The Liberator (newspaper)/September 18, 1857/A Wrong Imputation

The Liberator, September 18, 1857
A Wrong Imputation
4541933The Liberator, September 18, 1857 — A Wrong Imputation

A Wrong Imputation.

Portsmouth, (N. H.) Sept. 14, 1857.

Dear Garrison:

We noticed the article from the Tribune in The Liberator of last week, respecting the leasing of one of the rooms of the Tract Society building for a rum shop, by their Committee. We do not see the Tribune, but we are told by a friend of ours from New York, who does take it, that the statement was an error, and that it was corrected by the Tribune in a day or two after its insertion. The facts in the case, as we understand from our friend, are these:—The Committee of the Tract Society rented this room to a man engaged in the hat trade, with the understanding that he should not underlet it. Notwithstanding this, it appears that he did underlet it to this concern for the liquor traffic. As soon as this became known to the Committee, the necessary steps were taken for his removal, which was accomplished.

We know that you will agree with us that all errors should be corrected as early as possible, and as extensively as the errors were circulated.

Yours, truly, J—— N——.