The Modern Review/Volume 38/Number 4/Calcutta University Appointments

4185627The Modern Review, Volume 38, Number 4 — Calcutta University Appointments1925

Calcutta University Appointments

The Bengalee of the 11th September last mentioned some items of business to be transacted at the next day’s meeting of the Senate of the Calcutta University in the following paragraphs:—

Controller of Examinations

The Senate will also be asked to sanction the re-appointment of Rai Bahadur Abinaschandra Bose m.a., as Controller of Examinations for a further term of 5 years with effect from the 22nd November, 1925 on his existing salary of Rs. 1,000 per month.

University Lecturers

An important item will be to confirm the recommendation of the Appointments Board to the effect that in view of the fact that it will not be possible to finish preliminaries with regard to the appointments of the University Lecturers in the Post-Graduate Departments before the 30th September next, the existing appointments be extended to the 31st December, 1925.

There were 32 members of the Board present at the meeting at which this resolution was passed and which was held on Monday last. Barring the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Nilratan Sircar, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Ray and Rai Abinash Chandra Bose Bahadur, all the members are University Lecturers in the Post-Graduate Department whose extension of office was recommended at the meeting.

How old is the present Controller of Examinations?

If The Bengalee’s information be correct, the Appointments Board is a jolly good board.