2500698The Journal of Indian Botany — Volume 11919

Table of Contents

September 1919

Editorial 1
Dimorphic Carpellate Flower of Acalypha Indica, L. 3
The Myxophyceæ of Lahore 8
On Alysicarpus Rugosus D. C. and its Allied Species 14
Note on the Œcology of Spinifex squarrosus L. 19
Studies in the Ecology of Tropical Rain Forest 27
Prothallia and Sporelings of three New Zealand Species 28
The Morphology of Rumex cripus 29
An investigation of the Seeding Structure in the Leguminoseae 30
The Inheritance Characters of Rice 32

October 1919

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 33
A note on certain species of Polygala 44
The Indian Species of Eriocaulon 49
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 54

November 1919

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 65
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 84

December 1919

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 97
Abnormal number of needles in the spurs of Pinus Longifolia 115
On the use of the term "Variety" in Systematics. 119
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 128

January 1920

Distribution of Liverworts in the Western Himalayas. 149
Contribution to the Study of the Indian Aspergilli. 155
Miliusa and Saccopetalum. 162
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 169

March 1920

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 183
Suspected Parasitism in a Moss 206
Variation in Bombay STRIGAS 212
Note on the Geotropic Curvature of the Inflorescene in Eichhornia Speciosa KUNTH (Water Hyacinth) 217
The Formation of Leaf-Bladders in Eichhornia Speciosa, KUNTU, (Water Hyacinth) 219
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 225

April 1920

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 237
Note on the Floating Islands of Riwalsar. 252
The Vascular Connections and the Structure of the Tendrils in some Cucurbitaceae 254

May 1920

The Physiological Anatomy of the Plants of The Indian Desert 277
A Contribution to the Ecology of the Upper Gangetic Plain 296
Variegation in certain Cultivated Plants 325
Observations on the Volvocaceae of Madras 330
Note on Curvature of Cut Stems of Bryophyllum Calycinum 337
Contributions towards a Flora of Baluchistan. 344

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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