In both parts the numbers refer to the sections, unless they are preceded by p. when they refer to pages.


Ablaut, 69, 76, 79, 226, 276
Abstract nouns, 209, 215, 243, 292
Accent, meaning of, 62
———, Exspiratory and Musical, 64, 65, 66
——— in Indo-European, 58
——— in Latin, 67, 85, 88
——— in pro-ethnic Italic, 87
———, Secondary, 85
———, signs of, 68
Actitive verbs, 290
Adjective Suffixes. See Suffixes.
Adverbs from Ablatives, 266
————— Accusatives, 263 ff.
————— Comparatives, 269
————— Instrumentals, 267
————— Nominatives, 2712
Aeolic, dialect, 6
Alexander, 6
Alphabet, history of, p. 11
Analogy, 1422; p. 12
Aorist and Perfect, 314
Aspirates, 50
———, Voiced, in Latin, 174
Attic, dialect, 6

Borrowed words, 13
————— in early I.Eu. dialects, 173
Breath, 25
Breton, 7
Brevis Brevians, 956
Brugmann, Karl, p. 12; Preface, pp. vii f.
Brythonic, 7

Causative Verbs, 290
Circumflex accent, 68
Collective nouns, 209
Commissioners of the Roman Mint, title of, 239
Comparative Suffixes, 252
Concretising, 215 f.
Conflation, 295, 316
Conjugations in Latin, 281
Conjunctive, 279, 280
Consonantal and -i Declensions, 244.
Consonants, 30
Contamination, 316
Corsican, rise of, 3
Crystallised forms, 17
Cumæ, alphabet of, p. 12
Czech, p. 127

Dacia, conquest of, 3
Danish, 8
Decomposition, 21
Deflected forms, 73
Derivation, defined, 1; tests of, p. 13

Description, Verbs of, 291
Dialects, of Greek, 6
———, of Italic, 9
Diminutives, 251
Diphthongs in Latin, 112118, 1315
Distributive Numerals, 258
Disyllabic root, 202
——— shortening. See Brevis Brevians
Doublets, 13
Dutch, 8

Enclitics, 63, 85 (2) and (6)
Ennius, 165 n.
Etruscan alphabet, p. 12
Etruscans, 218
Etymology, defined, 1
Exon’s Laws of Syncope, 89
Exspiratory Accent, 66

Factitive Verbs, 290, 293
Faliscan, 9
Feminine suffixes, 209 ff.
Formants, 221
French, rise of, 3
Frequentatives, 289
Future Perfect, 304

Gaelic, 7
Gallic, 7
Gellius, Aulus, 187
Gender, 205 ff.
Gerund, 201
Gerundive, 138, 236, 239
Goidelic, 7
Gothic, 8 (cf. 113, 169, 193)
Grimm, Jacob, 59

h, sound of, 52
Hidden Quantities, 109

Imperfect Indicative, 284
Imperfect Subjunctives, 283
Impersonal Passive, 312, 313
Inceptive Verbs, 288
Indo-European, meaning of, 4
———, separation of the languages, 73
———, Sounds of, 54
Infinitives, active, 99, 316 ff.
———­, passive, 316 f., 322
Irish, 7
Isolated forms, 17
Keltic, branches of, 7
Koiné, the, 6

Larynx, mechanism of, 25
Lettish, p. 127
Liquids, nature of, 33
Lithuanian, 65, p. 127
Long Vowels, shortened, 106

Manx, 7
Mezentius, 218
Modern Greek, accent in, 66
Morphology, 204
Musical quality, cause of, 26 f.

Narbonensis, provincia, 3
‘ Nasal colour,’ 47
Nasal, Infixed, 282 (1)
Neuter Plural in Greek, 211
Plurals, in Latin, 18, 210
Neutral Vowel, 29, 55
Nom. Plural of First Declension., 133
Non-Thematic Verbs, 225, 282
Normans, 208
Norwegian, 8
Numerals, Distributive, 256

‘-OLOGIES,’ 19
Optative, 279

Oscan, 9 (cf. 150, 180 (2), 188, 191)

Participial endings:
English -d, Latin -tus, Greek τός, Sansk. -tás, 60 (2) (b), 70
Participle, Timeless, 233
Participles, Passive, 232, p. 128
Passive, Latin and Keltic, 311, p. 12
——— Infinitives, 201, 214, 316 f., 322
——— meaning, Verbs with, 291
Perfect, 295, 314
——— Subjunctive, 306
Phonetic Law, 10, 11, 12; pp. 1213
Plosives, 35 ff.
Pluperfect, 303
——— Subjunctive, 307
Polish, p. 127
Portuguese, rise of, 3
Praeneste, brooch of, p. 11
Prefixes, 221
Present Stems, 274 ff.
Subjunctives, 283
Proclitics, 63
Pro-ethnic, meaning of, 3
Pronouns, Personal, 273
Pronunciation, Latin, 81
Provençal, rise of, 3
Publius Clodius, 114

Reduplication, in Perfects, 297 f.
———, in Presents, 282 (2)
Re-formation, 125
Retroformates, 22
Rig-Veda, 5
Romance Languages, 3, 208
Root-Nouns, 223
Roots, 221
Rough Breathing, 53
Roumanian, 3
Russian, p. 127

Sabine, 9, 263 (cf. 178)
Sanskrit, 5
Sardinian, 3
‘Schwa,’ (ə), 29
Shortening of ū́ 111
——— of vowels before final -r and -t, 130; elsewhere, 106 f.
Slavonic, 4, p. 127 (cf. 177, 183, 193)
Sonants, 30
Sound-shift, first and second, 61
Southern English, 34, 45
Spanish, 3
Spelling, 23
Stems of Nouns and Verbs, 222
Stress Accent, 64
Subjunctives, Imperfect, 283
———, Present, 283
Defined, 221
Of Adjectives; Comparative, 252
———, Superlative, 254
———, Others in Latin, 232, 237, 243, 246, 251 ff., 292
——— in Greek, 256
Of Adverbs in general, 265 ff.
——— -ātim, 269
——— -iter, 270
Of Case; Instrumental, 267
Of Nouns,
Ending in Vowels, 226
——— see also --, 231
-io-, 259
-ti-, 70
Ending in Consonants, 242 ff
Denoting Agent, 247
——— Instrument, 248
——— Place, 250 a
——— Relationship, 250
——— Sex, 212

Of Nouns, Meanings attached to, 247
Numeral, 257
Of Participles,
-bundo-, 237
-cundo-, 237
-ndo-, 237, 238
-nt-, 234
-to-, 232, 233
-tūro-, 235, p. 127
Of Verbs: Present forming, 293
Supines, 229
Syllables, Length of, 85
Syncope, Exon’s laws of, 89, 93

Thematic forms, 224, 225 n., 275, 282
Theme-Vowel, 275 f.

Ulfila, Bishop, 8
Umbrian, 9 (cf. 112, 175, 177, 201)
Unfolded vowel, 248
Uvula, 46

Velar, consonants, 36
Verner’s Law, 59
Vocal Chords, 25
——— Edges, 25-27
Vocative, 226
Voice, 25
Voiced Aspirates in Latin, 174
——— Plosives, assimilated to t or s, 108
Volscian, 9
Vowels, 28
Vowel-unfolding, 159

Welsh, 7.