P., D.P.H. (Camb.), ...173

“Trypanosomiasis." By Lieut.-Colonel H. P. Dimmock, 1.1.8.

An Outbreak of True Beri-Beri in an Assam Jail. By Captain Campbell Dykes, M.B. (Lond.), I.M.S. 201 ... .. .. ... .. I.M.S. ... 176 . we do not wan mula muwur parcurss mou gumu wave wsusu ww Page. ... ... ... CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXIX. ORIGINAL ARTICLES-(concluded).

Further notes on the Cultivation of the Bacillas Lepre and the Treatment of Leprosy by the Injections of a Leprolin. By Captain E. R. Rost, I.M.B.... 203, 441

Notes on the Destruction of Mosquitoes in Bijapur. By Captain A. Hooton, L.M.S. ...205

Lemna Minor as a Preventive against Mosquitoes. By Major J. R. Adie, I.M.S. ...207

Notes on the Cultivation of Streptothrix Maduræ. By Captain J. W. Cornwall, M.A., M.D. (Cantab), I.M.S. ...208

Report on Plague and Inoculation Operations, Amritsar District. "By Captain S. Browning Smith, I.M.S. 209

Scurvy in Somaliland. Notes on the Condition of the Blood Serum. By Lieut. J. Fleming Barnardo, I.M.S. ...241

Frost-Bite in the Tibet Mission Force. By Lieut G. I. Davys, B.A., M.B.,, B.A.0., 1.4.8. 245

The Prevention of Tuberculosio. By Major W. E. Jennings, M.D., D.P.H., L.M.8. ...247

Plague : A Soil Infection. By Captain E. F. Gordon Tucker, I.M.S. ...249

Leprosy in the Garo Hills, Assam. By G. G. Crozier, B.8., M.D..... ...253

Note on a base of Malignant Dermoid Cyst of the Neck. By Major D. M. Moir, M.D., I.M.S.; and by Captain Clayton Lane, M.D., L.M.S. ...281

Bacteriology of Parangi (Yaws). By Assistant-Colonial Surgeon Eugene Ellis Modder, L.F.P. & B., G.L.M. ...286

"Carbolic Acid treatment of Plague." By Assistant-Surgeon Mir Hidayatullah, L.M. & B. 287

Piroplasmosis. By Major C. Donovan, I.M.S. ...321

"A Method of Preventing Death from Soake-Bite, Capable of Common and Easy Practical Application. By Sir Lauder Brunton, M.D., F.R.S. ; Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart.,, T.R.B.; and Leonard Rogers, M.D., I.M.S., eto. 827

Observations on the Effect of the Injection of Leprolín. By Major R. S. Wood, 1.M.S. ... 873

An Outbreak of Plagne at Arrah in 1902–1903. By R. K. Gupta, 1.4.s., M.R.A.B. (Lond.) 336

The Use of Izal in the treatment of Tropical Dysentery. By Major J. C. S. Vaughan, M.B., O.M. (Edin.), I.M.S. ...361

Notos on some cases of Frost Bite. By Lieat. F. Powell Connor, F.R.C.B., I.M.S. ...365

Ultra Violet Rays. By Captain E. C. Macleod, 1.1.8. ...366

The Manuscripts of Naples and the Vatican, and that of Boncompagni (Albertotti) concerning the Ophthalmic Work of Benvenuto, with some considerations and Theories of Reclination of Cataract. By Professor Guiseppe Albertotti. (Translated by Miss K. E. Wilkinson) ...368

Treatment of Goitre with Iodine. By Taraknath Roy ...371

Compulsory Notification of Enteric Fevers in India. By Captain W. H. Orr, I.M.S. 873

Notes on a Case of General Lymphadenoma. (Hodgkin's Disease). By Asst.-Surgn: S. N. Datta, M.B. ...374

