The McClure Family
by James Alexander McClure
989586The McClure Family — AppendixJames Alexander McClure



This family came to Virginia from County Donegal, Ireland. Rev. James Alexander was pastor of the Eaphoe Presbyterian church, 1678-1704. Archibald Alexander was an Elder im the Taboyn (now Monreagh) church about the same time.

The Alexander genealogy is given in Roger's Memorials of the Earl of Sterling and the House of Alexander, and Chart by Francis Thomas Anderson Junkin, LL. D., Chicago, from which the following is taken:

A Norse settlement was early established in Arran and Bute and other islands in the West of Scotland under the Viking Conn Chead Chath of the Hundred Battles. His descendant, Viking Somerled, about 1150, exercised powerful authority in the Western Isles, disputing the sovereignty of Scotland with David I. In 1164 he entered the Firth of Clyde with a fleet of one hundred and sixty vessels, intending to usurp the Scottish Crown. He was defeated at Renfrew and there slain. (Chron. Man. A. D., 1104-1164). He married, about 1140 (second wife) Affrica, daughter of Olave the Red, King of Man, and had three sons: Dougal, from whom came subsequently the Ducal House of Argyle; Angus, the third son, who became Lord of the Isle of Bute; and Ranald, the second son, who became Lord of the Isles of Mull, Kintyre, &c. His son Donald was the father of Angus (d. about 1290), whose grandson John, Lord of the Isles, married Margaret, daughter of Robert II, King of Scotland, grandson of King Robert I, the Bruce. Her descent from the old English kings of the House of Cerdic is as follows: King Ecgberht, d. 836; his son, King Ethelwulf, d. 855; son, King Alfred the Great, d. 899; son, King Edward the Elder, d. 927; son, King Edmund, d. 946; son. King Edgar, d. 975; son, King Etheldred the Unready, d. 1016; son. King Edmund Ironside, killed 1016; son, Edward the Confessor; daughter Saint Margaret, who m. 1068 Malcolm III, King of Scotland, d. 1093; son, King David I. of Scotland, d. 1158; son, Henry, Earl of Huntingdon; son, David, Earl of Huntingdon, brother of King William IV, the Lion; second daughter, Isabella, m. Robert Bruce, Lord of Annandale; son, Robert Bruce, the Claimant; son, Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick, who m. Isabella, Countess of Buchan, of the family of Macduff; son, Robert I, the Bruce, King of Scotland, b. 1274 and d. June 7, 1329, m. Isabel of Mar; daughter Marjory m., about 1316, Walter Fitz Allan, the High Steward of Scotland; son, Robert II. King of Scotland, 1370, and founder of the Stewart (or Stuart) dynasty; his daughter Margaret m. John, Lord of the Isles, the father of Alexander, Lord of Lochaber, whose son, MacAlexander, is looked upon as the real founder of the House of Alexander. His descendant, Thomas Alexander, in a legal instrument dated March 6, 1505, is mentioned as Baron of Menstrey. His son, Andrew Alexander, Baron of Menstrey, died prior to 1527. His wife was Katherine Graham. Their son, Alexander Alexander, Baron of Menstrey (1529), m. Lady Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of Thomas Douglas, eldest son of Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven by his wife Margaret, daughter of David Balfour of Burleigh, an ancestor of the Earls of Morton. (See Douglas' Peerage, vol. II, p. 273). Alexander Alexander had a son, Andrew Alexander, Baron of Menstrey (1544), whose son, Alexander Alexander, Baron of Menstrey, d. about 1565. His wife was Elizabeth Forbes. His son, Wiliam Alexander, had two sons, Alexander Alexander, Baron of Menstrey, who was the father of William Alexander, Earl of Sterling, and Thomas Alexander, b. in Scotland 1630, but removed to Ireland 1652 for distaste of the Rump Parliament of Cromwell. "An intense Presbyterian, but loyal to the Catholic Stuarts, of whom he was a blood kinsman."

A daughter, Margaret, m. Joseph Parks, who occupied lands in County Donegal. Daughter, Margaret. A son, William, "remarkable for his carpulency, married and had four sons: Archibald, Peter, Robert and William.

A. Archibald, the eldest, was b. Cunningham Manor, County Donegal, Feb. 4, 1708, and m. Dec. 31, 1734, his first cousin, Margaret Parks, "a pious woman, of a spare frame, light hair and florid countenance." (Foote's Sketches). He did Colonial service; Captain in the Sandy Creek Expedition. Eight children.

I. Eliza, b. in Ireland Oct. 1735. Came with her parents to Pennsylvania 1736, and Augusta County 1747, finally settled on Timber Ridge. She m., about 1754, John McClung of Rockbridge (b. 1732), whose sister Mary m. Judge Samuel McDowell, of Rockbridge. Three children:

1. Joseph, lived and died on Timber Ridge. Left descendants.

2. William, m. sister of Chief Justice Marshall. Was a distinguished Judge in Kentucky. Father of Col. Alexander K. McClung and Rev. John A. McClung, D. D. See "Marshall Family," Virginia.

3. Margaret, the oldest child, was b. October, 1755; "a famous beauty;" m., about 1775, Robert Tate. Died Sept. 23, 1839. Buried at Bethel. Son, James Tate; father of John Addison Tate; father of Margaret Letitia Tate; mother of Josie (Gilkeson) McClure. See Tate Family.

II. William, the second child, was b. at Nottingham, Penn., 1738; married Agnes Reid; nine children, among them Andrew Alexander, 1768-1844, who m., 1803, Anne Dandridge Aylett (1778-1818), daughter of Col. William Aylett and Mary Macon, of King William County, Va., and Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D., LL. D., (1772-1851), President of Hampden Sidney College and founder (1812) of Princeton Seminary.

Capt. Archibald Alexander m., second, 1757, Jane McClure, daughter of James McClure, of Augusta County, See p. 125.

B. Peter Alexander d. in Londonderry. His wife and children came to America, settling probably in Tennessee or Kentucky.

C. Robert Alexander, a Master of Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, came to Augusta 1743, and in 1748 established, near Old Providence Church, on land now owned by Samuel Finly McClure, the Augusta Academy, "the first classical school in the Valley," the beginning of Washington and Lee University. He m. Esther Beard, daughter of Thomas Beard, who d. in Augusta, 1769. He died testate 1783. Ten children.

I. Eleanor, m., June 26, 1790, Samuel Wilson.

II. Sarah, m., April 5, 1786, John Wilson.

III. Peter, m., March 27, 1787, Jennie, daughter of Samuel Steele, of Augusta County. Em. to Woodford County, Ky.

IV. Robert, m., Jan. 28, 1796, Jane Beard, daughter Mary Martha, m. April 2, 1855, second wife, William C. McClure.

V. William, m., Nov. 29, 1793, by Rev. John Brown, Sarah Henry.

VI. Ann; VII. Esther. VIII. Hugh; IX. James; X. Thomas.

D. William Alexander, wife Martha, died intestate Augusta, 1755. Six children: William, who died 1768, James, John, Agnes, Mary, George.

James Alexander, m. Sept. 11, 1759. He died testate 1809. Five sons and five daughters, viz: Andrew, m., Sept. 16, 1788, Nancy, daughter of John Hamilton; Gabriel; James; John, m., Nov. 27, 1788, Sarah Gibson; William; Dorcas, m., Feb. 19, 1794, Samuel Pilson, Jr.; Elizabeth, m., Feb. 1, 1785, Samuel Tate; Mary, m., 1785, Charles Campbell; Margaret; Martha.

Closely related to these four brothers was James Alexander, member, 1740, of Tinkling Spring Church. He was doubtless the father or brother of—

A. Andrew Alexander, who d. testate in Augusta, 1789. Wife, Catherine. Sons, James and Andrew, Jr., who m., about 1778, Martha McClure. He d. 1787. Two children. See p. 25.

B. Francis Alexander, lived on Long Meadow. Wife, Elizabeth. Died testate 1792. Sons, Gabriel; John, m., Feb. 13, 1791, Rachel Miller; Francis, "to be schooled by Gabriel;" William; Jannet, m., March 11, 1790, her first cousin, John Alexander; Dorcas, m., 1798, Aug. Smith.

C. Gabriel Alexander settled, 1749, on South River. Wife, Dorcas. Died testate 1779. Six children, viz: Francis, m., Dec. 29, 1790, Elizabeth McClure (See p. 25); Gabriel; James; John, m., March 11, 1790, Jannet Alexander; Dorcas Lackey; Margaret.

Agnes, wife of James McClure, founder of the Augusta County family, was probably an Alexander.


