The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 19

3811302The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar — Chapter 19V. V. S. AiyarThiruvalluvar



181. Behold the man who doeth iniquity and who speaketh not so much as the name of righteousness : it is sweet even unto him if men say, Lo, here is one who backbiteth not.

182. It is wrong to turn away from good and do evil: but it is far worse to smile before and vilify behind.

183. It is worthier to die at once than live by lying and slander: for such a death bringeth with it the fruits of righteousness.

184. Slander not a man behind his back even though he hath insulted thee to thy very face.

185. The lips may speak righteousness : but a slanderous tongue betrayeth the meanness of the heart.

186. If thou slander another, he will look into thy own transgressions and expose the worst of them.

187. They that know not to speak sweet and to make friendships create discord and separate men who were friends.

188. Those that speak abroad the transgressions of their friends, how will they spare the transgressions of their enemies ?

189. How doth the Earth suffer patiently the tread of the calumniator on her bosom? Is it that she looketh unto Righteousness to rid her of him?

190. If a man can scan his own faults as he doth those of his enemies, can evil ever come to him?