Hemp Drugs and Insanity: By Major E. W. F. Ewens, I.M.S., M.D. ...401

Casualties in Tibet. By Major Wimberley, I.M.S. ...413

Plague in Ferozepore. By Lieut. L. B. Scott, I.M.S.... ...450

Commonsopse Policy of Plague. By Lieut.-Colonel W. G. King, I.M.S. ...447

Trypanosomes in India. By A. Lingard, M.A. 445

Use of Guaiquin in Chronic Fevere. By Dr. N. C. N. Row ...455


Brief Notes on Surgical Cases in the Medical College Hospital, Caloutta. By Captain E. O. Thurston, I M.S. ...15

Case of Palmonary Osteoarthropathy. By Captain T. H. Simons, I.M.S. ...16

A Simple Way to Compress the Subclavian Artery. By Lient. L. B. Scott, M.B. (Camb.), I.M.S. ...18

Operation of Cæsarian Section : Recovery. By Captain J. Stodart, I.M.S. ...18

Case of Depressed Fracture of the Skull : Operation, Recovery. By H. Martin Newton, L.R.0.8.E. ...19

Poisonous Snakes and Calmette's Serum : a Successful Case. By Asst.-Surgn. Ferozdin Mohroof ...20

Supposed Dhatura Poisoning : a Personal Experience. By Keshavlal Motilal Mehta ...20

Stiffness of Arm after Amputation of Breast. By Major F. P. Maynard, I.M.S., F.R.C.S. ...54

The Specific Gravity of Urine. By S. Mallanah, M.D. ...55

A Needle passing through the Intestinal Tract. By Asst.-Surgn. Mohroof ...55 DÖNTENI'S or vot. XXXIX. . 95 96 96 99 ... ... ... A MIRROR OF HOSPITAL PRACTICE(continued). Page.

Slow Hæmorrhage beneath the Dara Mater. By Captain H. P. Johnson, RA.M.O. 56

The Bagdad Boil. By W. H. Cox, 1.M.8. 56

Prolapsus Uteri. By Captain K. F. Standage, 1.M.B. 58

Case of Paralysis Agitants. By Captain J. Good, M.B., T.M.S. 60

Puerpural Eclampsia treated by Morphia. By Captain 0. C. Barry, L.2.8. 60

A Case of Hyperpyrexia and Diabetes. By Captain H. J. Walton, Y.B., 7.B.C.8., 1.1.8. 92

A Case of Double Ablepharon (Congenital). By Captain E. H. R. Newman, M.D., I.1.6. 93

A Case of Karobi Poison. By Captain J. G. 8. Fleming, I.B.M.D. 94

Case of Rupture of Intestine. By H. Martyn Newton, L.R.O.B..... 94

Case of Modified Telma's Operation for Hepatie Sclerosis with Ascites. By A. Neve, F.B.C.B.B. 94

Case of Pyonephrosis with Calculus. Under the care of A. Neve, F.R.O.B.....

Case of Large Goitre ; Excision, Thyroidism : Recovery. By E. F. Neve, F.R.O.s. (Edin.) 95

Ankylostomiasis in the Panjab. By Captain C. H. C. Wimberley, M.B., I.M.B.

Sulphonal Idiosyncrasy. By Mily. Asel.-Surgn. E. J. Murpby

Primary Carcinoma of the Pancreas, with unusual Symptoms. By Captain E. F. Gordon Tucker, I.M.B. 97

Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis in Akyab Jail . By Catpain T. Stodart, M.B., 6.2., 1.8.8.

Six Cases of Tetanus. By Lieat.-Colonel John Smyth, 1.2.9. 137

Cobra Bite : Recovery 188

A Case of Acute Hæmorrhagic Pancreatitis. By Mily. Asst.-Sargo. Arthur T. Torpy 188

Brief Notes on Surgical cases in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta: By Captain E.O. Thurston, F.R.C.8., 1.M.8. 189

Nobos on a few Selected Operation Cases at the Petit Hospital, Bombay. By Lieut.- Colonel M. A.T. Collie, I.M.S. 177

Cases from tbe Medical Wards of the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. "By Captain D. McCay, I.M.B. 179