In Foote's Sketches of Virginia, Second Series, p. 262, we read, "George Baxter and Mary Love were emigrants from Ireland at a very early age, landing on the banks of the Deleware. The parents of George dying soon after their arrival, he was received into the family of Thomas Rodgers. This gentleman had married Elizabeth Baxter and emigrated from Londonderry to Boston, Mass., in 1721. In about seven years he removed to Philadelphia. George Baiter, when of mature years, followed his emigrating countrymen in their search for a home on the frontiers of Virginia and chose his residence in Mossy Creek congregation, once a part of the Triple Forks, and afterwards of Augusta church. In the course of his life he represented his county in the Legislature about fifteen times. He reared his family according to the customs of his fatherland and the habit of his emigrating countrymen, in industry and economy, giving all an English education in a manner as liberal as circumstances would permit, choosing if possible, one child of talent for a liberal education and a professional life.

Maky Love, his wife, left among her descendants a memory precious for her exemplary piety and prudent conduct as a wife and mother, in situations calling every day for the exercise of Christian graces and seldom offering occasion for the lofty display of any accemplishment. The lives of her eight children were her best eulogy. Vigor, frankness, uprightness and industry characterized all the members of the family, reared in the simplicity and hardships of a frontier life. The mother laid the foundation of morals and religion in her children while they were young, and expressed the most decided unwillingness to part with any of them till their faith in Christ was established. Her unremitting attention to the spiritual concerns of her children was followed by the unspeakable reward of seeing them all consistent professors of religion, according to the faith she trusted for her own salvation. The Bible, the Sabbath, the Assembly's Catechism, the preaching of the gospel, family worship and private instruction, were things of solemn interest to the family from the earliest recollections, and connected indissolubly with the memory of their parents, the influence was tender and perpetual. The image of the mother stood before the children rejoicing when their triumphed, and weeping when they sinned."

His wife was a dau. of Col. Ephraim and Elizabeth Love. He was for many years an elder in the Mossy Creek church. A Revolutionary soldier; qualified lieutenant Nov. 23, 1778, and captain March 12, 1779. Of their eight children, Rev. George Addison Baxter, D. D., the second son and third child, was born July 22, 1771. Mar. Ann Fleming, dau. of Col. Wm. Fleming, of Botetourt County. Was President of Washington College (now W. and L. U.), and professor in Union Theological Seminary.

Rebecca Baxter, the youngest child, was b. 1783, and d. Feb. 25, 1817. Her grave is marked in Bethel Cemetery. She m. James Tate, great grandfather of Josie Charlton Gilkeson, who m. James A. McClure.


This family belongs to Switzerland, where Rudolph Baumgartner, of Basle, was one of the leaders in the rebellion that won freedom from Austria. A large portrait of Lucas Baumgartner in armor is shown in one of the art galleries of Munich.

Hans Baumgartner, the founder of the Augusta family, settled on "Stony Lick, a branch of the Shanandore, opposite Great Island." This is in the present limits of Rockingham County. His deed for 400 acres of land is dated September 25, 1746. His will was proven March 22, 1751, (See Chalkley III, p. 21). Sons, John and Christian; daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Madley. grandson, Jacob Burner.

The family have no record of John, the older brother. The name, however, occurs several times in the records of the Valley.

Godfrey Baumgardner settled on New River, 1762.

Rudolph Bumgardner was living in Hampshire County, 1784, married and had six children.

Christian, David and Peter Bumgardner were living single, 1785, in Shenandoah County.

Christian Bumgardner, the younger brother, b. about 1740, settled on a farm adjoining the present Bumgardner home, Augusta County. Chalkley, vol. II, p. 49, shows that he was a Colonial soldier, serving with Washington in his campaign of 1754, for which he was pensioned. A letter from his friend, Gen. Daniel Morgan, recently lost or mislaid, shows that he was also with Washington at Braddock's defeat. He qualified Lieutenant of Foot Nov. 17, 1757. He did service in the Revolution and died the day following his return from the war. His son,

I. Jacob Bumgardner, b. Feb. 8, 1769, and died Aug. 25th, 1859. He m., June 28, 1785, Mary Waddle, daughter of John and Mary Waddle, a family from Saxe-Weimer, Switzerland, who owned the present Bumgardner home and who gave the land for Bethel Church. Ten children:

1. Christian, b. 1786. Em. to Kentucky. A son, Anthony Wayne.

2. Polly, m. Jacob Kunkle, of Augusta.

3. Jacob, ensign to Capt. Samuel Steele, War 1812. Emigrated to Kentucky. Son, Jacob.

4. David; d. s.

5. William, Em. to Kentucky.

6. John, m. Jane Clarke, of Staunton.

7. Betty, m. Abel Gibbons. Lived near Bethel.

8. Sarah, m. Alexander McGilvray. Died in Greenville. Twelve children, the late Rev. William McGilvray, of Eichmond, and Sarah, wife of J. Alexander Bumgarder, of Bethel.

9. James, m. Malinda McCorkle, of Rockbridge County. He is mentioned in Waddell, p. 433. "A meeting was held at Greenville June 11, 1836, to attempt to raise a company of militia to engage in war against the Creek Indians, which was called to order by James Bumgardner." Five children—

(1). Col. William Bumgardner, m. Pocahontas Happer. Three children.

(2) . Jacob Alexander Bumgardner, m. Sarah McGilvray. Five children living, viz: Eugenia, single; Malinda, m. Charles Berkeley and has four children; Edwin, m. Janie T. McClure; Tillie, m. James M. Lilley; Alexander.

(3). Mary, m., Dec. 27, 1863, Capt. James Bumgardner. Six children living.

(4). Eugenia, m. Archibald Alexander Sproul.

(5). Betty, m. the late Livingston Murphy, M. D., for many years the distinguished Superintendent of the Morgantown Asylum, Morgantown, N. C. Three children, viz: Mary, Dr. Alexander Murphy, of Goldsboro, N. C., and Dr. James Murphy, of New York.

10. Lewis, b. Aug. 17, 1806, and d. Oct. 11, 1890. He m. Nov. 5, 1833, in Lexington, Ky., Hettie Anne Halstead (Nov. 10, 1815—Jan. 25, 1872). He lived for a number of years in Carroll County, Mo., where his older children were born. Returning to Virginia, he was a merchant in Greenville and later in Staunton. Ten children:

(1). Capt. James Bumgardner, b. Feb, 18, 1835, graduate University of Virginia, Captain Co. F., 52nd Regiment, C. S. A.; a distinguished lawyer, Staunton, Va.; m. Mary Bumgardner Dec. 27th, 1863. Six children living, viz:

James Lewis Bumgardner, a graduate of W. and L. University, lawyer, Beckley, W. Va.; m. Ophia Ellison. Two children, Mary Mildred, Eunice Ellison.

Rudolph, graduate W. and L. University; lawyer, Staunton, Va.; m. Nannie, daughter of Rev. W. N. Scott, D. D., of Staunton. Two children, Mary Margaret, Rudolph, Jr.

Four sisters, single, viz: Minnie, Gussie, Eugenia, Nellie.

(2). Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1836; m. Andrew Wellington McClure, Sr. (q. v.)

(3). Daniel Halstead, Aug, 27, 1838—July 23, 1847.

(4). William, Aug. 29, 1840—Oct. 2, 1841.

(5). Sarah Catherine, b. March 18, 1842; m. M. T. McClure, Sr.

(6). Augusta Virginia, b. Feb. 7, 1844; m., Dec. 9, 1897, J. F. Tannehill, Sr.

(7). Lewis, Jan. 24, 1846—May 18, 1847.

(8.) Jacob, b. April 1, 1848, and d. May 16, 1902. He m., March 21, 1894, Minnie May Jones, of Allentown, Pa. Two sons, Walter and Jacob.

(9). Malinda, Aug. 20, 1851—Nov. 20, 1854.

(10). Lewis Milton, b. Nov. 22, 1853; graduate U. of Va.; lawyer, Staunton, Va. Died single May 6, 1888.

The Halstead Family, English, settled early in New York. John Halstead was captured the night the English took the city, Revolutionary War, and like many other prisoners, died of suffocation. His wife was a Nichols, a descendant of Gov. Nichols of New Jersey. Three sons, Christopher and John, who lived and died in New York City. The office of the Corporation of Trinity Church contains a number of Halstead records; marriages, births, baptisms, etc. Daniel, who was five years old when his father died, married, in Trinity Church, Hetty Sprong and em. to Lexington, Ky. Nine children, viz: John, married and lived in Kentucky; Christopher married and lived in Illinois. His copy of Josephus is now owned by Rev. J. A. McClure. Maria, d. s.; Sarah, m. James Harvey Burch, of Missouri; Eliza, m. James Scantland, of Kentucky; James married and lived in Illinois; Alexander lived in Illinois; Hettie Anne m. Lewis Bumgardner, of Virginia; Mary Ellen m. Zophar Case, of Cleveland, O., parents of Warren Case, who m. Linda McClure.

