The Liberator (newspaper)/September 18, 1857/Radical Abolitionists

The Liberator, September 18, 1857
Radical Abolitionists
4541943The Liberator, September 18, 1857 — Radical Abolitionists

Radical Abolitionists. Miss Susan B. Anthony, Mr. Brown (who was once a slave,) and Mr. Powell, have been holding meetings in Ahwaga Hall on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last. On Monday evening, Miss Anthony delivered an able address on Female Education. On Tuesday evening, she lectured on Slavery. Miss Anthony is a pleasing speaker, and whatever subject she discusses, no person can mistake her meaning, or fail to be moved by her earnest pathos, however much he may dissent from her conclusions. Mr. Brown has experienced all the blessings of slavery. He acknowledges that he now is not his own, but the property of a few women in England who bought him of his former master, who, he says, is his uncle. Mr. Powell is a good debater, and knows his subject well. In their discussions, they hit the Democrats some hard blows, and the Republicans suffered some too. They boldly take the position that the Union ought to be dissolved. In this particular, we essentially differ from this class of politicians.—Owego Times.