A Case of Accessory Lobale of the Spigelina Lobe of the Liver. By Captain Victor E. B. Lindesay, L.M.8. 180

Poisoning by Atropine. By Captain A. Chalmers, M.D. (Aberdi), 1.4.8. 180

A Case of Spontaneous Rupture of the Spleen. By Lieut. G. I. Davys, B.A., M.B.I.M.8 .... 218

A Series of Five Cases of Hydrocephalus. By Assistant-Surgeon G. V. James 219

Notes of Cases of Paralysis treated by " Massage” in the Campbell Hospital. By 1st Grade Asst.-Surgn. Gopal Chunder Mukerji 255

Case of Distoma Crassum or Buski. By Maj. V. 8. Wood, W.B., O.M., 1.10.8. ... 260

A Rare Congenital Deformity of the Eyes. By Maj. T. E. Dyson, I.M.8. 260

Extra-Uterine (Tubo-Abdominal) Gestation. By Captain R. F. Standage, I.M.8. 287

Case of Lightning Stroke: By Major R. S. Castor, 1.A.B. 290

Radical Cure of Stricture of the Urethra. By Major C. Daer, F.R.O.S., LM.8. 291

Wound of the Diaphragm by a Wild Boar. By Captain W. D. Hayward, I.M.S. 292

Multiple Wounds of the Head By Assistant-Surgeon Benode Behary Ghosul 298

A Case of severe form of Malarial Anæmia treated with Adrenalin.' By Hospital Assie- tapt Sadasiva Pillai, C.M.8. 294

A Case of Sab-Phrenic Abscess. By Assistant-Sargeon Satis Chandra Banerjee 296

A Case of Syphilitio disease of the Liver. By Captain C. Barry, I.M.8. 298

Ligature of the Brachial Artery at the Bend of the Elbow. By Major E. H. Wright, I.M.S. 299

Case of Large Navas-Excision : Recovery. By Captain F. A. L. Hammond, 1.1.8. 388

The Effect of Creosote Rabbing upon High Temperature in Remittent Fever. By Asst.- Surgn. Premananda Das 389

A Unique Case of Intestinal Obstruction. By Captain A. W. Cook Young, 11.8., M.B., B. ch., D.P.E. ; Lieut. G. I. Davys, I.M.8., B.A,M.B., B.cb., B.A.O. 340

Intracranial Operation for Cure of Trigeminal Neuralgia. By Captain W. J. Niblock, 1.M.B. 377

Wound of Thorax and Herdia of Lung By Assistant-Snrgeon A. C. Datta 378

Another case of Spontaneous Rapture of the Spleen. By Captain E. Owen Thurston, F.R.C.8., I.M.B. 379

Case of Gastric disease with Tetany. By Major R. Robertson, 1.2.8. 380

Case of Abdominal Pregnancy : Operation : Recovery. By Lieut.-Col. E. Peok, 1.M.B. 415

Bscision of Tuberculous Glands. By Major J. R. Roberts, M.B, J.R.C.B. (Eng.), 1.M.8. 418

Surgery of Cancer of Penis. By Captain G. T. Birdwood, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), 1.1.8. 419

A Case of Myxædema. By C. H. A. Ramachandra 420 ... . ... . ... www.mathie LAN 24 UU MUU weir partirus hau guardian, u vu WrUBU ww A MIRROR OF HOSPITAL FBACniCE— (concluded).

Elephantiasis of Penis. By Captain H. Innes, I.M.8., m.b. (Lond.) Case of Ovariotomy. By Major R. Marks, i.m.s. Hysterical Catalepsy. By Captain Gordon Tucker ... Cyrpt-Opbthalmia Case. By Major R. H. Elliot, m.d.,f.b.o.8., i.m.8. Case of Impacted Stone. By B. Hnssain


An ti vivisection Antics

Lustig's Serum ... ••• •••

A Forgotten Theory of Plagne

Trypanosomiasis ...

The Pasteur Institute of India

Plague at Sydney

Movable Kidney ...