The Sprong Family traces its descent back through the Brower and Bogardus families to Aneke Jans, granddaughter of William of Orange and the Bourbon princess Charlotte. Aneke Jans settled in N. Y. with her husband, Roeloff Jansen, in 1630. She m. second, Everardus Bogardus, the second pastor of the church in New Amsterdam.

Bogardus died December 27, 1647, and Aneke Jans in 1663. They owned seventy acres in what is now the heart of New York City. The subsequent litigation growing out of this and the lease by the Trinity Corporation, is generally known. (See Bogardus Chart, Genealogical Department, New York City Public Library).

The Sproul Family, of Augusta County, is probably descended from John Sproul, an elder in the Raphoe Presbyterian church, Co. Donegal, Ireland, 1700.

William Sproul settled on Moffett's Creek about 1750, and died testate 1806. He was twice married; first, Aug., 1757. Wife, Jane. Four children, viz: James, Alexander, who m. May 15, 1781, Jane Beard; William, Margaret, who m. a McCutchen.

He m. secoud, June 23, 1773. Wife, Susanna. Eleven children, viz: Joseph, Oliver, John, Charles, who m. Margaret, a daughter of Dr. Alexander Humphreys, of Staunton, was a lawyer in Frankfort, Ky. Samuel, Jane who m. June 23, 1793, John Weir, of Rockbridge. Sidney, who m. Jan. 21, 1799, Joseph Beard. Mary, d. s., Martha m. Robert Hutchinson, of Rockbridge, Fanny, who m. Thomas Thompson, of Augusta. Nemsy.

John Sproul, b. about 1785, m. about 1820 Matilda Scott, daughter of the Revolutionary War pastor of Bethel church. He was ordained an elder in Bethel Sept. 18, 1831, and died May 22, 1849. Seven children.

(1). Susan Jane, b. July 7, 1822, m. Samuel Bell.

(2). Frances Elizabeth, b. February 15, 1824, m. Wm. White, of Lexington, Va.

(3). Emeline, born March 1, 1826.

(4). William Scott, b. February 4, 1828, d. s.

(6). Matilda, born Jan. 26, 1833, d. s.

(7). Martha Ann, b. February 20, 1837, m. Archibald G. Christian, parents of Lee Christian, who m. Julia Smith, and others.

(5). Archibald Alexander, b. April 29, 1831. Ordained an elder in Bethel August 4, 1866. He married Eugenia Bumgardner. Nine children, viz:

James Bumgardner, b. Sept. 7, 1860, d. i.

John Alexander, b. Jan. 9, 1862, Clifton Forge, Va.

Wm. White, b. April 17, 1863, an elder in Bethel. Mar. Kate Lapsley, of Anniston, Alabama. Four children.

Matilda Scott, b. February 9, 1865, d. s.

Malinda, b. Sept. 15, 1866, m. John Marshall McClure. Died.

Archibald, b. January 10, 1868, a distinguished graduate of W. and L. U. Married Mary Cotton, of New York. Died. A son.

Eugene E., born August 3, 1870, d. s.

Frances, living in Clifton Forge, Va.

Hugh Bell, born November 12, 1873, student W. and L. U. Married Agnes Miller, of Staunton. Five children.

Eleanor Mitchel, a widow, and her son, John Mitchel, settled in Augusta County, 1747. Their farm cornered John Tate and David Doak.

John Mitchel died testate 1771. See Chalkley III, p. 120. Wife, Elizabeth. Six children.

I. Thomas. His Bible is now owned by M. T. McClure, Sr., a desendant. He was born Sept. 23, 1732, and died testate Dec. 30, 1806. Revolutionary soldier. He m. first, Dec. 27, 1757, Elizabeth McClanahan Moor, widow of Samuel, son of Andrew, who was accidently killed 1752. A son, Andrew, b. 1750 and died August 10, 1791. Wife, Martha, parents of Mrs. Andrew Lusk.

Elizabeth Moor; d. August 1, 1777, "in the forty-ninth year of her age." Five children, viz:

1. William, b. October 5, 1761, m. September 15, 1785, Agnes Brownlee.

2. Thomas, Jr., b. Dec. 7, 1763. Went West.

3. Elizabeth, b. March 1, 1766, d. Sept. 11, 1850. M. September 28, 1810, James Fulton (1755-1834). Buried at Old Providence. John McClure, a nephew, lived with them and inherited from them, 1819, the farm now known as the McClure Homestead, one mile north of Old Providence church.

4. Mary, b. December 23, 1768, and died 1795. She m. January 15, 1789, Andrew McClure.

5. Isabella, b. Sept. 1, 1771, m. Dec. 16, 1807, John Doak. Buried at Bethel.

Thomas Mitchel m. 2nd Nov. 6, 1781, Elizabeth Wales. She d. July 11, 1806. Dau.,

6. Jane, b. Dec. 1, 1782, m. 1st, James Mateer, son of James Mateer, Sr., and Elizabeth Wright. James Mateer d. 1812, testate. Four children, viz: William, Mitchel, Eliza, Isabella. Jane Mitchel Mateer m. 2nd, William Mateer, a widower, with five children, viz: Catherine, John, Polly, William, Jr. and Virginia Mitchel, b. Sept. 28, 1824, baptized at Bethel April 1, 1825. She m. a Wood in Missouri. They em. to Missouri, and had three children, viz: Ann who m. a Miller, Sally who m. Peyton, and Samuel, father of Mr. Albert Mateer living (1913) Calwood, Mo.

In a letter from Callaway County, Mo., June 24, 1830, I read that Isabella Mateer was taken sick on her way out and that "Mr. Hannah took a carriage and T)rought her home." One would judge from the Augusta records that the Mateers, Mitchels, Doaks and Hannahs were related.

The following letters from William Mateer, son of James Mateer, and Jane Mitchel, to his first cousin, John McClure, are of interest:

"Caloway County, Mo., Dec. 20, 1827.

Dear Cousin,

I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well and hope that these lines may find you and family well. In the first place would let you know that I had a tedious trip to this country. I was two months and four days from time I left home until landed on Salt river, and found this country much what I expected to see in every shape and form; found a great quantity of good land and a vast quantity of perrare, and some poor looking land. This country lays very level, but still roling enough to carry the water off the ground in a short time. I have been up the Misssippie 147 miles from St. Louis, and from there 75 or 80 miles up toward the headwaters of the Salt river, and from there across to the Missouri river. I have likewise been 200 miles up the Missouri from mouth and find the country much the same. Springs is very scarce, but I find the people that make use of creek water equally as healthy as them that have springs, and considered by some more so, but water can be had convenyently by sinking wells from ten to thirty feet. Stilling is a good business in country where a man has a mill of his own to grind his grain. Miils are scarce in this country; almost all horse mills, and then you must grind yourself and with your own horses and give the sixth bushel. You can get stills in country from 20 to 25 per cent lower in the gallon than in Virginia, and the head throwed in. Whiskey is two shillings per gallon by the barrel and from 50 to 62½ by the retail, and a great deal of it is sold in that way. Corn is one dollar per barrel, pork $2, beef $1.50, wheat 37½, rye two shillings, coffee from 20 to 25 cents, sugar 12½ cents, and store goods is as cheap as in Virginia; all but iron, that is ten cents, though but little of it made use of. Horses goe without shoes, and a man that has to get his plow-irons sharped twist a year thinks his blacksmith work a heavy tax on him.

There can be no good entrys of land in this neighborhood; there can be a great settlement made about 6 miles from Henderson's on the headwaters of ——— River. There is no settlement within several miles, so a man may situate himself just as he sees proper. If you come to this country next fall, come through Kentucky, cross the Ohio at Albany 4 miles below the falls and from there to Vinsane on the Wawbash, which is 120 miles, and from there to St. Louis 160 m., to St. Charles 20 m., from there here 85 m. The distance from where you live to St. Louis don't excede 770 miles that rout. Eight me a letter and let me know your notion sertenly about coming to this country by the first of Aprile. I want you to fetch me a Virginia wife out here; some hansome and clever girl. Tell Betsy young girls is ready sale here; but old maids rate at 25 cents a hundred. I have not room to write any more; give my compliments to uncle and aunt, Jane and Betsy. Likewise take them to yourself, and believe me your sincere friend,

William Mateer.

Mr. Joun McClure, Greenville, Va."

John McClure, since the last letter, had made a trip to Missouri on horseback, with Matthew Pilson, his brother-in-law.

"Ralls County, Mo., December 20, 1829.

Dear Cousin,

I take this opportunity of informing you that I am well and hope that these lines may find you and your family well. I have nothing to write worth your attention. David, Hannah and Robert got to Salt river and all is well except Jane Henderson, and she is able to walk about, but mends slow. I see no change in times since you left here, only the people still continue coming into this section. I had forgotten when I said there had been no change of alteration since you left here; there has been one case of murder in New London a few days ago. We in the upper part of the county disown London altogether and wish them great success in killing one another until the place becomes properly clensed. I believe I have nothing more about our country or people. I would be glad to hear from you and know what part of Missouri you and Mr. Pilson is best pleased with and whether Mathew feels like moving since he has got home or running on a while longer. Write to me without delay. Give our respects to uncle and Betsy McClure, Mathew Pilson and Jane. Nothing more.

