4151638The Indian Mutiny of 1857 — Index.1901George Bruce Malleson



Agra, earlier events at, 105-11; events at, to the defeat at Sassiah, 246-53; events at, to and including the surprise of Greathed, 314-18

Aikman, Lieutenant, secures the Salimgarh, 308 ; gains the Victoria Cross, 354.

ALicARH, mutiny at, loo-i.

AllahAbAd, sketch description of, 145 ; mutiny at, 147-9 ; foi^t of, saved by Brasyer, 149 ; atrocities Lf the rebels at, 149-50 ; Neill re- stores order at and about, 185-7. _

Anderson, gallantry of Captain, and his comrades, 144, and note.

Angad, the spy, 208, 233. ^ , _. . , , ,

Annesley, at the storming of the Kaisarbagh, 363-4.

Anson, General, Commander-in-Chief, con- firms a too lenient sentence for mutiny, 61 ; action of, towards the sipahis at Ambalah, 112-14; hears of the mutiny, 115 ; prepara- tions made by, 116-19 ; marches from Am- bdlah, 119; dies at Karnal, 120.

AouNG, battle of, 192-3.

Arah, story of the siege and relief of, 223-8.

Ashe, Lieutenant, reaches Kanhpur, 160 ; gallantry of, 166-77.

Azamgarh, events at, 184, 350-2, 370-2.

AziM-ULLAH-KHAN, proceeds to Europe as Nan^ Sihib's agent, 30 ; the instrument of the Ndn& for inveigling the English, 172-3.


BADLf-Kf-SARAi, battle of, 124-6. Baird-Smith, first mention of, 121 ; influence

of, in determining the storming of Dehli, 285,

288, 2§o; presses upon the Commander the

necessity of persevering, 305. Bakht KhAn, takes the BSreli brigade to

Dehli, 268 ; advice of, to the King of Dehli,

309. BanAras, short description of, 178 ; story of

the events at, prior to the mutiny, 179 ; after

the mutiny at Mirath, 180-1 ; story of the

disarming of the 37th N. I. at, 180-3 ; good

conduct of the Raja of, 183. Bandah, action of the Nuwab of, 259. Bankes, Captain, gallantry of, at Lakhnao, 367. Banks, Major, succeeds to chief civil authority

at Lakhnao, 205 ; death of; 208.

BarhAmpur, story of the mutiny of the igtli at, 37-42, 56-7.

Barnard, Sir Henry, succeeds General Anson in command of the Dehli force, 120 ; defeats the rebels at Badli-ki-sarai, 124-6 ; takes a position on the ridge, 126 ; death of, 285.

Barrackpur, disarming of the sipahis at, 155-6.

Barrow, efficiency of the volunteers of, 190-2, 195-6, 200.

Battye, Quintin, death of, 126-7.

Baugh, Lieutenant, is cut down by Manghal Pandi, 53-4.

Beadon, Mr Cecil, Home Secretary, insults the European citizens of Calcutta and declines their offers, 94-6 ; the famous line of, 320.

Beatson, Stuart, Havelock's assistant Ad- jutant-General, 188, 191 ; gallantry and death of, 200.

Bengal Army, vide SipAhIs.

Bengal, Eastern, events in, 347-8.

Bhopal, story of the Begum of, 263-4.

BihAr, Western, events in, 215-29 ; suffers by the removal of Mr Tayler, 348-9 ; final campaign in, 378-80.

Bingham, Lieutenant^ before Dehli, 296.

Blunt, Captain, readiness and gallantry of, at Lakhnao, 330.

Bonus, Lieutenant, 390.

Bourchier, Captain, joins Nicholson's force with his battery, 275 ; gallant conduct of, 304 ; excellent book of, 315, note; 316, note; gallantry of, 317 ; at Lakhnao, 328-9 ; at KSnhpur, 341-2.

Boyd, Captain, before Dehli, 296.

Boyle, Vicars, splendid foresight of, justified, 223-8.

Brasyer, Captain, gallantry and ready- mindedness of, at Allahabad, 149 ; at the Alambagh, 357 ; at the storming of the Kaisarbagh, 362-5. ^ , •

Brind, Major James, 'a real hero of the siege, 292 ; captures the Jami Masjid, 307 ; and the palace, 307-8.

Brockman, Captain, 389-90, 393-4-

Browne, Sam, gallant action of, at Nunah, 399.

Burgess, Corporal, gallantry of, 297-9.

Burn, Colonel,- appointed Governor of Dehh,

Burroughs, Lieutenant, at the Sikandarabagh,

331. Butler, Lieutenant, gallantry of, 302-3. Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/452 Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/453 Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/454 Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/455 Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/456 Page:The Indian Mutiny of 1857.djvu/457