The Services in 1903

Ankylostoma Infection

Spotted Fever of Rocky Mountains

The Bengal Branch of Dufferin Fund •••

Splenic Cachexia

Dr. Durham's Report on Beri-beri

The Antimalarial Operations at Mian Mir

Insanity in Bengal

The Recrudescence Theory in Plague

Patent Foods

Vision of Native Soldiers •• ... •••

A Step forward in Indian Sanitation

Preventive Medicine as a Factor in Empire Building

Hemp Drugs and Insanity •••

The ^' Malarial Cachexia of India

The Report on Lathyrism

Anti-malarial Sanitation in India

Page. . 457 . 457 . 458 . 459 . 460


























The Case of Miss Hickman •••

Baj^Uss V. Coleridge

Microbe of Yellow Fever ... •.. ••.

The Dum Dum Spleen

Kala-Azar ... ••. ... •••

The Cancer Enigma

Arsenical Neuritis

The London School of Tropical Medicine

Superannuation ••• •••

Radium ••• ••• •••

Sir Wm. Roe Hooper, k.o,8.i., i.m.8.

Indian Medical Reports

The R. A. M. C. College

An Universal Language of Science

X-Rays in Court

Diplomas in Tropical Medicine

An English Hospital Report ...

Dental surgeons for Britbh Troops

Anti-Typhoid Inoculation

The British Medical Association

The Medical Amendment Act

Medical Defence ...

Consultation of Medical Witnesses

The late Deputy Surgeon-General H. Cay ley, c.k.g% ...

The late Dr. Mohendra Lai Sircar, o.l.b« «•• OCKNTfi^S OF VOL. XXXIX. IX

LONDON LEriERS— (concluded).. *


Missing Forceps ... •.. ... ... ... ... 261

An X-Kay Case .., ... ... ... ... ... ... 262

Intravenous Injections of Iodoform in Phthisis ... ... ... ••• 262

The late Sir Ilenrj Thompson, F.B.0.8. ... ... ... ... 263

Human and Bovine Tuberculosis ... ... .... ... ... 344

Miner's Pthiais ... ... ... ... ... ... 345

An Overlooked Sponge ... ... ... ... 345

The Indian Medical Service ... ... .. ... ... ... 345

The Cancer Research Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... 383

Cholera in Persia ... ... ... ... ... 384

The Oxford Meeting, B.M. A.... ... .. ... ... ... 384

Why has Calcutta no Branch of B. M« A. ... ... ... ... 385

Malta Fever Commission ... ... ... ... ... ... 886

Prof. Osier goes to Oxford ... ... .. ... ... ... 386

Medical Education ... ... ... ... ... ••• 423

Diplomas in Tropical Medicine ' ... ... ... ... ... 423

Sea-sickness ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 423

Service Examinations ... ... ... .. ... ... 424

Indian Friends and Acquaintances ... ••• ... ••• ... 464

Robert Eoch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 465

Finsen ; Jameson ... ... ... ... ... ... 465


The Harvejr Memorial ... ... ... ... ... ... 27

Sale of Qumine in Bengal ... ... ... .. ^.. .«• 28

Diphtheria in India ... ... ... * ... ... ... 28

Anti-malarial work at Selangor ... , , ••• ••• ••• ••• ^^

Colubrine and Yiperine Snales ... ... ... ... ... 30

The Lister Institute ... ... ... ... ... ... 67

The Indian Aconites ... ... ... ... ... ... 67

Ventilation of House of Commons ;.. ... ... ... ... 68

The Harvey Memorial Fund ... ... .... ... ... ... 68

The late Major A. E. Grant ... ... ... ... ... ... 68

Jammu CentralJail ... ... ... ... ... ... 68

Medical Missionaries ... ... ... ... ... ... 69

The Tabloid Substitution Case ... ... ... ... ••• 69

Cerebro-spinal Fever ... ... ... ... ... ... 107

Polvpharmacy in Plagne ... ... ... ... ... ••• 107

Collargol ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 108

Asepsis in Childbirth, priority claims ... ... ... ••• ••• 108

Apparatus for Feigned Amblyopia ... ... ... ... ••• 109

Revaccination ... ... ... ... ... ... .«. 146

Thompson- fate's Laboratory Reports ... ... ... ... ••• 146

Pra'^.tical Medicine ... ... ... ... ... ... 147

Hand Infection ... ... ... ..... ••• ••• ••• 1*7

Radium in Cancer of Thrpat ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 147