Your humble servant,

Wm. Mateer.

Mr. John McClure, Greenville, Va."

II. Robert Mitchel, b. about 1734. Surveyor, 1774.

III. John Mitchel, d. 1783.

IV. James Mitchel, b. about 1740. Revolutionary Soldier, Lieutenant in Captain James Tate's company. Was a charter member and with Colonel Robert Doak, was one of the first Elders in Bethel Church at its organization 1779. A number of his books are now in the Library of the Author. Among them the Trial and Triumph of Faith, inscribes "James Mitchel, his hand and pen, June ye 12 1773." He died 1806. Four children:

1. Thomas, m. April 4, 1786, Margaret, dau. of James Callison, Died 1816. Seven children, among them, Wilson Mitchel, b. Jan. 10, 1796.

2. James, m. dau. of William and Jane Brown.

3. Sally, m. May 30, 1785, Robert Beard.

4. Elizabeth, m. Feb. 16, 1793, Robert Callison.

V. Eleanor, m, Mathew Willson, Sr. an Elder in Bethel. Eight children, among them Mathew Willson, Jr. also an Elder in Bethel.

VI. Mary, m. a Wright.

James Callison, "otherwise lately called James Callison in the settlement, Albemarle Co. Va.," and his wife Isabella, settled in Augusta Co. 1749. He died testate 1789. Eleven children: John, whose dau. Isabella m. Feb. 25, 1801, Joseph Evans. James, em. to Ky., sons Anthony and Isaac, of Bath Co. Va. Margaret, m. 1786, Thomas Mitchel. Robert m. 1793, Elizabeth Mitchel. William, Dorathy, Jean, Agnes, Mary, Eleanor, and Isabella.

James Scott Callison, who m. Carrie Pilson McClure, and his sister, Mary Dell, who m. Rev. C. D. Waller, son and dau. of the late James Callison, doubtless belong to this family.


John McCown, founder, settled in Rockbridge County about 1740, militia service 1742; Constable in Forks of James, 1746, died testate, 1783. His farm 437 acres deeded by Benjamin Border 1750, is still in the family, the home of Robert McCown near Rockbridge Baths. His son John McCown, Jr., was born about 1740, father of Capt. John McCown, b. March 17, 1784. He m. Polly Culton, (May 3, 1786, June 23, 1869.)

"Died on the 11th, of April 1850, at his residence in Rockbridge Co., after a few days of severe suffering from a violent attack of pneumonia, Capt. John McCown, in the 66th year of his age. In the death of our friend, society has lost a most valuable citizen, and the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a member, and a ruling elder, one of its chief pillars. Whilst he was kind and open hearted to other denominations of Christians, he was a whole souled Presbyterian; devoted to the standards and policy of the Presbyterian church. The cause of Zion seemed to be always near his heart, and whenever a call for aid for any pious and Christian enterprise was presented, his hand and his heart were always open.

But whilst we feel deeply the loss of so valuable a friend and member of our church, we are consoled with the consideration, that having finished his labors in his Masters vineyard here, he has been taken up to receive his crown amongst the redeemed above.


His son John Kinnear McCown was b. Feb. 24, 1811. He m. Mary Wilson. Issue, Robert, Horatio, Rev. James H., Agnes, Sarah who m. Samuel Wilson, Emma who m. Capt. John McNeil and Samuel Walter who m. Anne Halstead McClure.

"At a meeting of the Session of New Monmouth church, January 17th, the following tribute to the memory of elder John K. McCown was adopted and ordered to be spread on the minutes:

John K. McCown, the venerable elder of this church, died January 5th, 1892, in the 81st year of his life. Descended from a pious ancestry, this good brother confessed Christ in early life, and by the grace of God, held fast the profession of his faith unto the end. About fifty-two years he served the church as a ruling elder, having been ordained to that office in the year 1840, As a session, and in behalf of all our members, we would give expression to our high appreciation of his Christian character and official fidelity, and our sense of loss by his removal. His love of truth and righteousness, his devotion to the cause of God, his strong sense of duty, and his great decision of charter, made him a most valuable ruler in the house of God, while his influence for good could not fail to be felt by the whole community. Not only did he train his own house in the fear of the Lord, giving two of his sons to the ministry of the gospel, but his daily life was a constant rebuke to all evildoers. While we mourn his death, surely we may comfort ourselves with the word of the Lord and say 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.'

By order of Session.

D. A. Penick, Moderator."


Samuel Pilson, founder of the family in Augusta, is mentioned by Foote in connection with the organization of Tinkling Spring Church, 1740. Two sons:

A. Richard Pilson; was living in Albemarle Co. 1773. His son Robert Pilson, m. Agnes McClure. Their children, Hugh, Ann, Richard and Polly, were living in Ohio, 1833.

B. Samuel Pilson, b. 1739, died after 1807. Road surveyor, 1773. Probably m. a Hutcheson. Three sons.

I. John, d. s. Elder in Bethel.

II. Samuel, m. February 19, 1795, Dorcas, dau. of James Alexander. Em. to Ohio.

III. George, (1765-1833), m. Jan. 4, 1796, Elizabeth Thompson, b. 1764, d. December 17, 1861. Five children:

1. Jane, (June 14, 1797-September 18, 1882). Mar. John McClure.

2. Phoebe, m. John S. Thompson.

3. Samuel, 1807-1811. Buried at Tinkling Spring.

4. Mary, m. Jacob Lightner. Two sons: Geo. P., living near Spottswood, Va., and the late Samuel A.

5. Matthew, m. November 5, 1834 Lavinia Finley. Five children left descendants. Others died single.

(1) Samuel Finley, who d. March 10, 1914. M. Ellen Finley, of N. C. Two sons:

The late Rev. Matthew Finley Pilson, and Edward Pilson, who died 1914.

(2) George, m. Ellen Lambert. Two sons, Lacy and Blair Pilson.

(3) Dr. William Pilson, son, W. H. F. Pilson, Lawyer, Staunton, Va.

(4) Frank, m. Carrie Finley of N. C. Two daughters.

(5) Matthew Thompson, m. Anna Hogshead; five children.

Matthew Thompson settled in Augusta County about 1740. Died in 1753. His will is recorded Staunton, Va., mentioning sons, William, John, Matthew, and Matthew his grand son. This family while doubtless related is not the one directly connected with the McClures through the Pilsons.

Two brothers, Charles and William Thompson came to Augusta Co. from Penn. prior to 1750. Charles' name appears only once on the county records, 1752. In the Americanized Encyclopædia Britannica Vol. X p. 6835 it is stated that he was born in Maghera, Co. Antrim, Ireland, Nov. 29, 1729. He came to America in 1740; studied in New London Penn. and later conducted a Quaker school at New Castle. In September 1774, he went to Philadelphia with his bride, a sister of Benjamin Harrison, the Signer, having been chosen Secretary of the first Continental Congress. He died in Lower Merion, Penn., Aug, 16, 1824. He declined a place in President Washington's Cabinet that he might complete his translation of the Scriptures, a set of which he presented to each of his nephews and nieces. The books are still in the Pilson family.

They were joined by a third brother, Matthew, their father accompanying him died en voyage and was buried at sea.

William m; 1761 d. 1815. Nine children:

I. Mathew. who d, 1806.

II. Margaret.

III. Elizabeth, m. a Wilson.

IV. William, (1770-1835). Buried at Bethel.

V. Rachel, m. April 5, 1780, Alexander Berryhill.

VI. Martha, m. March 29, 1787, Robert Talbert.

VII. Jane, m. Aug. 21, 1792, Thomas Brown.

VIII. John, m. Dec. 3, 1793, Jane Blackwood, (Nov. 5, 1768, May 28, 1842). Sons William and John.

IX. Mary, m. June 8, 1799, Robert Willson, Jr.

Matthew, m. Sept. 20, 1763. Wife Sally, probably an Alexander. Died 1822. Four children:

I. Elizabeth, (1764-1861), m. George Pilson.

II. Jean, m. Dec. 27, 1791, Andrew Hunter.

III. Mary, m. Oct. 10, 1797, William Shields.

IV. Matthew, Jr., d. s.


George Draper m. Eleanor Hardin in County Donegal, Ireland, came to Philadelphia 1728, and to Virginia about 1740. Constable 1747, died 1748, probably killed by Indians. Son, John, b. 1730; dau. Mary, b. 1732.

