The Jewish Problem - Its Solution or, Israel's Present and Future/Chapter 01

THOSE who were present at the summer conferences at Northfield, Mass., in the months of July and August, 1890, will not soon forget David Baron and his Bible Readings and Addresses. He is a converted Jew; and is well named David Baron, for he is a true prince of the Davidic House.

There was an indescribable charm about the man. His knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures and his deep insight into them; his keen discernment of the exquisite shades of meaning by which the original words differed and were distinguished, and the perfect familiarity he exhibited with both the original Word of God and all the light which the Jewish customs, manners, and religious and national life cast upon that Word, together with a peculiar unction which qualified his whole manner—all these peculiarities contributed to render his services doubly interesting and helpful. After the Conferences closed, there were still at the hotels and boarding-houses a large number of visitors who clamoured for a continuance of the feast; and Mr. Baron gave daily Readings in the Parlour of the large "Northfield," or in the Congregational church.

At my earnest entreaty, Mr. Baron wrote out one of his best Bible addresses for publication, and it is herewith put into printed form. It lacks only the personal presence of its author to make it a perfect reproduction of one of the most charming and effective addresses I ever heard. It is not too much to say that, to understand this address and to grasp its great expository argument, is to get the key to all Scriptures pertaining to the past, present, or future, of God's ancient people. This little brochure is called the "Jewish Problem"; it deserves to be called the "Problem Solved"—for it is the solution of the historic and prophetic enigma.

I commend it to every candid student of the Word of God, and especially to all who pray for the restoration of Israel. David Baron has himself gone to Jerusalem.[1] May he in the City of the Great King witness the gathering of the scattered tribes, and their penitent and believing acceptance of the Messiah.

Arthur T. Pierson.


  1. Mr. Baron has now returned to England. See Appendix.