Operations on Kidneys ... ... ... ... ... ... 147

l^tnm < f Editor, I. M. G.. ... ... ... ... ... .. 147

Ooat's Liver for Night Blindness ... ... ... *.• 147

Villa Asylums ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148

A Question of Priority ... ... ... ... ... ... 148

Oontinental Eye Clinics ... .. ... ... ... ••• 148

Mosquito Brigades in Brazil ... ... ... ... ... ... 183

Sea-siokness ... ... . ... ... ... -. ... 184

Firoplasmosisjp Man ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 184

A Veteran's Reminiscence^ ... . .*. ... .•• ••• ••• *25

r^loroform i^ hot climates and in tbe Fi^ . . ••• ... ••• ... ^^8

Stools in DysiQntery .. ... , , ... , . ... ' ... ... ••• 228 EDITORIAL NOTES ON CURRENT TOPICS— (c(mc/u(^^d). - -


Digestibility of Vegetables ... ... ... ... ... ..• 229

Mental and Moral EflFeets of War ... ... ... .-- 23(>

Leprosy in Jamaica ... ... ,., ,^. ... ,.- 230

Hydrocarbon as a Germ Destroyer ... ... ... ••• ... 231

Patent Medicines ... . ,„ . ... ... ..♦ 263

Etiology of Scurvy ... ... ... ... ... 264

Revaccination ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265

Diseases of the Sudan ,., ... ... ... .. ... 266

Surgery of Elephantiasis ... ... ... ... ... ... 266

Irrigation and Malaria .. ... ... ... ... ... 267

Glycerin V. Vaselin Lymph ... ... ... ... ... 268

Sfinitary Lectures to Soldiers.. ... .... ... ... ... 303

Sewt^ge Disposal .. . ... ... ... .... ... ... 304

Oriental Sores ... , ... ,., ... ... ... 307

Piroplasmosis ... ... , ... ... ... ... ... 307

Anti-malarial Sanitation in India ... ... ... ... ... 307

The Serum Reaction in Typhoid ... ... ... ... 308

Hydrocarbon as a Disinfectant ... ... . ... ... ... 308

Tk^ Prevention of Disease in Armies . ... ... ..-,.. ... ... 346

Infection in Trypanosomiasis... ... ... ... ... ... 346

Rules for Mosquito Destruction ... - .... ... ... ... 349

Hyther and Eugenics ... ... ... ... ... ... 34&

Epidemic Glandular Disease of Children... ... .. ... ... 350

Infectivity of Diseases in Incubation Perio ... ... ... ... 350

Chloroformed Calf Vaccine ... ... • ... ... ... ... 3ol

Chloride of Lime as a Disinfectant ... ... ... ... ... 351

Gerebro-spinal Fever in India ... ... ... .. 351

The Differentiation of Human Blood ... ... ... ... 352

Typhoid among Natives of India ... - ... ... . ••• ••• 352

The Kashmir Medical Mission ,,, ... ... .. ... 352

Our Next Special Number . ... ... ... . ... ... 386

Culture of the Donovan Bodies .. ... ... ... r •" • ^^^

A. Dysentery Rpidemic ... ... ... ... :... .... 387

Epidemic and Epizootic Diphtheria ... ... ... ... ... 387

Epidemiology of Enteric and Cholera ... ... ... ... ••• 388

Journal of Malaya Branch,. B. M. A. ... ... ... ^- ... ' .... 389

The Complications of Dysentery ... ... •• ... ... ... 389

Directions for Preserving Filariae • ... ... • ... ... .^ ...391

Cancer in Punjab . ... .., ... ... ... ... 425

Bacteriology of Dysentery . ... - ... ... ... ... ... 426

Some Comparative Statistics ... .,, ... ... ... ... 428

. The Maternity Hospital. Madras • ... ... . • ... ... 427

The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin ... ... ... ... ... 427