Col. Thos. Ingles, possibly a son of William Ingles, an Elder 1700, in Monreagh Presbyterian church, County Donegal, came to Virginia about 1740, settling 1749 in what is now Montgomery county. His son, Col. William Ingles, was b. 1729 and m. 1750 Mary Draper above. He was commissioned Captain of Foote Aug. 24, 1754; Justice 1769; died testate 1782. His home was destroyed by Indians July 30, 1755, and his wife and two children carried away captive. For the full account see Foote's Sketches of Virginia 2nd, p. 149; Hale's Trans-Alleghany Pioneers, p. 11, and Waddell's Annals of Augusta County.

"Being a woman of extraordinary courage and tact, she ingratiated herself with the savages, making shirts for them and gaining their good will in a hundred ways. Her two older children were, however, separated from her, and she then determined to escape if possible. The narrative of her courage and sufferings on her trip home is almost incredible. She was absent about five months, of which time forty-two days were passed on her return."—Waddell, p. 144. She d. at Ingles' Ferry Va., February, 1815.

Six children:

I. Thomas, b. 1751, m. Ellen Grills.

II. George, died in captivity.

III. Susan, m. Gen. Abraham Trigg.

IV. Ehoda, m. Capt. Bird Smith.

V. Mary, m. John Grills.

VI. John, b, 1766, lived in Montgomery Co. Elder in the Presbyterian church. Mar. Margaret Crockett, of Wythe County. Nine children, among them Malinda Charlton, b. 1805, and Margaret Crockett Ingles (1808-1878), who m. 1st, Thos. Hyde; 2nd, Wm. J. Gilkeson, grandfather of Josie Charlton Gilkeson, wife of James A. McClure.


William Gilkeson from the north of Ireland, settled in Lancaster County, Pa., about 1730. He m. Margaret Lynn, dau. of Hugh Lynn from near Philadelphia. He em. to Frederick County, Va., settling near Kernstown, 1765, where he died 1778. Buried at Opequon church. His will is recorded at Winchester, Va. Eleven children:

I. Hugh, born in Pa. 1748 and d. in Augusta County 1806. His will is recorded at Staunton, Va. He m. Elizabeth Guthrie (1746-1830), dau. of John and Ann Guthrie, who came to America on the same boat with the Gilkesons. Six children:

1. Margaret, (1773-1816), m. May 15, 1794, John Guthrie, Augusta County. Ten children.

2. Ann, m. Jan. 29, 1801, James Craig, Kentucky.

3 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25, 1778, m. her cousin, David, son of Wm. Gilkeson.

4. David (1782-1866), m. Polly Humphreys. Elder in Tinkling Spring. Six children, viz:

(1). Hugh Lynn, b. 1810, d. s. in Illinois, 1836.

(2). Margaret, 1812-1848, m. (2nd wife) 1839, Andrew Patterson, of Brownsbury, Va. Three children.

(3). David Carlisle, b. 1815 and died Aug. 22, 1864. Confederate soldier. M. Jan. 20, 1842, Harriet Newall Finley (1821-1886). Four children, viz., Virginia Ruth, Carrie Belle, m. 2nd wife, James W. Wallace; Samuel Finley, an Elder in Bethel, d. s. 1913; Elizabeth, who m. Samuel Brown, an Elder in Hebron.

(4). Elizabeth, b. 1820 and m. 1852, 2nd wife, Rev. W. W. Trimble, of Missouri.

(5). James, lived in Fauquier Co. Six children, viz., Betty, Mary, Carrie Belle, who m. a Guthrie of Miss.; Carlisle, Harry and Samuel, who m. a Martin and lives (an Elder) in the Shemeriah congregation, Augusta County.

(6). John A,, m. Dec. 18, 1851, Isabella Sterrett Humphreys, b. Jan. 17, 1831. Five children:

a. Hugh Finley, b. Oct. 18, 1852, m. Dec. 8, 1881, Lula Tate Larew, dau. of John T. Larew. Dau. Margaret.

b. Frank Humphreys, b. Nov. 18, 1854, m. Nov. 19, 1885, Mattie B. Hanger.

c. Rev. Charles David Gilkeson, b. June 30, 1863, m. Oct. 15, 1891, Margaret Leyburn, of Lexington, Va. Son,

(a). Charles Leyburn, b, April 26, 1899.

d. William J. e. Emma J.

5. William (1784-1864), m. Sarah, dau. of his uncle, John Gilkeson, of Frederick County, Va. Four children:

(1). Andrew Todd Gilkeson, m. Emma Heiskell. Four children, viz., William, Belle, Clara and Harry. The latter m. Mary McKee, of Buena Vista, Va.

(2). David Gilkeson, m. Mollie Gamble, of Ga. Three children, Lillie who m. Walter Guthrie, of Miss. Lula and Belle now (1914) living in Waynesboro, Va.

(3). Hugh William Gilkeson, d. 1900 in Ga.

(4). John Gilkeson, m. Bettie Patterson, d. without heirs, 1841.

6. James, m. Eliza Crawford. Lived near Springfield, Ky. Two children:

(1). Elizabeth, m. Rev. A. A. Hogue, Lebanon, Ky.

(2). James A., m. a Hopper, sister of Eev. Jas. Hopper, of Perryville, Ky. Four children, Joseph, Maggie, James R., Katie.

II. William, b. in Penn. Aug. 29, 1750, came with his parents to Frederick Co., 1765, thence to Augusta. The Staunton records give his deed dated May 1, 1780. "David Kerr to William Gilkeson of Frederick County, part of tract that Andrew Cowan formerly lived on in Beverley Manor." This farm, "Hillside," is still the Gilkeson home, now owned by the family of the late M. F. Gilkeson, his grandson. A record 1785 says he "was of good character here and below in Pennsylvania." Foote, 2nd p. 356, states that Rev. Conrad Speece preached at his house April 5, 1813. He m. Sarah Love (Aug. 29, 1752—June 27, 1826), widow of James Guthrie. He d. July 3, 1828. Their graves are marked at Bethel. Children:

1. Nancy, m. an Irvine. Buried at Bethel.

2. Margaret, m. Aug. 21, 1799, Elijah McClenachan.

3. Lovie, m. Dr. John Tate. Illinois.

4. Jane. Dismissed from Bethel church April 21, 1821. Is said to have m. a Herring.

5. William J., b. 1789 and m. Margaret Crockett Ingles, of Wythe Co., widow of Thomas Hyde. She left one sou, Thomas Hyde, father of the family now living near Stuart's Draft, Augusta Co.

Seven Gilkeson children:

(1) Francis McFarland, b. Aug. 42, 1838. Is living Culpeper, Va.; Alumnus Washington College; mar. Fanny Greene. Eight children, viz: Fanny who m. Leon Nalle, Lovie B. who m. F. E. Porter, Frank, Wm. Irvine, Sadie, Mary who m. J. D. Coleman, J. Archibald, m. and lives in Raleigh, N. C., Nannie, m. H. V. Frazier.

(2) John William, b. March 2, 1840, baptized May 3, 1840. Died of pneumonia March 25, 1907. Farmer. Alumnus Washington College (1859), now Washington and Lee University. One of the first deacons of Bethel church and for many years Treasurer. First Lieut., 25th Va. Regiment, C. S. A. Was captured and confined for eighteen months on Johnson Island. He m. Margaret Letitia Tate. Seven children:

a. John Hansford, b. Aug. 4, 1869. Graduate and instructor Virginia Military Institute. Student U. of Va. Farmer.

b. Margaret Randolph, b. Oct. 12, 1870. Graduate Mary Baldwin Seminary.

c. Edna Ingles, b. Dec. 25, 1876. Graduate M. B. S. Teaching 1914 in Cairo, Egypt.

d. Anna, d. eight years old of diphtheria.

e. Josie Charlton, b. March 28, 1880. Graduate M. B. S. Mar. Dec. 31, 1903, James Alexander McClure. Six children: the youngest, Josephine Charlton, was b. Petersburg, Va., Sep. 13, 1914.

f. Rebecca Baxter, b. Nov. 22, 1882. A. B., Mary Baldwin Seminary, Ph. B., M. A., University of Chicago. Teacher (1914) Ward-Belmont College, Nashville, Tenn.

g. Mary Tate, b. Now, 5, 1889. Graduate Stonewall Jackson Institute; mar. Oct. 15, 1912, Wm. Allen Wallace.

(3). Sarah Margaret, b. Jan. 27, 1842. Living Staunton, Va.

(4). Irvine Waddell, b. March 12, 1844, died ———. Physician, Mint Spring, Va. Mar. Catherine J. Gilliam. Two children, Hansford, single; Catherine, who m. Dr. Wm. Deekens of Staunton, Va. Dau. Amelia Catherine.

(5). Lovie Jane Herring, baptized Apr. 23, 1848. Mar, Dr. Carter Berkeley of Staunton, Va. Six children, viz: Edmund, Charles Carter, m. Malinda Bumgardner, Randolph Carter, Mary Randolph Spotswood, Janet Carter, Brooke. The following is from one of the daily papers: "Maj. Randolph Carter Berkeley, of the U. S. Steamship Prairie, a native of Staunton, Va., the son of a Confederate officer, was the first American to land at Vera Cruz at the beginning of hostilities."

Admiral Fletcher in his report to Congress June 7, 1914, said, "I have similarly to record that the conduct of Major R. C. Berkeley U. S. M. C. (et. al.) were eminent and conspicuous in command of their battalions. These officers were in the fighting of both days and exhibited courage and skill in leading their men through the action,"

(6). Emma Cornelia, b. April 8, 1849, d. i.

(7). Millard Filmore, b. Feb. 2, 1853, and d. in Augusta County March 6; 1914. He owned the old Gilkeson home "Hillside," and was for many years a prominent and useful citizen of Augusta County. An Elder in Bethel and later in the First Presbyterian church, Staunton, Va. He m. Betty Eskridge, Three children, viz., Eskridge (1914), of Bluefield, W. Va., m. Elizabeth Jones, of Staunton.

Jane, m. L. W. Wilson, a civil engineer and Maslin.

John Gilkeson of Bethel, who m, about 1820 Jane, was probably a brother of William J. Gilkeson. They were dismissed from Bethel Oct. 16, 1830. Two sons, viz:

Isaac, b. March 4, 1824.

David, b. Sept. 13, 1827.

David Gilkeson, of Staunton, who m. Elizabeth Gilkeson, dau. of Hugh, may also have been a brother of William J.

III. John Gilkeson lived in Frederick County. He m. Sarah Vance Dec. 1, 1793. Revolutionary soldier. Commissioned Major May 3, 1780. Buried at Opequon, See Cartmell's History of Frederick County. Nine children:

1. Elizabeth, b. Nov, 13, 1775, m. John White, of Winchester, Va.

2. Margaret, b. March 28, 1777, m. Reynolds, of Ky.

3. Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1779, m. a Limerall, of Ky.

4. Susan, b. Aug. 22, 1781, d. s.

5. Col. John Gilkeson, b. Sept. 15, 1783, and d. Feb. 27, 1856. M. Lucy Davis. Four children:

(1). William D., m. a Baker of Winchester, Va. Four children, viz., William D., Jr., James, Frances and another son.
(2). James, em. to Missouri.
(3). Lucy m. a Woods, of Staunton. Dau. Janet Woods. A childhood playmate of Woodrow Wilson.
(4). John, em. to St. Louis.

6. Sarah, b. March 20, 1785. m. William Gilkeson, her first cousin, son of Hugh. Four children.

7. Nancy, b. June 24, 1788, m. Stephen Davis.

8. Martha, b. Nov. 24, 1790, m. Rev. A. A. Shannon, of Kentucky.

9. James, b. Aug. 5, 1793, m. Bell. Three children:

(1). John Bell Gilkeson, of Moorefield, W. Va.
(2). J. Smith Gilkeson, of Winchester, Va., m. a Cabell. Two children:
a. Mrs. A. M. Baker, Winchester, Va.
b. Henry, em. West.
(3). Robt. B. Gilkeson, Romney, W. Va. Two children:

a. Henry B. Gilkeson, Romney, W. Va.
b. Edward Gilkeson, Parkersburg, W. Va. Mar. a dau. of the late Rev. G. W. Finley, D. D. Dau. Margaret.

IV. Samuel, Revolution soldier; qualified Captain Aug. 4, 1779. Hugh Gilkeson, 1797, wrote from Frankfort, Ky., to his wife Elizabeth that he had been unable to find any trace of his brother Samuel.

V. David, a Revolutionary soldier, died in prison.

VI. Isaac, m. a Shanklin. Son John lived in Greenbrier County.

VII. Ebenezer, m. a Shanklin. Dau. Margaret. Lived Greenbrier County.

VIII. Susan, m. John Armour.

IX. Martha, m. Alexander Galt, of Pennsylvania. Two sons, John; and William, who had two sons, W. R. Gait, and A. W. Gait, of Pequea, Pa.

X. Nancy, m. William Vance.

XI. Janetta, m. Thomas Marshall, of Virginia. Son, William, who m. his first cousin, Margaret Gilkeson, of Greenbrier.


Robert Gilkeson came to Augusta a generation ahead of the Bethel family. The two families are not known to be related. There is a tradition that they met for the first time on the boat en voyage to America. His deed for 400 acres of land on a branch of Middle river, near North Mountain, is dated Jan. 22, 1747.

He is mentioned in the records of Aug. 20, 1746; constable, 1756. He d. 1775. His will is recorded Staunton, Va. Chalkley III, p. 141. "Well stricken in years." Wife, Rebecca. Three children, viz:

I. Archibald, wife Sarah, from the Calfpasture. His will was proven 1782. Was private in Captain Patrick Martin's militia 1756. Surveyor of highways 1767. Five children, viz:

1. Robert; was living in Augusta 1799.

2. James; Revolutionary soldier at Battle of Point Pleasant, 1774, in Capt. Robert McClanahan's company. See Dunmore's Wars.

3. Hugh; was living, Augusta, 1791.

4. Rebecca, m. Oct. 25, 1797, George Moffett

5. Francis, possibly the oldest son, b. Oct. 29, 1769, and m. Oct. 1, 1799, Mary, dau. of James Hogshead. She was b. May 19, 1777, and d. Sept. 6, 1860. Francis d. Jan, 21, 1842. Eight children, viz:

(1). Hugh, b. Oct. 4, 1800, m. Matilda Hogshhead. Three children, David F., Thomas, Mary.
(2). Grace, b. Sept. 21, 1802, m. Thos. C. Poage,
(3). James, b. Feb. 14, 1805, m. Rebecca Trimble. Two children, William G., Margaret.
(4). Jane B., b. Dec. 20, 1806, m. Silas H. Hogshead.
(5). Malinda, b. Dec. 4, 1808. m. James McClung of Bethel church.
(6). Robert G., b. July 9, 1811, m. Margaret Shields.
(7). Rebecca A., b. Sept. 10, 1813, d. s.
(8). Francis, b. 1816, m. Martha A. Crawford. Seven children,
a. William F., Elder in Tinkling Spring; m. first, a Caldwell; son, Crawford, and several daughters; m. 2nd Lou Smith. Died 1912.
b. Aurelius R. Elder Presbyterian church, Churchville, Virginia.
c. Mary P.
d. Nannie C.
e. Emma A.
f. Sallie.
g. Carry S.
II. Margaret, m. David Hogshead.
III. Isabel, m. Hugh Brown.


Philip Humphreys was martyred Nov., 1558, at Berry St. Edmonds, Co. Suffolk, England, for denying the supremacy of the pope and rejecting the mass.

John Humphreys, sixth or seventh in descent from Philip, m. Margaret Carlisle, a cousin, They were both of Co. Armagh, Ireland. Eleven children, among them:

I. David Carlisle Humphreys (1741-1826) m. about 1770, Margaret Finley, d. of Wm. Finley and a niece of Rev. Samuel Finley, D. D., (1716-1766) born in Co. Armagh, President of College of New Jersey, now Princeton University. Ten children:

1. Margaret Finley, b. 1773, m. Nov. 24, 1797, Samuel Blackwood. Six children.

2. John, b, about 1775. Em. to Indiana.

3. Ann, b. about 1778, m. Oct. 26, 1798, Archibald Rhea. Died young.

4. Betsey, b. about 1780, m. Feb. 19, 1801, Sam'l McCutchan, Elder in North Mountain Church. Ten children.

5. Polly, b. about 1782, m. David Gilkeson.

6. Samuel, b. 1785, Elder in Bethel. Mar. Margaret, dau. of John Moore of Rockbridge. Nine children.

(1). Caroline, b. 1813, m. Robert Tate Wallace.

(2). Rev. James M. Humphreys, b. 1816. Dau., wife of Rev. Sam'l Gammon, D. D., missionary in Brazil.

(3). David Carlisle, 1817-1848.

(4). Capt. John Moore Humphreys, b. 1820. Co. I, 52 Va. Regiment, C. S. A.

(5). Samuel, b. 1821, died in Arkansas.

(6). Dr. William Humphreys, b. 1823, m. a dau. of Rev. Francis McFarland, D. D., pastor of Bethel. Son, Prof. D. C. Humphreys of W. & L. U. Dau. Theta, m. Rev. G. T. Storey.

(7). Howard A., b. 1826.

(8). Margaret Jane, b. 1829, m. 1851, Hon. Wm. Donald. D. June 28, 1914. Son, Sam'l Donald, of Staunton, Va.

(9). Rebecca Weir, b. 1832, m. April, 1853, James Alexander McClure.

7. Tirzah, b. 1787, m. 1815, James S. Willson of Rockbridge, an Elder in Mount Carmel Church.

8. Hannah, b. 1789, d. s., buried at Old Providence.

9. Infant, died.

10. Aaron Finley, b. 1794, Elder in Bethel. Mar. Nancy Sterrett, (1803-1881) dau. of James Sterrett of Plebron, Augusta Co. Seven children, among them,

(1). Margaret Finley, b. Oct. 5, 1829, m. Geo. W. McClure.