Burning Foot, or Erythromelalgia Tropica ... ... ' ••• ••• 466

Bovine Lymph Dep6t in U. P. . ... ... ... ... ... 466

Stone Operations in 1903 ... .. ... ... ... ... 467

Animals and Plague Infection ... ... ... ... i.. 467

. Fallacies in Vitel Statistics ... . . ... ... ... ... ... 467

, Syphilis and Marriage ... ... ... ... ... .. 468

\.. A Health Exhibition in Bombay • ... ... ... ... ... 468

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Ootacamand.,. ... ... ... ... 469

The Tyrol as a Health Kesort for Anglo-Indians ... ... ... ...469


.! Modern Methods in the Surgery of Paralyses. By D. H. Tubby, m.r. (Lond.), f.r.c.s. ;

and Robert Jones, f.r.c.s.e. ... .•. ... 'i.r ; .^. 32

Aids to Chemistry. By T. A. Henry, (Lond.) ... ... ...;.., 33

Causation of Malarial Fevers. By Capt S. P. James, LM.s. ... •.. , ... 75

MoNally's Elements of Sanitary Science... ... ..* - V.v ; .;. 73 REVIEWS AND NOTICES AND BOOKH— (continued.)


Fangi, Protozoa, Ac. By G. H. Fink, I.M.S. (retd.) ... ... ... 73

Diseases of the Ear. By R. Lake ... . ... . ...' 73

Cataract Extraction. By Major H. Herbert, f.r.cs. ... ... ... ... 74

Lewer's Diseases of Woman ... ... ... ... •••: 74

Allchin's Medicine, Vol. V ... ... ... ... ... 75

Gynsecoloffical Nursing ... .. ... ... ... ... 75

Coats' Pathology ... ... ... ... ... ..r 75

Squint in Children ... ... ... ... ... ... 76

Prescribers' Pharmacopoeia ... ... ... ... ... •/• '^

Pocket Dictionary of Hygiene ... ... ... ... 77

The Practical Study of Malaria and other Blood Parasites. By J. W. W. Stephens and

S.R.Christophers ... • ... .. ... ... ... 112

Medical Jurispradence for India. By J. B. Lyon, c.i.b., f.c.s., ; The Nutrition of

the Infant By R. Vincent, m.d. ... ... ... ... ... 113

The Sterilisation of Urethral Instruments. By Herbert T. Herring, m.c, b.s. (Durham),

M.R.G. S. ... ... •«. ••* ... .... ...XID

" A Preliminary Report on a Parasite found in persons suffering from Enlargement of the

Spleen in India." By Lieut. S: R. Christophers, i.M.s. ... .. ... 153

Aids to Surgery. By Joseph Cunning, m.b., b.s., f.r.o.s. (Eng.) .♦. ... ... 154

Digest of Researches and Criticisms bearing on the Revision of the British Pharmacopoeia,

1898. By W. Chattaway, ... ... ... ... ... 154

A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India. By Lieut.-Col. J. B. Gibbons, i.m.s. ... 185

Insanity in Every-day Practice. By E. C. Younger, m.d., d.p.h. ... ..» 186

Midwifery for Midwives. By W. Denison Wiggins, m.r.c.s, l.r.c.p.,. d.p.h. ... ... 156

Manual of Surgery. By Alexis Thompson, m.d., f.rc.s. (Ed.); and Alexander Miles, m.d.,

. f.r.cs. (Ed.) ... ... ... ••• , • •'* ^^^

Lecture?, chiefly Clinical and Practical, on diseases of the Lungs and Heart. By James

Alexander Lindsay, m.d., f.r.c.p. (Lond.), m.a. ... ... ... 233

A Manual of General Pathology for Students.. By Sidney Martin, m.d.,, f.r.c.p. ...• 232

The Bacteriology of Every-d^y Practice. By J. Odery Symes, md. ... 234

A Practical Guide to the Administration of the " Nauheim" Treatment. By Leslie Thome

.. Thorne, M.D, B.s. (Durham), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.) ... ... 234

Lyon's Medical Jurisprudence for India. By Lieut.-Col.L. A. Waddell, i.m.s., ci.k., ll.d. 270 An Atlas of Illustrations of Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Pathology : An Atlas of Illus"^ trations of Clinical Medicine, Sargery and Pathology ; Dott. Carlo Muzio r Le

Malattje dei paesi cadi, loro Pr. filassied igiene ... ... ... ... 271

Dott, A. D. Bocciardo : Elettricita Medica ... ... ... 4.* 272

The Prevention and Check of Cholera. By Col. Joshua Duke, i.m.s. ... .. 311

The extra Pharmacopoeia. By Martindale and Westcott ... ... ... 312

Manual of Surgery, Vol. II, Kegional Surgery. By Thompson and Miles ... ... 312

Orthmann's Handbook of Gynaecological Pathology. Translated by C. Hubert Roberts... 313

Asthma in relation to the Nose. By Alexander Erancis, m.b., b.c. ... " - 313

A Clinical Handbook of Urine Analysis. By Major C. H. Bedford, m.d. (Edin.),

I.M.S. ... .•• ... .•• ... ...' ... oo'w

Three New Medical Journals... ... ... ... ... r.i 354

Medical Laboratory Methods and Tests. By HerJbert French, m.a., m.d. (Oxon.), m.r.o.p.

(Lond.) ... ... ... ... ... it. ... 355

Diseases of the Gall-bladder and Bile-ducts including . Gall-stones. By A. W. Mayo

V Robson, F.R.O.S. ... ... ... ... ... .. 355

Lectures on Clinical Psychiatry. By Dr. Erail ;Kraepelin ; ... *.. ... 356

Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics — Inorganic substances. " By Charles 356

' D.P.Phillips ... ... ... ... — ; •••

Ophthalmological Anatomy. With some illustrative cases. By J. Herbert Fisher, m.«.,

B.s. (Lond), F.R.CS. (Eng.) ... ... ... ... .. 356

' A Manual of Practical Medical Electricity. Rontgen Rays ... ... 398

Medical Monograph Series No. 10, Cleft Palate and Harelip. By Edmund Owen, M;Br,

F.R.CS. ... ... ... ^i.» ... ...' - it\.- -0«/4

Questions and Answers on Midwifery for Mid wives; with Syllabus of Lectures for the

"/ '" L. O. S. delivered at the Fulham Midwifery School. By A. B. Cahler; m^.b., m.r.o,s, 394

Legal Medicine for India. By Major Collis Barry, I.M.S. ... ... ••• 429

Nbthnagel's Encyclopaedia, Tuberculo3is ... ... ■ ■ *^. ^ ... 429 REVIEWS AND NOTICES OF BOOKS— ie4mdttded}.

Squire's Companion B. P. ... ...

Clarke, Modern Hospital

Majo Robsop's Diseases of Stomach

Major Train's Flowers of Cannabis

Enlargement of Prostate. By Mansell Monllin


Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy

Fever Charts

Symblepharon, 2 Illustrations

Splenic Blood in ifa/o-arar ...

Apparatus for Testing Feigned Amanosis «••

Temperature Charts of Enteritis caused by Round Worms

Intestinal Animal Parasites ... •••

Lsndolt's Speculum

Landolt's Keratome

Suture in Chalazion

Landolt's Operation for Ptosb

Landolt's Enucleation Scissors

Pyroplasmosis in Man and Animals, coloured plate ...

Cycle of Development •.. do.

Cfnltivation of leprae Bacillus

Accessory Lobule of Liver ...

MArtindale's Test Boxes

Culture of Leprosy Bacillus ...