(2). Isabella Sterrett, b. Jan. 17, 1831, m. John A. Gilkeson.

William Henderson, gentleman, son of John Henderson, gentleman, of Fifeshire, Scotland, m. February 7, 1705, Margaret Bruce. Their third son, Samuel Henderson, b. Nov. 28, 1713, d. Jan. 19, 1782. For his will, see Chalkley III, p. 163. Jane, his wife d. 1800. Chalkley III. p. 219. Nine children, viz. Alexander, Andrew, David, Florance, James, Rebecca, Samuel, Jr., Sarah, William. Andrew, m. April 7, 1796, by Rev. John McCue, Margaret McClure. Em, to Blount Co., Tenn.

George Hutcheson and his wife Eleanor came from Lancaster Co., Pa., and settled on Long Meadow, joining Samuel Pilson. His deed is dated Feb. 21, 1738. One of the first Elders of Tinkling Spring, 1740. Died intestate, 1766. Issue:

I. John, b. about 1740, m. June 25, 1764. Son, John, Jr.

II. George, 2nd. b. about 1742, m. about 1770, Anne McClure. Issue:

1. John, m. March 9, 1793, Margaret Finley.

2. Eleanor, m, April 1, 1794, Joseph Henderson, Jr.

3. George, 3rd. m. December 4, 1798, Betty Stuart.

4. Margaret, b. 1785, m. 1807, her cousin Isaac Hutchinson of Greenbrier. See p. 25.

III. William, settled in Greenbrier Co., sons, Isaac, (above) and George, who m. Jan. 7, 1786, Margaret Campbell.

IV. James, whose dau. Jane, m. Nov. 26, 1801, Capt. Thos. Caldbreath.


Andrew Steele, d. testate 1764. Mentions four children, viz: Elizabeth who possibly m. John McClure, p. 25, Sarah, Robert, Samuel, b. about 1724 and died testate, 1799. Seven children.

I. Mary, II. Sally, III. Samuel, who d. June 8, 1837.

IV. James, whose dau. Jane m. 1799, Robert Garden.

V. Catherine, who m. Thomas Jackson.

VI. Jenny, who m. 1787, Peter Alexander, p. 187.

VII. Robert, whose dau. Mary, m. 1801, Wm. McCormick.

David Steele, b. about 1700, d. testate 1747. Wife Jannet. Eight children, viz: Jannet, Rebecca, Martha who m. Teas, Isabella who m. about 1745, Moses McClure. Samuel d. testate 1796, five children.

I. Mary, m. a Rankin; son Samuel Steele Rankin.

II. Jenny m. Col. Cunningham; son, Samuel Steele Cunningham.

IV. Catherin, m. 1799, William Handly, Jr.

V. Nancy, m. 1799, Joseph Evans.

VI. William.

Robert, died testate, 1800. Six children, Mary; Eleanor who m. an Allen; Martha who m. Thomas Paxton: John, father of John Jr., William, David b. about 1755, lived at Steele's Tavern. He m. Mary dau. of Samuel Steele; their dau, Jane m. 1796 George McCormick.

Thomas, died testate, 1803. Six children, viz. Catherine, Jane, Rosanna, Sally, Robert and William.

Nathaniel, d. testate 1796. Wife Rosanna. Six children viz: I. Eleanor who m. Capt, David McClure.

II. Rosanna who m. 1782, Samuel McClure. P. 136.

III. Mary, who m. Halbert McClure. P. 137.

IV. Daughter who m, Archibald Blackburn; dau. Rosanna.

V. Martha, who m. 1789, Robert Cooper, dau. Elizabeth.

VI. Nathaniel, d. 1802. Son Nathaniel, 3rd, dau. Sally.

Samuel Steele (1709-1790). m. a Fulton, aunt of Robert Fulton, the inventor. Seven children:

A. James (1735-1802), m. Sarah Wright. Five children.

I. Andrew, (1766-1832), m. June 18, 1795, Elizabeth Tate, dau. of Capt. James Tate.

II. Sarah, 1769-1827, d. s. Probably the Sarah Steele that reared John McClure. P. 49.

III. Martha, 1771-1855, m. Daniel Henderson. See p. 51.

IV. Samuel 1773-1835, m. Fanny Hunter. See p. 51.

V. John, d. s. 1804. Chalkley III, 225.

B. Samuel, 1736-1808, m. Sarah Hunter. Dau. Catherine, m. 1787 John Thompson, of Rockbridge.

C. Andrew, (1743-1800), wife Mary. Six children.

I. Andrew, Jr., m. 1798, Martha Crawford.

II. John, m. 1800, Polly Bush.

III. Polly, m. 1800, Andrew McClure, Jr.

IV. James, V. Sarah, VI. Jean.

D. Mary, m. David Steele.

E. Margaret, m. 1788 David Buchanan.

F. Martha. G. Sarah (1737.1808.)


Magnus Tate, the first of the name in Virginia, emigrated from the Orkney Islands, North of Scotland and landed at Philadelphia May 20, 1696, eventually locating in what is now Jefferson County, West Virginia. He is said to have died in September, 1747. Sarah Tate m. 1779 Bishop James Madison, of Rockingham County.

John Tate, the founder of the family in Augusta County, settled near North Mountain October, 1744, and was acquainted with the lands for two years before he came to live in the neighborhood." See Chalkley III, p. 31.

In addition to his farm, he owned and operated a mill. His name occurs very frequently in the Augusta records; as Justice in 1784, and Overseer of the Poor 1786.

His wife, Mary Doak, belonged to the well known Augusta family. Brother-in-law of Francis Beaty.

He died March, 1801. Five sons and a daughter. Circuit Court Wills, Book 1, p. 41.

I. Thomas Tate, b. about 1740, m. October, 1764, Jane Campbell, dau. of Charles and Margaret Campbell and a sister of Gen. Wm. Campbell. His son,

1. Charles Tate, m, his first cousin, Mary Tate, d. of Gen. Wm. Tate. Three sons,

(1). Charles Tate, 2nd, married and left,

a. Charles Tate.
b. John Tate, who m. Rebecca Tate, of Augusta County. Son, Friel Tate.
c. Nannie, who m. Major David Graham, of Graham's Ford, Va. Eight children.
d. Thomas Leonidas Tate, member Board of Visitors V. M. I., member Virginia Legislature and Senate; Ruling Elder, He m. Lucy Gilmer. Lives, Draper, Va.

(2). Leonidas Tate. (3). Dr. Thomas M. Tate. Member Virginia Senate. Father of Thomas Green Tate, Culpeper, Va.

II. James, b. about 1744; alumnus Augusta Academy. Captain in Revolutionary War. Participated in the battle of Cowpens: killed in battle of Guilford March 15. 1781. His company was composed of men from Bethel and Tinkling Spring congregations. Schenck says: "Capt. Tate, of Virginia, so distinguished at Cowpens, received a ball which broke his thigh." He m. Sarah, dau. of Edward Hall. Five children:

1. John, b. 1774, and d. Missouri about 1866. He probably m. about 1800, Mary, dau. of William Anderson England. Grandfather of Rev. John C. Tate, Presbyterian minister, Clarksville, Tenn., and Rev. L. B. Tate, Korea.

2. Col. Isaac Tate, of Callaway County, Mo., m. Jane, dau. of Daniel and Martha (Steele) Henderson. Grandparents Mr. John N. McCue, Auxvasse, Mo.

3. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1778; m. June 10, 1795, Andrew Steele.

4. Polly.

5. Sally.

Sarah Tate, his widow, m. May 4, 1785, Hugh Fulton and em. to Flemingsburg, Ky.

III. Eleanor, baptised by Rev. John Craig, Nov. 5, 1747. Mar. about 1770, Benjamin Stuart, b. 1736, son of Archibald and Janet Brown, sister of Rev. John Brown. Came to Augusta 1742. Five children:

1. Maj. Archibald Stuart of War of 1812. M. first, Polly Alexander, dau. of Francis Alexander and Elizabeth McClure. Three children, Andrew Alexander who m. Sarah McClure, Ellen who m. Jas. Brooks, parents of Charles Brooks and Mrs. Mary Booker; Martha died single. He m., second Mary Henderson; two children, Mary, wife of Sam'l Steele, and Benjamin, who m, Clem Willson. The latter family lives in Fort Worth, Texas.

2. John, em. to Indiana.

3. Nancy, m. an Alexander.

4. Mary, m. Nov. 5, 1788, John McClung.

5. Elizabeth, m. Dec. 4, 1798, Geo. Hutcheson, Jr. She m. second. Dr. James Allen. See Stuart Family, Waddell, p. 367.

IV. John, bap. by Rev. John Craig, Feb. 26, 1749, Alumnus Augusta Academy; member Virginia Legislature, Trustee Staunton Academy 1792. Married about 1774, Jane. Died Dec. 1802. Nine children:

1. John, Jr., m. Feb. 27, 1794, Betsy McClanahan, dau. of Elijah McClanahan, Sr., and Lettice Breckenridge. Em. to Ky.

2. Isaac, em. to Kentucky after 1800.

3. Mary, m. Samuel Finley, Sep. 20, 1796.

4. Nancy, m. Adam McChesney, Jan. 10, 1800, dau. Jane Eliza.

5. Ellen, m. John Finley of N. Carolina.

6. Drucilla, m. Rev. John D. Ewing.

7. Jane, m. Jacob Van Lear, Augusta Co.

8. Elizabeth, m. Nov. 5, 1823, John Moffett.

9. Clorinda.

Jane, the widow lived in the Bethel congregation, near Greenville. Died June 1834.

V. Gen. Wm. Tate. Physician. Educated at Augusta Academy and College of New Jersey. Revolutionary soldier. Mar. Nancy (Agnes) Mitchel of Phila. Three children:

1. Dr. Mitchel Tate.

2. Dorcas who m. John Campbell.

3. Mary who m. Charles Tate.

Thomas and William Tate emigrated from Augusta to Washington Co. Va. 1783.

VI. Robert, b. March 1753, and d. July 9, 1832. Farmer. Revolutionary soldier. Married about 1775 Margaret, (a famous beauty) dau. of John McClung and Elizabeth Alexander of Timber Ridge. She was born Oct. 1755 and d. Sept. 23, 1839. Ten children:

1. James, b. 1781, d. July 15, 1857. Farmer. He m. first, Rebecca Baxter, dau. of Capt. Geo. Baxter of the Revolution and Mary Love, dau. of Col. Ephraim and Elizabeth Love. Sister of Dr. Geo. Addison Baxter of Washington College and Union Theo. Seminary. Four children:

(1). George Baxter, b. 1809, m. Mary Young. He d. March 9, 1837. Dau. Mary George Baxter Tate.

(2). Robert, d. s.

(3). John Addison, b. Jan. 12, 1815, and d. Nov. 21, 1854. Farmer. Member Virginia Legislature. He m. Apr. 7, 1836 Margaret Randolph b. 1819 and d. Feb. 1907; dau. of John Randolph, b. in Charlotte Co., Va., Feb. 26, 1790, and d. in Middlebrook, Va., Oct. 11, 1861, and Mary Jane Frazier (1797-March 25, 1849) dau. of John Frazier (1750-July 11, 1832) and Mary Frazier (1761-Jan. 18, 1843).

John Randolph, a cousin of John Randolph of Roanoke, ran away from home at sixteen, settling in Augusta. He was a merchant and became wealthy. Letitia, a daugter m. Wm. F. Smith, of Greenville, parent of J. Ran, Mrs. Anna Lilly, Mrs. Wilson Brown, Mrs. Mary Randolph, Mrs. Lee Christian and Prof. W. Ballard Smith of McDonough, Md. His son, John T. Randolph, m. Anne Farish, lived and died Charlottesville, Va., leaving four sons, viz., William who m. his first cousin, Mary Smith, parents of Edmund and Bruce Randolph of Augusta Co., Thomas F., Dr. John, and Walter Randolph.

John A. Tate and Margaret Randolph left three children:

a. Mary Jane, m. Dr. John M. Tate, of Greenville, Va.
b. Rebecca Friel, b. Oct. 1, 1839, m. John Tate, of Wytheville, Va.
c. Letitia Margaret, b. Feb. 19, 1844, m. John W. Gilkeson.

(4). Margaret Amanda, b. Jan. 12, 1815 (twin) and d. Nov. 6, 1836. Mar. July 9, 1835 Charles Lewis Peyton, an Elder in Bethel, son James Peyton of Greenbrier, m. an Eskridge.

Jas. Tate m. second, Mrs. Charlotte Beale. Two children:

(5). James Allen, b. July 14, 1832, d. i.

(6). Col. Wm. Poague Tate who m. first, Margaret, dau. of Joseph Kayser of Alleghany Co. Two children:

a. Isabella, b. Sep. 6, 1843, m. Charles Cameron. Four children, viz., Margaret m. John Opie, Jr., of Staunton; Ellen, m. Robt. Palmer; Charlie.

Mar. second, Sarah Christian, who m. second, Rev. W. T. Richardson, D. D., Editor Central Presbyterian; dau. Nellie Tate, now Mrs. Talbott, of Waynesboro, Va.

b. Margaret, b. May 27, 1846, m. Cyrus Creigh.

2. John, m. first, Nancy, only dau. of Wm. Moffett, of Augusta. Seven children:

(1) . Major Wm. Moffett Tate, an Elder in Bethel and in Staunton. Mar. first, Mattie Frazier; 2nd, Kate, dau. of Dr. Addison Waddell. Son, Addison Waddell Tate.
(2). Robert, em. to Illinois.
(3). Dr. John Tate, of Greenville, Va.; mar. Mary Jane Tate. Eight children.
(4). Dr. James Tate, father of Miss Nannie Tate of Mary Baldwin Seminary.
(5) . Melancthon. Em. to Florida.
(6). Margaret, m. Dr. Steele, Illinois.
(7). Elizabeth, m. Joseph Hite, Illinois.
(8). Rebecca, m. Blackburn, Illinois.

3. William, m. Elizabeth McClung. Son, William; em. to Florida.

4. Elizabeth, m. Sept. 5, 1793, Col. James Allen. Em. to Michigan.

5. Mary, b. 1777 and d. June 23, 1856; mar. April 24, 1794, Samuel Wallace, parents of Robt. Tate Wallace, et al.

6. Ellen, m. Samuel Patterson; d. Jan. 9, 1865.

7. Phoebe, m. Samuel Wilson, Brownsburg, Rockbridge County. Three children, viz: Esteline who m. Andrew McClung, parents of Jas. McClung, of Lexington, Va., and others. Sally who d. s.; and Rebecca whom. Col. Sterrett, of Rockbridge, parents of Mack and Tate Sterrett.

8. Rebecca, m. Reid Alexander, Rockbridge Co.

9. Isabella, born 1795, died Dec. 31, 1818; m. John B. Christian.

10. Sally, d. s.


This family is famous in the annals both of Scotland and Ireland. We find Rev. Jas. Wallace, pastor Presbyterian Church Urney, Co. Donegal 1654-74, and James Wallace, elder in Donaughmore, Co., Donegal, 1672-1700.

James Wallace, doubtless of the Donegal family, settled in Augusta county 1748; mar. Elizabeth daughter of John Campbell and Elizabeth Walker, He died 1780. It seems that he had but one son, viz

William Wallace, who m. Jane, dau. or John Hunter and who died intestate, 1779. Five children viz:

James, William, Samuel, Frances and Mary.

Samuel, m. May 24, 1794, by Rev. John Brown, Mary, dau. of Robert Tate and Margaret McClung. Six children,

1. Eleanor, m. June 13, 1839, Samuel Withrow.

2. Jane, m. Thos. Webb.

3. William, m. Mary Shields. Issue:

(1) John Samuel, b. Nov. 14, 1859, d. s.

(2) Francis Robert, b. Jan. 21, 1852; m. Dolly Shields. Three children, viz. Alexander, married and lives in Kentucky. William Allen, m. Mary Tate Gilkeson; Elizabeth.

(3) Elizabeth, m. James McFarland of Staunton, Va. Parents of Frank Patterson and Wallace McFarland.

4. Elizabeth, m. Jan. 27, 1824, Archibald McClung.

5. Mariah, m. Dec. 29, 1825, Benjamin McClung.

6. Robert Tate, m. Jan. 26, 1832, Caroline Humphreys. Five children.

(1) Margaret, b. March 11, 1833, m. Benjamin McClung

(2) Mary Tate, b. Sept. 27, 1834, m. John P. McCiure. A grand-daughter Mary Margaret, dau. of John Marshall McClure and Mary Scott Storey, was b. July 21, 1914.

(3) Eleanor Amanda, b. 1837, d. s.

(4) Cornelia, b. Feb. 10, 1839, m. Jas. B. Smith. Parents of Ella, wife of Chas. D. McClure, and Mrs. William F. Gilkeson, and others.

(5) Jas. William, b. June 20, 1844, m. 1st, Ophelia Willson. 2nd, Carrie Gilkeson. Three children by his first wife.

a. Clarence Willson, b. 1871, Chattanoogo, Tenn.

b. Dr. Harry M. Wallace, b. 1873. Greenville, Va., m. Lucy Baker of Staunton. Two children.

c. Robert Tate, b. 1881. Graduate W. and L. U., Student Union Theo. Seminary,