Distoma Crassum, Male and Female Congenital Deformity of the Eye Malignant Dermoid Cyst, coloured plates 3 Temperature Charts in Plague To illustrate Tubal Pregnancy, and illustrations

Jonsson's Sideroscope, 2 illustrations

C^ise of Leprosy treated bv Rost's Leprolin

Large Nsevus, Excision of ...

Apparatus for Light Treatment

Ancient Methods of Cataract Operations ...

Ferozepore, Map of

Elephantiasis of Penis

Case of Cryptophthalmos


AssAK— Hospitals Sanitary Vaccination ... ...

Bbngal— Asylums . ... ...


Sanitary Report

BoHBAT --Hospitals and Diapensariea 1902

Luaatic Asylums ... BpRMA— Hospitals and Dispensaries (190B)


CsNTBAL India AoBNOT-TrHospitals and Jails Madras— Lunatic Asylums


Vaccination 1902-03 PjtBSiAM QuLr — A4.niinistratiODL Report ... iP(TNJAB — Hospitals and JDispensariea (1908)

■' —(1908;

Loni^tio Asylums .. e Sanitary ..... r ... Viwcination ANNUAL REPORTS— (concZtKfcrf.)

Rajputana —Annual Report 1902-1908 Salt Dbpartmbnt

Unttbd Provinces — Sanitary Report Veterinary Department Report, Bengal, 1903-04


Page. ... 315 ... 158 ... 431 158, 474


Foreijp Journals, Extracts from (W. D. Sutherland)

Medicine (Clayton Tjane)

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (J. W. F. Rait)

Pathology, Ac (L. Rogers)

Special Senses (F. P. Maynard)

Surgery (E. 0. Thurston)


... 34, 195, 313 436

33, 154, 191, 195, 357, 434, 474

... 36, 77, 156, 235, 857, 475

81, 115, 234

37, 155

... •.. ... Otdo

Nightmares and our Dreams. By V. D. Merchant ...

The Puff Direct. By Advertisements ...

Circumcision and Mid wives. By Surgeon

Csesarian Sections. By Enquirer

Csesarian Section. By Obstetrics

Delhi Boils. By Major C. Donovan, i.h.s.

Leishman-Donovan Bodies in Kala-azar. By L. Rogers

The Piroplasmata in Man. By Major E. Jennings ...

Sulphonal Idiosyncrasy. By Dr. Newell

"A Question of Priority." By Major Donovan

A Pay Grievance

Diagnosis of Malta Fever. By Capt. Cornwall, i.M.s.

A Question of Priority. By Capt. S. P. James, i.M.8.

Piroplasma or Pyroplasma. By Major C. Donovan, I.M.B.

Piroplasma Bigemiam. By Major F. Raymond, a.v.d.

How to Cure Enteric Fever. By Major P. W. O'Gorman, lm.b.

Jail Stomatitis. By H. M. Newton

Pay of Officiating Civil Surgeons

Sulphonal Idiosyncrasy

A Disclaimer. By Major Henry Smith, i.M.s.

Plague : a Soil Disease. By Capt. Gordon-Tucker ...

Widows* Pensions. By I.M.S.

Jail Stomatitis. By Capt. R. Heard, lm.s.

Differentiation of Human Blood. By W. D. S.

Wire-ganze Protection of Dwellings. By Lt.-Col. Giles

Anti-malarial Sanitation in India ... ... «••

Permanganate in Snake Poison. By Capt. Carroll ...

Permanganate in Opium Poisoning. By Capt Windsor

Sanitary Inspectors in Madras. By Col. King, i.M.s.

Dermoid Cysts. By Capt. Clayton Lane

Diphtheria in Hyderabad

Chloroformed Vaccine Lymph. By Capt. Harvey ...

Widows' Pensions. By I.M.S.

Adrenalin in Plague. By Dr. Bahadurje

A Case of Hermaphrodite

Operation for Liver Abscess ...

MisoBLLANBOUs — Colubriue and Veperine Snake Poisons (L. Rogers)

Health of Malda. By H. Sen

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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